Santiago Cueto Caballero
Senior Researcher
PhD in Educational Psychology - Indiana University
Santiago Cueto holds a degree in Educational Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and a PhD in the same field from Indiana University in the United States. He has been a Visiting Researcher at the University of California at Davis and the University of Oxford. He is currently a Senior Researcher at GRADE, where he coordinates the Peru component of the international study Young Lives/Niños del Milenio. He is also a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Psychology at the Catholic University in Peru.
He has been a member of the National Council for Education, Technical Board of the National Institute for Educational Assessment (INEE) in Mexico, President of the Peruvian Educational Research Society and Executive Secretary of the Educational Research Fund of the Inter-American Dialogue (Latin American Education Reform Program). He has worked as a consultant to international organizations such as the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank and UNESCO.
His main areas of interest are education and human development, particularly within a poverty context. He has published articles in various academic journals as well as books and has also served as Editor for scientific articles at The Lancet, the International Journal of Educational Development, the Catholic University’s Psychology Journal, World Development, Children and Society, among others.
In 2003, at the Global Development Network’s (GDN) Annual Conference, one of his works received the prize for best research project in the Education, Knowledge and Technology category. This study was later published as GRADE Research Paper 43. In 2010, he received the National Award in Psychology by the Professional Board of Psychologists in Peru (Colegio Nacional de Psicólogos). In 2016, he was appointed as distinguished alumni from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. In 2018, he received the Magisterial Palms in the degree of Amauta by the Ministry of Education of Peru.
JournalThe Lancet Psychiatry
Economic inequalities in adolescents’ internalising symptoms: longitudinal evidence from eight countries
2024 Thomas Steare, Sara Evans-Lacko, Mesele Araya, Santiago Cueto, Hai-Anh H. Dang, Revathi Ellanki, Gemma Lewis, Kelly Rose-Clarke, Praveetha Patalay
Background Research, mainly conducted in Europe and North America, has shown an inequitable burden of internalising mental health problems among adolescents from poorer households. We investigated whether these mental health inequalities differ across a diverse range of countries and multiple measures of economic circumstances. Methods In this longitudinal observational cohort study, we analysed data from […]
Balance y pespectivas de nuestro trabajo con escuelas rurales multigrado
2024 Veronica Villaran, Santiago Cueto
The authors share perspectives and scopes of the CREER Project. They address the work carried out with rural multigrade schools, highlighting the adaptations of the project in the return to face-to-face teaching, the strategies implemented for the recovery of learning and well-being, and the new collaborations to contribute to teacher training and rural education in […]
JournalEconomics of Education Review
Late-childhood foundational cognitive skills predict educational outcomes through adolescence and into young adulthood: evidence from Ethiopia and Peru
2024 Jennifer López, Jere R. Behrman, Santiago Cueto, Marta Favara, Alan Sanchez
We estimate associations between foundational cognitive skills (inhibitory control, working memory, long-term memory, and implicit learning) measured at age 12 and educational outcomes measured at ages 15 and 19–20 in Ethiopia and Peru, using the Young Lives data. The estimates adjust for rich sets of controls and include measurements of children’s baseline abilities. For a […]
Streaking to success: the effects of highlighting streaks on student effort and achievement
2024 Raphaëlle Aulagnon, Julian Cristia, Santiago Cueto, Ofer Malamud
We examine whether highlighting streaks encourages 4th to 6th grade students in Peru to increase their use of an online math platform and improve learning. Sixty thousand students were randomly assigned to receive messages that i) highlighted streaks, ii) provided personalized reminders with positive reinforcement, or iii) provided generic reminders, while others were assigned to […]
Ed-tech in the Global South: research gaps and opportunities
2023 Santiago Cueto, Maria Balarin, Mauricio Saavedra, Claudia Sugimaru
This study explores the evolving landscape of educational technology (ed-tech) in the context of increased global and national attention about the topic, with the COVID-19 pandemic accelerating the drive to incorporate technology in education to mitigate issues with access, quality and systems management. Focused on challenges and opportunities in primary and secondary schools in low- […]
COVID-19 Could Reverse Two Decades of Progress: Emerging Policy Recommendations to Support Young People in Developing Countries
2021 Santiago Cueto, Alula Pankhurst, Renu Singh, Nguyen Thang
New research from the Young Lives COVID-19 phone survey in Ethiopia, India, Peru, and Vietnam paints a worrying picture of how the economic and social impact of COVID-19 lockdowns and related restrictions could not only halt progress made over the last two generations, but could also reverse life chances and entrench existing inequalities for many […]
Do Children Benefit from Internet Access? Experimental Evidence from Peru
2018 Ofer Malamud, Santiago Cueto, Julián Cristiá, Diether W. Beuermann
This paper provides experimental evidence for the impact of home internet access on a broad range of child outcomes in Peru. We compare children who were randomly chosen to receive laptops with high-speed internet access to (i) those who did not receive laptops and (ii) those who only received laptops without internet. We find that […]
Does visual acuity have an effect on children’s educational achievement?
