Vanessa Rojas Arangoitia
Senior Researcher
PhD in Sociology - Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Vanessa holds a PhD in Sociology from Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. She has a degree in Anthropology and a Master’s degree in Political Science from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Her work has focused on the anthropology of education and childhood, addressing issues of educational transitions, child welfare, educational quality and power relations. During 2012, she worked in the Early Education Department of the Ministry of Education of Peru as Coordinator of alternatives of education in early childhood.
Currently she is a Senior Researcher at GRADE and the Lead Researcher for the Qualitative Component of Young Lives in Peru.
Interrupción escolar y vulnerabilidad educativa en el Perú: datos, estudios y recomendaciones para la educación básica en el Perú
2024 Vanessa Rojas, Antonio Campos, Santiago Cueto, Alan Sanchez
This report presents data, studies, and analyses related to the interruption of studies, commonly referred to in the literature as school dropout or early school leaving, whether temporary or permanent. Here, we use the term “school dropout (interruption of studies)” to refer to children and adolescents who are not enrolled in regular basic education (EBR, […]
Interrupción escolar y vulnerabilidad educativa en el Perú
2024 Vanessa Rojas, Antonio Campos, Santiago Cueto, Alan Sanchez
This document presents an analysis of school interruption in Peru, highlighting both its multi-causal nature and its disproportionate impact on the students affected. This phenomenon is the result of factors that often arise beforehand in vulnerable populations, such as rural, indigenous and extremely poor populations. Factors such as low educational quality aggravate the interruption of […]
JournalPerifèria: Revista de Recerca i Formació en Antropologia
Trayectorias educativas de jóvenes rurales y urbanos del Perú
2024 Vanessa Rojas, Silvia Carrasco
Based on fieldwork carried out in Peru as part of the Niños del Milenio – Young Lives project, which has been conducting a longitudinal comparative study with two cohorts of children since 2000 in four countries, we analyzed the educational trajectories of 22 adolescents living in poverty. We want to know how these young people -from […]
The effects of the covid-19 pandemic on the subjective well-being of rural and urban young people in Peru
2024 Vanessa Rojas, Adriana Alván León
This report is a summary of a longer report published in Spanish and available on the Niños del Milenio website here. Niños del Milenio/Young Lives has followed children through to young adulthood in Peru, including understanding how their perceptions of their well-being have changed over time. Using qualitative data from 2 birth cohorts, aged 21- 22 […]
Bienestar subjetivo y covid-19 en jóvenes rurales y urbanos del Perú
2024 Vanessa Rojas, Adriana Alván León,
Since 2007, the Young Lives in Peru study has been collecting the voices of children – today youth or young adults – regarding their perceptions of well-being throughout the life cycle. In recent years, and as a consequence of the pandemic, youth – in both rural and urban areas – have faced extraordinary challenges in […]
The effects of the covid-19 pandemic on the subjective well-being of rural and urban young people in Peru
2024 Vanessa Rojas, Adriana Alván León
This report is a summary of a longer report published in Spanish and available on the Niños del Milenio website here. Niños del Milenio/Young Lives has followed children through to young adulthood in Peru, including understanding how their perceptions of their well-being have changed over time. Using qualitative data from 2 birth cohorts, aged 21- 22 […]
Educational Pathways: Young Peruvians in the COVID-19 Pandemic
2023 Vanessa Rojas, Gina Crivello, Adriana Alván
Young people have suffered most from the economic and social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America. The the pandemic constituted a highly complex scenario in which emergency remote and virtual education emerged as a useful, though not perfect, tool. This paper presents findings from the second instalment of a telephone follow-up study conducted […]
Medidas de protección social del gobierno peruano en época de la Covid-19
2022 Lorena Alcazar, Vanessa Rojas, Emilio López de Romaña
In the current context, where the pandemic still persists, but whose health impacts are reduced by the increasing application of vaccines, it is important to analyze what the State has done to protect the population, especially children and adolescents, from poverty. This analysis makes it possible to assess the effectiveness and relevance of the State’s […]
Experiencias de convivencia, matrimonio y maternidad/paternidad en adolescentes y jóvenes peruanos
2019 Vanessa Rojas,
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El género y las trayectorias hacia la adultez en el Perú: educación, trabajo y maternidad/paternidad
2017 Vanessa Rojas, Gabriela Guerrero, Jimena Vargas
En este documento examinamos cómo el género afecta las trayectorias educativas, laborales y de maternidad/ paternidad de una muestra de jóvenes que crecen en situación de pobreza en el Perú. Reportamos los resultados y las trayectorias de 26 miembros de la cohorte mayor que participaron en la investigación cualitativa del estudio longitudinal Niños del Milenio […]
JournalPerifèria: Revista de Recerca i Formació en Antropologia
Trayectorias educativas de jóvenes rurales y urbanos del Perú
2024 Vanessa Rojas, Silvia Carrasco
Based on fieldwork carried out in Peru as part of the Niños del Milenio – Young Lives project, which has been conducting a longitudinal comparative study with two cohorts of children since 2000 in four countries, we analyzed the educational trajectories of 22 adolescents living in poverty. We want to know how these young people -from […]
JournalGender and Education
Young women and higher education in Peru: how does gender shape their educational trajectories?
