Wilson Hernández Breña
Adjunct Researcher
Master in Comparative Development Studies - École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, EHESS Paris
Wilson holds a Master degree in Comparative Development Studies at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, EHESS Paris, and has Master’s studies on Social Management from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP).
His research interests cover issues of violence, crime, gender, security and corruption.
JournalJournal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community
History matters, but differently: Persisting and perpetuating effects on the likelihood of intimate partner violence
2019 Wilson Hernández, Rosa Luz Durán
Ecological models of violence center on systems (micro, meso, and macro) surrounding personal history of violence, but few studies properly assess the effects of personal history on the likelihood of victimization. Using the Peruvian Demographic and Health Survey (N=74,204), the authors examine the effect personal history of violence has on the likelihood of recent intimate […]
JournalInternational Review of Law and Economics
Do criminal justice reforms reduce crime and perceived risk of crime? A quasi-experimental approach in Peru
2019 Wilson Hernández
The objective of this study was to assess the effect of the new Code of Criminal Procedure (NCCP) on crime and perceived risk of crime in Peru. The progressive implementation of the NCCP allowed us to (1) use differences-in-differences (to control for the effect of time invariant characteristics) with matching estimator (to control for bias […]
JournalJournal of New Approaches in Educational Research
Design, Validation, and Application of a Questionnaire on Media Education for Teachers in Training
2019 Julio-César Mateus, Wilson Hernández
This article details the process of design, validation and application (N = 501) of an ad-hoc questionnaire that measures Peruvian teachers’ knowledge, attitudes, and reasoning in training on media education. With regards to the method, several psychometric validation techniques were applied and the results were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed a high level […]
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Opinion Article, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
The other Pandemic: A look from the evidence, by Wilson Hernández
September 8, 2020 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Peru is among the countries that lead the health and economic consequences of COVID-19. Both factors are linked to the increase in family violence. Why don’t we talk more about this other pandemic? Read the new article by Wilson Hernández, adjunct researcher at GRADE, in RPP Noticias with ideas and evidence in this regard.
Comment, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Wilson Hernández in Ideeleradio: COVID-19 and violence against women
May 8, 2020 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Our adjunct researcher Wilson Hernández shared in Ideeleradio lessons for Peru from international experiences to contain and prevent violence against women in the context of the pandemic. On the Spanish initiative “Máscara 19” he commented: “It is interesting because it allows it to be done in confidence. It requires a series of protocols to be able […]
Opinion Article, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
COVID-19 y violencias contra las mujeres: ¿Qué están haciendo otros países y qué podemos hacer en el Perú?
May 3, 2020 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Por: Wilson Hernández Breña. Ya sabemos que la pandemia incrementa el riesgo de violencia contra las mujeres. Antes de que sea tarde, saquemos lecciones de lo que otros países están haciendo para contener y prevenir la violencia, porque este problema no acaba con la cuarentena. Foto: Proyecto CREER. Las violencias contra las mujeres suelen aumentar […]
Op-ed by journalist Daniela Meneses highlights findings from three studies of the book Violence against Women
January 8, 2020 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
“The risks of domestic violence are greater when lower levels of education for the couple and higher educational achievements for wives than for husbands come together”. La op-ed by the journalist Daniela Meneses for the Peruvian newspaper El Comercio highlights the findings of three studies of the book “Violence Against Women: the need for a double plural”, edited by our […]
The police reaction to violence against women, by Wilson Hernández
January 7, 2020 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
“It is difficult to accept it. The police are not prepared to handle the abundant number of reports of violence against women. What to do?” Read the latest op-ed by Wilson Hernández, Adjunct Researcher at GRADE, for RPP Noticias.
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