Wilson Hernández Breña
Adjunct Researcher
Master in Comparative Development Studies - École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, EHESS Paris
Wilson holds a Master degree in Comparative Development Studies at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, EHESS Paris, and has Master’s studies on Social Management from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP).
His research interests cover issues of violence, crime, gender, security and corruption.
Chapter in BookEl Perú pendiente: ensayos para un desarrollo con bienestar
Una mirada crítica a las políticas públicas en materia de violencia de género contra las mujeres
2022 Wilson Hernández
This essay critically analyzes public policies focused on intimate partner and intimate partner violence against women. The central argument is that the policies have privileged a top-down approach and in doing so have homogenized the target groups, relied on general statistics to describe them, and neglected the subnational context in charge of implementing such policies.
JournalRevista de Psicología
Translation, adaptation, and validation of the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory for the Peruvian version
2022 Wilson Hernández, Andrea Burneo, Mónica Cassaretto
The goal is to adapt and analyze the psychometric properties of the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI) in workers of the national domestic violence helpline (Peru). Two measure-ments were taken in the same population (n=160). Translation-back translation was applied. Internal consistency was assessed with Cronbach’s alpha, corrected Item-Total Correlation and omega coefficient. Test-retest was performed in […]
El impacto de la pandemia por la COVID-19 sobre la violencia familiar: diferenciando víctimas, tipos de violencia y niveles de riesgo en el Perú
2022 Wilson Hernández, Angelo Cozzubo, José Carlos Aguilar, Denise Ledgard, Jorge Aguero
Las medidas para mitigar los contagios por COVID-19 generaron condiciones para una mayor violencia familiar (confinamiento forzado, restricciones de movilidad, estrés económico, etc.). Tal fue el caso del Perú. Esta investigación evalúa el impacto de estas condiciones sobre la violencia familiar en el Perú durante las primeras 14 semanas de cuarenta. Empleamos los registros administrativos […]
JournalAnxiety and Stress
Fear of COVID-19 Scale: Adaptation and psychometric properties in Peruvian population
2021 Wilson Hernández, Andrea Burneo, Mónica Cassaretto
Current context caused by COVID-19 has changed social and day-to-day life worldwide. Mental health is no exception. The objective of this study was to adapt and analyze the psychometric properties of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCV-19S) in a sample of Peruvian professionals.
JournalCriminology & Criminal Justice
Does context matter? Examining robbery reporting in a high crime country
2021 Wilson Hernández, Katrina R Heimark
Most empirical studies that examine why individuals report property crimes to the police have focused on Global North countries where crime rates are low. This study is situated in the most violent area of the world, Latin America, and examines Peru, which has the highest robbery victimization rate in the Americas. This article examines the […]
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JournalAustralian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology
Fear of crime examined through diversity of crime, social inequalities, and social capital: An empirical evaluation in Peru
2020 Wilson Hernández, Lucía Dammert, Lilian Kanashiro
Latin America is a violent region where fear of crime is well spread but still not fully understood. Using multilevel methods for a large and subnational representative household survey, researchers assess the determinants of fear of crime in Peru, the country with the highest fear of crime and crime victimization in the region. Results show […]
JournalJournal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community
History matters, but differently: Persisting and perpetuating effects on the likelihood of intimate partner violence
2019 Wilson Hernández, Rosa Luz Durán
Ecological models of violence center on systems (micro, meso, and macro) surrounding personal history of violence, but few studies properly assess the effects of personal history on the likelihood of victimization. Using the Peruvian Demographic and Health Survey (N=74,204), the authors examine the effect personal history of violence has on the likelihood of recent intimate […]
JournalInternational Review of Law and Economics
Do criminal justice reforms reduce crime and perceived risk of crime? A quasi-experimental approach in Peru
2019 Wilson Hernández
The objective of this study was to assess the effect of the new Code of Criminal Procedure (NCCP) on crime and perceived risk of crime in Peru. The progressive implementation of the NCCP allowed us to (1) use differences-in-differences (to control for the effect of time invariant characteristics) with matching estimator (to control for bias […]
JournalJournal of New Approaches in Educational Research
Design, Validation, and Application of a Questionnaire on Media Education for Teachers in Training
2019 Julio-César Mateus, Wilson Hernández
This article details the process of design, validation and application (N = 501) of an ad-hoc questionnaire that measures Peruvian teachers’ knowledge, attitudes, and reasoning in training on media education. With regards to the method, several psychometric validation techniques were applied and the results were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed a high level […]
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Wilson Hernández’s opinion on the ineffectiveness of protection measures to protect women who suffer gender-based violence
November 7, 2022 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
“When we talk about protection measures, maybe one imagines a policeman at the door of your house 24 hours a day, but that is not the case. Most measures are almost suggestions, they have no deterrent power.” Read the opinion of our Adjunct Researcher Wilson Hernández in this Salud con lupa story on the ineffectiveness […]
Wilson Hernández in Latina: To ban motorcycles or not?