2019 Gabriela Guerrero, Vanessa Rojas
In the last 20 years, a reversal of the gender gap in higher education (HE) has been observed both in developed and developing countries. Nowadays, more women than men are studying HE. Nevertheless, averages tend to high disparities and gender gaps are still observed when indicators take poverty and ethnicity into account. This paper uses […]
Avances y desafíos en la prevención de la violencia contra los niños, niñas y adolescentes en el hogar: una deuda al Bicentenario
El Perú pendiente: ensayos para un desarrollo con bienestar2022 Gabriela Guerrero, Vanessa Rojas
This essay focuses on the analysis of violence against children and adolescents in the home, where they spend most of their time and which is not always a safe environment. The authors highlight the limited progress of policies against violence against children and adolescents in the home. They explain that this is mainly due to […]
Breaking the Silence. Why do Young Women in Peru Marry or Cohabit at a Young Age, and What are the Consequences?
Dreaming of a Better Life Child Marriage Through Adolescent Eyes2020 Vanessa Rojas, Francis Bravo, Nikki van der Gaag
On the basis of qualitative data, the chapter shows how different factors lead young women to start cohabitation or marriage before adulthood. Through the experiences of three women who began cohabitation before the age of 18 in Peru, the authors show what life is like for them, the inequities in the power relations they face […]
“Podemos aprender mejor”. Percepciones de los niños, niñas y adolescentes peruanos sobre su educación: un estudio en Lima, Piura, Ucayali y Ayacucho
Hacia una propuesta de criterios de buen desempeño docente: estudios que aportan a la reflexión, al diálogo y a la construcción concertada de una política educativa2011 Patricia Ames, Vanessa Rojas
This book presents the results of the study “Perceptions of children and adolescents from public schools about their education”, carried out between June and December 2010 in rural and urban schools in four regions of the country. The purpose of this study was to gather the point of view of children and adolescents on various […]
¿Educación para el desarrollo rural o para dejar de ser rural?: percepciones y proyectos de pobladores rurales andinos y amazónicos
Perú: el problema agrario en debate. Sepia XIII2010 Vanessa Rojas, Tamia Portugal
The research on which this article is based is the product of a broader qualitative study of the Young Lives project, which mainly addresses the issue of educational transitions to secondary school in four communities: two in urban areas and two in rural areas. for this research, the basic methodology used was the case study of children […]
La gestión escolar en el marco de la autonomía: una mirada desde el cotidiano a cinco instituciones educativas estatales de Lima
Análisis de programas, procesos y resultados educativos en el Perú: contribuciones empíricas para el debate2008 Gisele Cuglievan, Vanessa Rojas
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Interrupción escolar y vulnerabilidad educativa en el Perú
2024 Vanessa Rojas, Antonio Campos, Santiago Cueto, Alan Sanchez
This document presents an analysis of school interruption in Peru, highlighting both its multi-causal nature and its disproportionate impact on the students affected. This phenomenon is the result of factors that often arise beforehand in vulnerable populations, such as rural, indigenous and extremely poor populations. Factors such as low educational quality aggravate the interruption of […]
Bienestar subjetivo y covid-19 en jóvenes rurales y urbanos del Perú
2024 Vanessa Rojas, Adriana Alván León,
Since 2007, the Young Lives in Peru study has been collecting the voices of children – today youth or young adults – regarding their perceptions of well-being throughout the life cycle. In recent years, and as a consequence of the pandemic, youth – in both rural and urban areas – have faced extraordinary challenges in […]
Madres jóvenes en pandemia: una aproximación cualitativa a los retos del cuidado infantil
2022 Vanessa Rojas, Adriana Alván
Este documento presenta las percepciones de mujeres que fueron madres en su juventud, y que forman parte de la muestra longitudinal del estudio cualitativo Niños del Milenio (NdM). Para ellas, la labor de cuidado se complejizó al asumir el acompañamiento educativo de sus hijos durante la pandemia del COVID-19. Las mujeres que fueron madres en […]
Trayectorias educativas: seguimiento de jóvenes peruanos en pandemia
2022 Vanessa Rojas, Gina Crivello, Adriana Alván
A partir de un seguimiento cualitativo a la cohorte menor de Niños del Milenio durante dos años consecutivos (2020 y 2021), exploramos las barreras para el acceso y la continuidad educativa, el rol determinante del Estado y las familias, y la percepción de que la educación superior virtual impartida durante la pandemia ha sido de […]
