Wilson Hernández Breña
Adjunct Researcher
Master in Comparative Development Studies - École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, EHESS Paris
Wilson holds a Master degree in Comparative Development Studies at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, EHESS Paris, and has Master’s studies on Social Management from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP).
His research interests cover issues of violence, crime, gender, security and corruption.
“Aló, tengo un problema”: evaluación de impacto de la Línea 100 del Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables
2021 Wilson Hernández, Jennie Dador, Mónica de los Milagros Cassaretto
El objetivo central de esta propuesta es evaluar el impacto de la Línea 100 del MIMP y un combo de dos mejoras dirigidas a atender dos debilidades centrales de la Línea 100: (1) un nuevo protocolo de atención de llamadas y (2) un programa de tratamiento del estrés laboral para las operadoras (burnout y estrés […]
JournalAustralian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology
Fear of crime examined through diversity of crime, social inequalities, and social capital: An empirical evaluation in Peru
2020 Wilson Hernández, Lucía Dammert, Lilian Kanashiro
Latin America is a violent region where fear of crime is well spread but still not fully understood. Using multilevel methods for a large and subnational representative household survey, researchers assess the determinants of fear of crime in Peru, the country with the highest fear of crime and crime victimization in the region. Results show […]
Factores asociados a la violencia de pareja contra mujeres: un enfoque departamental desde los patrones de victimización (ENDES 2008-2018)
2019 Wilson Hernández
In Peru, violence against women is a problem of high and persistent prevalence. Despite this, little has been studied in the country and precisely due to two central limitations. On the one hand, research has used aggregated measures contributing to the image of a homogeneous profile’s victim that do not represent the subgroups of women […]
Violencias contra las Mujeres: La necesidad de un doble plural
2019 Wilson Hernández, César Nureña, Cecilia Caparachín, Jhon Ortega, Rosa Luz Durán, Erika Janos Uribe, Agustín Espinosa, Marieliv Flores, Claudia Serna, Rosa Cueto, Carolina Arrunátegui, Lilian Kanashiro, Lucía Yap, Cecilia Núñez, Manuel Martín, Sydney Silverstein, Rosario Rodríguez, Willy Guevara, Andrea Cabel García, Luis Bustamante Otero, Maribel Arrelucea, Paloma Rodríguez
Peru is among the countries with the greatest violence against women in the world. According to official figures, seven out of ten women in our country have suffered psychological, physical and / or sexual violence from their partner at some time in their life. This proportion conceals a complex reality that needs to be revealed: […]
Chapter in BookCriminal Legalities in the Global South: Cultural dynamics, political tensions and institutional practices
Criminal Legalities in the Global South. Cultural Dynamics, Political Tensions, and Institutional Practices
2019 Wilson Hernández
In Peru, corruption is widespread. Under the intention of addressing the problem of corruption, the justice system reacted by creating a specialized sub judicial system, which accompanied the introduction of a new Criminal Procedure Code that allowed less bureaucratic oral criminal proceedings. While these changes promised justice and efficiency, in this chapter it is argued […]
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“Not all aggressors and not all victims are the same”. Wilson Hernández joins REDES and RPP podcast on violence against women
November 24, 2020 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
“Not all aggressors and not all victims are the same. They are different in the frequency and severity of the attacks. Let’s discuss two patterns of victimization. One in which women suffer a lot of physical, psychological and sexual aggression, and are subjected to aggression in the last 12 months. This is 9% of women […]
When the “good” neighborhoods ruin the “bad” ones, by Wilson Hernández
October 20, 2020 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
“When an adolescent lives in a vulnerable neighborhood, his propensity to commit a crime is greater when there are people with less vulnerability in the surroundings neighborhoods. But, according to the aforementioned study, this is not the case when the surroundings neighborhoods are also vulnerable”. Our adjunct researcher Wilson Hernández highlighted the findings of a […]
Teenage childbearing as inequality, by Wilson Hernández
October 15, 2020 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
“Teenage mothers are concentrated in certain areas of Lima. Not only that. In addition, living in a neighborhood where there is a pregnant adolescent increases the probability of becoming such. This would be a kind of ‘social contagion’ in an environment that also normalizes motherhood when it is not very high in the neighborhood. ” […]
“Such things don’t happen to a young lady”, by Wilson Hernández
October 7, 2020 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
“Machismo is a headless monster. It is everywhere and nowhere. School and family are pointed out as spaces to change the way we conceive women and men. But what roles should the media play? of communication before comments to their news that blame the victims of the aggressions they suffer? “. In his new op-ed for […]
As economy, crime reboots, by Wilson Hernández
September 15, 2020 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
“Just as many sellers now seek to recover what was lost by changing their line of business or charging a premium, criminals act under a similar logic of reactivation that I summarize into three dimensions: recover what was lost (commit crimes more frequently), diversify their criminal activities (and not only theft of cell phones, but wallets, […]
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