In Memoriam: Shane Hunt and Barbara Hunt

We, economists, economic historians, and other social scientists at GRADE, mourn the loss of Shane Hunt, professor at Boston University, and Barbara Carey Hunt, an expert in pedagogy. We deeply appreciate their contributions to the understanding of our country and their generous sharing of knowledge over many decades with Peruvian students and professionals.

GRADE Informa newsletter is out!

We presented a couple of new open access publications. The first systematizes a communal forest management project in the Peruvian Amazon. The second explores initiatives for socio-institutional change promoted by citizen movements in mining territories. We joined the SIEP and CIES seminars. Besides, we launched the website of the project Initiatives to strenghten care policies in LAC.

Winning proposals 2nd Latin America and the Caribbean Action-Research Fund on Care Economy

We sincerely appreciate the time invested in submitting the proposals and their interest in working to strengthen care policies in our region. Learn more about our project.

New book: Transitions, citizen mobilization and institutional changes

Our new book explores initiatives for socio-institutional change promoted by citizen movements in mining territories in Peru, Colombia and Chile, and offers policy proposals for sustainability in large-scale mining contexts.

GRADE Conversa 23: Ed-Tech in the Global South

How can educational technology help to advance learnings and reduce inequalities in education in the developing world? Santiago Cueto, María Balarin and Mauricio Saavedra shares a recent study on the changing landscape of Ed-Tech in the Global South.

El Perú pendiente: ensayos para un desarrollo con bienestar

GRADE launches a book of essays on the sidelines of its 40th anniversary. From different conceptual and methodological perspectives, these sixteen essays address some of the challenges that the country faces today, considering their impacts on the people's well-being.


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