February 20, 2022 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
INEI data show that 40% of money, wallet or cell phone thefts are committed on a motorcycle. 30% of these robberies, in mototaxi. In some cities of Colombia they prohibited carrying a companion on a motorcycle or even the circulation of it. That study revealed that “in effect crime is reduced, but it is very […]
Wilson Hernández shares his opinion on the authorization of the Armed Forces to support the Police to fight crime
November 3, 2021 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
“Although the people of the Armed Forces can generate a sense of protection for us, they do not judge, they are not going to put anyone in jail, and, in reality, they are a very short-term solution to a problem that is structural in the Callao and other parts of the country”. Our adjunct researcher Wilson Hernández […]
Wilson Hernández shares his opinion in El Comercio about the police reform: lay the foundations and propose a plan
November 29, 2020 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
What this government will do is lay the foundations for the police reform and propose a work plan for a commission to execute it as of July 28, 2021. But in these months of the transitional government, progress can be made on important issues”. According to our adjunct researcher, Wilson Hernández, these issues are three: improving the […]
Wilson Hernández in RPP Noticias: survey reveals that 30% of victims noticed the first sign of violence in the first year of romantic relationship
November 25, 2020 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Wilson Hernández, adjunct researcher at GRADE, spoke in RPP Noticias about the findings of a survey conducted among women victims of intimate partner violence. This study indicates that 30% of the victims noticed the first sign of violence in the first year of romantic relationship. While another 30% perceived violence in the second year.
Opinion Article, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
The other Pandemic: A look from the evidence, by Wilson Hernández
September 8, 2020 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Peru is among the countries that lead the health and economic consequences of COVID-19. Both factors are linked to the increase in family violence. Why don’t we talk more about this other pandemic? Read the new article by Wilson Hernández, adjunct researcher at GRADE, in RPP Noticias with ideas and evidence in this regard.
Opinion Article, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
COVID-19 y violencias contra las mujeres: ¿Qué están haciendo otros países y qué podemos hacer en el Perú?
May 3, 2020 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Por: Wilson Hernández Breña. Ya sabemos que la pandemia incrementa el riesgo de violencia contra las mujeres. Antes de que sea tarde, saquemos lecciones de lo que otros países están haciendo para contener y prevenir la violencia, porque este problema no acaba con la cuarentena. Foto: Proyecto CREER. Las violencias contra las mujeres suelen aumentar […]
The police reaction to violence against women, by Wilson Hernández
January 7, 2020 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
“It is difficult to accept it. The police are not prepared to handle the abundant number of reports of violence against women. What to do?” Read the latest op-ed by Wilson Hernández, Adjunct Researcher at GRADE, for RPP Noticias.
They denounced, but were murdered, by GRADE’s consultant Wilson Hernández
April 29, 2019 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
“International evidence shows that the most committed and sensitized police officers are those who best serve women who report violence from their partners”. Our consultant Wilson Hernández shares three key ideas in El Comercio so that previous delations to intimate femicide can be useful: better prepare the police to protect female informers, draw on technological solutions, and apply the risk assessment to those denounced.
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“Not all aggressors and not all victims are the same”. Wilson Hernández joins REDES and RPP podcast on violence against women
November 24, 2020 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
“Not all aggressors and not all victims are the same. They are different in the frequency and severity of the attacks. Let’s discuss two patterns of victimization. One in which women suffer a lot of physical, psychological and sexual aggression, and are subjected to aggression in the last 12 months. This is 9% of women […]
A high number of femicides in Peru: Interview with Wilson Hernández on Radio Programas del Perú
December 28, 2019 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
“It is not good enough to know the norms, but if I am going to assign a policeman, a judge or a prosecutor to address the case of a woman who suffered violence, this cannot be sexist or have stereotypes”. A few days before the end of 2019, Wilson Hernández, Associated Researcher at GRADE, was interviewed in a radio program […]
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