Vanessa Rojas Arangoitia
Senior Researcher
PhD in Sociology - Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Vanessa holds a PhD in Sociology from Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. She has a degree in Anthropology and a Master’s degree in Political Science from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Her work has focused on the anthropology of education and childhood, addressing issues of educational transitions, child welfare, educational quality and power relations. During 2012, she worked in the Early Education Department of the Ministry of Education of Peru as Coordinator of alternatives of education in early childhood.
Currently she is a Senior Researcher at GRADE and the Lead Researcher for the Qualitative Component of Young Lives in Peru.
Bienestar subjetivo y covid-19 en jóvenes rurales y urbanos del Perú: aproximación cualitativa a las experiencias de Niños del Milenio
2024 Vanessa Rojas, Adriana Alván León
The covid-19 pandemic has had a multidimensional impact on the well-being of the youth population in general, and has been most severe in Latin America and the Caribbean. Using longitudinal and qualitative data from the Young Lives study, the authors analyze how a group of young people from four different regions of Peru -who grew […]
Educational Pathways: Young Peruvians in the COVID-19 Pandemic
2023 Vanessa Rojas, Gina Crivello, Adriana Alván
Young people have suffered most from the economic and social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America. The the pandemic constituted a highly complex scenario in which emergency remote and virtual education emerged as a useful, though not perfect, tool. This paper presents findings from the second instalment of a telephone follow-up study conducted […]
Medidas de protección social del gobierno peruano en época de la Covid-19
2022 Lorena Alcazar, Vanessa Rojas, Emilio López de Romaña
In the current context, where the pandemic still persists, but whose health impacts are reduced by the increasing application of vaccines, it is important to analyze what the State has done to protect the population, especially children and adolescents, from poverty. This analysis makes it possible to assess the effectiveness and relevance of the State’s […]
Chapter in BookEl Perú pendiente: ensayos para un desarrollo con bienestar
Avances y desafíos en la prevención de la violencia contra los niños, niñas y adolescentes en el hogar: una deuda al Bicentenario
2022 Gabriela Guerrero, Vanessa Rojas
This essay focuses on the analysis of violence against children and adolescents in the home, where they spend most of their time and which is not always a safe environment. The authors highlight the limited progress of policies against violence against children and adolescents in the home. They explain that this is mainly due to […]
Madres jóvenes en pandemia: una aproximación cualitativa a los retos del cuidado infantil
2022 Vanessa Rojas, Adriana Alván
Este documento presenta las percepciones de mujeres que fueron madres en su juventud, y que forman parte de la muestra longitudinal del estudio cualitativo Niños del Milenio (NdM). Para ellas, la labor de cuidado se complejizó al asumir el acompañamiento educativo de sus hijos durante la pandemia del COVID-19. Las mujeres que fueron madres en […]
Medición del desarrollo infantil en América Latina: construyendo una agenda regional
2016 Ariel Fiszbein, Gabriela Guerrero, Vanessa Rojas
Este documento fue escrito en base a las discusiones que tuvieron lugar en el Seminario sobre Medición del Desarrollo Infantil en Lima del 20 al 22 de septiembre de 2016, organizado por el Diálogo Interamericano, GRADE y el Banco Mundial, con el apoyo de CAF – Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina, la Fundación Baltazar […]
Understanding Children´s Experiences of Violence in Peru: Evidence from Young Lives
2016 Gabriela Guerrero, Vanessa Rojas
This paper describes children’s experiences of violence at home in Peru, using a lifecourse approach. Violence against children at home tended to increase with age, as children took on more chores (especially in rural areas), and spent more time away from home (in some cases, in urban areas). The chances of being hit by parents […]
Gendered trajectories through education, work and parenthood in Peru
2016 Gabriela Guerrero, Vanessa Rojas, Jimena Vargas
This paper explores young people’s inter-related transitions and pathways through schooling, work and parenthood, with a special focus on the way gender affects trajectories into adulthood among a sample of young people growing up in poverty. The authors report on the outcomes and trajectories of those members of the Older Cohort who participated in Young […]
”Le va bien en la vida”. Percepciones de bienestar de un grupo de adolescentes del Perú
2013 Vanessa Rojas, Alexandra Cussianovich
Este documento de trabajo aborda el llamado bienestar subjetivo sobre la base de la propia perspectiva de los adolescentes a quienes se hace seguimiento en el estudio Niños del Milenio.
Prefiero que me peguen con palo… las notas son sagradas Percepciones sobre disciplina y autoridad en una secundaria pública en el Perú
2011 Vanessa Rojas
Una aproximación a las opiniones y experiencias sobre la disciplina y el castigo en la vida escolar de un grupo de estudiantes entre los
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Estrategias de cuidado infantil en familias vulnerables peruanas: Evidencia cualitativa de Niños del Milenio
2021 Vanessa Rojas
El análisis de las percepciones de niños y niñas, y de las diversas situaciones que enfrentan familias urbanas y rurales que participan en el estudio cualitativo longitudinal Niños del Milenio (NdM), muestra que el cuidado infantil es una actividad familiar y femenina. Además, la precariedad económica en la que viven estos niños los expone a […]
Experiencias de convivencia, matrimonio y maternidad/paternidad en adolescentes y jóvenes peruanos. Policy brief
2019 Vanessa Rojas,
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“Cualquier cosa nos puede pasar”. Cuando la violencia marca el ciclo de vida de las niñas en el Perú
2019 Vanessa Rojas
This qualitative study aims to highlight the multiple and persistent forms of violence that Peruvian girls can experiment from childhood to adolescence, as well as the resources they have to respond to it. In addition, the purpose of this brief is to approach the complex relationship that exists between the individual, familiar and community spaces, as […]
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Stories about children. Oswaldo Molina writes about the 15 years of Young Lives Peru
June 23, 2018 Education and learning, Poverty and equality, Health and nutrition
What is it like to be a poor child in Peru? Oswaldo Molina, director of the Master’s in Economics at Universidad del Pacífico, writes in El Comercio about the findings of Young Lives Peru during 15 years of research. Although, in general terms, the study shows that the welfare of families has improved in these […]
Niños en crecimiento
March 7, 2014 Education and learning
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“La disciplina en la escuela pública está muy ligada al castigo físico”
January 6, 2012 Health and nutrition
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Selected Publications
Educational Pathways: Young Peruvians in the COVID-19 Pandemic
2023 Vanessa Rojas, Gina Crivello, Adriana Alván