Educación superior en pandemia: Una aproximación cualitativa desde Niños del Milenio
2021 Vanessa Rojas
When the national quarantine was set in March 2020, young people who were pursuing higher education were immersed in emergency virtual education. This document analyzes their perceptions of change, as well as the barriers they faced and the resources they had to continue studying. In addition, it describes how COVID-19 influenced the aspirations of young […]
¿Qué hemos aprendido del estudio longitudinal Niños del Milenio? Síntesis de hallazgos
2018 Santiago Cueto, Javier Escobal, , Nicolás Pazos, Mary Penny, Vanessa Rojas, Alan Sanchez, Claudia Felipe
The Young Lives Peru Country Report presents a summary of the main findings that emerge from analysing the Young Lives data from Peru across a longitudinal study following two cohorts of children in various situations from remote rural areas to urban communities, as a component of a larger multicountry project. The study relates conditions early […]
Podemos aprender mejor: la educación vista por los niños
2012 Patricia Ames, Vanessa Rojas
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Métodos para la investigación con niños: lecciones aprendidas, desafíos y propuestas desde la experiencia de Niños del Milenio en Perú
2010 Patricia Ames, Vanessa Rojas, Tamia Portugal
It is an important contribution to qualitative research on children in Peru for several reasons. The first is that while respecting the inductive nature of qualitative research, the book clearly shows how previous research is taken into account, mainly in terms of the conception of children as the focus of academic interest. Building on previous […]
Continuity and respect for diversity: strengthening early transitions in Peru
2010 Patricia Ames, Vanessa Rojas, Tamia Portugal
This working paper is part of a series on early transitions from Young Lives, a 15-year longitudinal study of childhood poverty in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam. It explores the diverse experiences of 28 children from four contrasting communities in Peru as they start school. These detailed case studies highlight common problems: exclusion of certain […]
Comprendiendo la escuela desde su realidad cotidiana: estudio cualitativo en 5 escuelas estatales de Lima
2006 Gisele Cuglievan, Vanessa Rojas, Yolanda Rojo, Giovanna Moreano, Gustavo Cruz, Úrsula Asmad, Karim Boccio, Nérida Urcia, Rosario Gildemeister
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No se han encontrado publicaciones de Vanessa Rojas en la categoría Mimeo
- Comprehensive care systems and fair jobs in Latin America and the CaribbeanJuly 2024
- Comprehensive care systems and fair jobs in Latin America and the CaribbeanJuly 2024
- Analysis of the Peruvian government’s social protection measures to COVID-19April 2021
- Inequality of opportunity in Peru: How can young people develop relevant skills and find decent employment in a rapidly changing job market?December 2018
- Young Lives Peru 2017-2018April 2017
- Young Lives PeruApril 2016
- Young Lives Study (continuation)April 2013 - March 2014
Invisible traps: gender gaps that mark the future of young Peruvian women, by Vanessa Rojas
March 10, 2025
“Evidence shows that gender gaps persist and that we have not made much progress in preventing traditional gender roles and imposed expectations from continuing to limit women and restrict their opportunities.” In the framework of International Women’s Day, Vanessa Rojas, Senior Researcher at GRADE, reflects on how gender inequalities mean that being young and female […]
Gestión: Consequences of keeping higher education partially virtual, according to Young Lives Peru
July 11, 2022 Education and learning
“The perception that young people have regarding the low quality of the virtual education they receive is an element of risk in the face of educational interruption or desertion.” Diario Gestión gathered the findings of the qualitative study Young Lives Peru, “Trayectorias educativas: seguimiento a jóvenes peruanos en pandemia” (Educational trajectories: monitoring young Peruvians in […]
Adolescent voices must shape policies designed to reduce early cohabitation in Peru, by Vanessa Rojas
June 25, 2019 Methodologies for research and evaluation of policy and programmes, Poverty and equality
“…children’s and adolescents’ voices remain marginalised in policy discussions. My research shows that any policies that aim to reduce the levels of early cohabitation in Peru must be shaped by adolescents’ voiced experiences”. Vanessa Rojas, Adjunct Researcher at GRADE and Qualitative Coordinator of Young Lives Peru, shares the findings for Peru of the Young Marriage and Parenthood Study.
Preliminary findings of Young Marriage and Parenthood Study (YMAPS) in Peru
February 6, 2019 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Vanessa Rojas, Adjunct Researcher at GRADE and Coordinator of the Qualitative Component of Young Lives in Peru, shared in Radio Nacional the preliminary findings of the Young Marriage and Parenthood (YMAPS) qualitative studies, show the perceptions of young women and men about their experiences in cohabitation, pregnancy, maternity/paternity to an early age. Qualitative evidence of […]
Navigating Through Life: Young Lives Study Peru
September 3, 2018 Education and learning
The qualitative approach of the Young Lives study in Peru has been able to capture the changes in the biographies of 51 children. Their voices allow understanding how they face realities, responsibilities, and risks during the time in their lives when school is the main component. Their experiences let researchers reflect on Sustainable Development Goal […]
Invisible traps: gender gaps that mark the future of young Peruvian women, by Vanessa Rojas
March 10, 2025
“Evidence shows that gender gaps persist and that we have not made much progress in preventing traditional gender roles and imposed expectations from continuing to limit women and restrict their opportunities.” In the framework of International Women’s Day, Vanessa Rojas, Senior Researcher at GRADE, reflects on how gender inequalities mean that being young and female […]
Adolescent voices must shape policies designed to reduce early cohabitation in Peru, by Vanessa Rojas
June 25, 2019 Methodologies for research and evaluation of policy and programmes, Poverty and equality
“…children’s and adolescents’ voices remain marginalised in policy discussions. My research shows that any policies that aim to reduce the levels of early cohabitation in Peru must be shaped by adolescents’ voiced experiences”. Vanessa Rojas, Adjunct Researcher at GRADE and Qualitative Coordinator of Young Lives Peru, shares the findings for Peru of the Young Marriage and Parenthood Study.
Navigating Through Life: Young Lives Study Peru
September 3, 2018 Education and learning
The qualitative approach of the Young Lives study in Peru has been able to capture the changes in the biographies of 51 children. Their voices allow understanding how they face realities, responsibilities, and risks during the time in their lives when school is the main component. Their experiences let researchers reflect on Sustainable Development Goal […]
“La disciplina en la escuela pública está muy ligada al castigo físico”
January 6, 2012 Health and nutrition
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Preliminary findings of Young Marriage and Parenthood Study (YMAPS) in Peru
February 6, 2019 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Vanessa Rojas, Adjunct Researcher at GRADE and Coordinator of the Qualitative Component of Young Lives in Peru, shared in Radio Nacional the preliminary findings of the Young Marriage and Parenthood (YMAPS) qualitative studies, show the perceptions of young women and men about their experiences in cohabitation, pregnancy, maternity/paternity to an early age. Qualitative evidence of […]
Gestión: Consequences of keeping higher education partially virtual, according to Young Lives Peru
July 11, 2022 Education and learning
“The perception that young people have regarding the low quality of the virtual education they receive is an element of risk in the face of educational interruption or desertion.” Diario Gestión gathered the findings of the qualitative study Young Lives Peru, “Trayectorias educativas: seguimiento a jóvenes peruanos en pandemia” (Educational trajectories: monitoring young Peruvians in […]
Stories about children. Oswaldo Molina writes about the 15 years of Young Lives Peru
June 23, 2018 Education and learning, Poverty and equality, Health and nutrition
What is it like to be a poor child in Peru? Oswaldo Molina, director of the Master’s in Economics at Universidad del Pacífico, writes in El Comercio about the findings of Young Lives Peru during 15 years of research. Although, in general terms, the study shows that the welfare of families has improved in these […]
Niños en crecimiento
March 7, 2014 Education and learning
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Selected Publications
Educational Pathways: Young Peruvians in the COVID-19 Pandemic
2023 Vanessa Rojas, Gina Crivello, Adriana Alván