2017 Santiago Cueto, Javier Escobal, Juan Leon, Mary Penny
Inequity is an important issue for many international initiatives, including the current Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). One aspect of inequity that has received little attention is the impact of disability on education. This working paper explores whether mild or moderate levels of visual impairment are associated with educational performance for 7 and 8-year-old children in […]
El apoyo de FORGE al desarrollo del Currículo Nacional de Educación Básica del Perú
2017 Jessica Tapia, Santiago Cueto
Various national normative documents and international experience underscore the importance of having documents that clearly indicate the learning expectations for students, based on which the various lines of educational policy must be articulated. Thus, according to the General Education Law, the National Curriculum is the basis of the National Pedagogical Policy, and the Ministry of […]
Early childhood development: wealth, the nurturing environment and inequality first results from the PRIDI database
2016 Aime Verdisco, Santiago Cueto, Jennelle Thompson
This paper presents findings from the Regional Project on Child Development Indicators, PRIDI for its acronym in Spanish. PRIDI created a new tool, the Engle Scale, for evaluating development in children aged 24 to 59 months in four domains: cognition, language and communication, socio-emotional and motor skills. It also captures and identifies factors associated with […]
Santiago Cueto
Santiago Cueto holds a degree in Educational Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and a PhD in the same field from Indiana University in the United States. He has been a Visiting Researcher at the University of California at Davis and the University of Oxford. He is currently a Senior Researcher at GRADE, […]
Santiago Cueto
Santiago Cueto holds a degree in Educational Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and a PhD in the same field from Indiana University in the United States. He has been a Visiting Researcher at the University of California at Davis and the University of Oxford. He is currently a Senior Researcher at GRADE, […]
Santiago Cueto
Santiago Cueto holds a degree in Educational Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and a PhD in the same field from Indiana University in the United States. He has been a Visiting Researcher at the University of California at Davis and the University of Oxford. He is currently a Senior Researcher at GRADE, […]
Santiago Cueto
Santiago Cueto holds a degree in Educational Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and a PhD in the same field from Indiana University in the United States. He has been a Visiting Researcher at the University of California at Davis and the University of Oxford. He is currently a Senior Researcher at GRADE, […]
Santiago Cueto
Santiago Cueto holds a degree in Educational Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and a PhD in the same field from Indiana University in the United States. He has been a Visiting Researcher at the University of California at Davis and the University of Oxford. He is currently a Senior Researcher at GRADE, […]
Inequidades en educación
Investigación para el desarrollo en el Perú: once balances2016 Santiago Cueto, Alejandra Miranda, María Cristina Vásquez
This study presents the current status of four groups—demarcated by gender, ethnicity, poverty, and disability—exploring educational inequalities based on laws and indicators of access, achievement, and learning opportunities. In addition, it analyzes the content of the Public Teaching Reform Act. The results show that although there are no large differences in educational indicators between men […]
Peru: Socioeconomic Conditions on Student Achievement
Education in South America2015 Santiago Cueto, Juan Leon, Alejandra Miranda
Education in South America is a critical reference guide to development of education in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. The chapters, written by local experts, provide an overview of the education system in each country, focusing particularly on policies and implementation of reforms. Key themes include quality and access, multicultural […]
Educational opportunities and learning outcomes of children in Peru: a longitudinal model
Growing up in poverty: findings from Young Lives2014 Santiago Cueto, Juan Leon, Ismael G. Muñoz
This collection brings together the latest evidence from Young Lives, a unique international study that focuses on children and poverty – particularly how poverty affects their development and their lives as children, and how children and their families respond to poverty. It shows how the persistence of inequality amid general economic growth is leaving some […]
Conductas de riesgo entre adolescentes peruanos: un enfoque longitudinal
Salud, interculturalidad y comportamientos de riesgo2011 Santiago Cueto, Víctor Saldarriaga, Ismael G. Muñoz
Datos sobre frecuencia de consumo y determinantes individuales y familiares, a través del tiempo, de cuatro conductas de riesgo entre adolescentes de 15 años: consumo de cigarrillo, alcohol y drogas, y sexo sin protección.
Explaining an Overcoming Marginalization in Education: Ethnic/Language Minorities in Peru
Childhood Poverty: Multidisciplinary Approaches2012 Santiago Cueto, Gabriela Guerrero, Ismael G. Muñoz, Juan Leon, Elisa Seguin
Se sostiene que aunque las tasas de matrícula escolar en el Perú son altas, sobre todo en primaria, existen grandes brechas de rendimiento desfavorables para los niños pobres de ár
¿Qué diferencia hacen las escuelas? Un estudio de métodos mixtos en colegios secundarios del Perú
2021 Juan Leon, Gabriela Guerrero, Santiago Cueto, Paul Glewwe
The study on which this policy document is based analyzes which factors are associated with good results of students in public secondary educational institutions (IE), despite their adverse socioeconomic condition. For this purpose, a mixed methods design is used that follows a sequential explanatory model, which allows us to explore the effect of different types […]
Acceso a dispositivos y habilidades digitales de dos cohortes en el Perú
2020 Santiago Cueto, Juan Leon,
The technical note on which this policy brief is based details the construction of two indicators: basic computer skills and basic internet skills. This document also explores the determinants of access and digital skills in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam. However, this publication focuses on the findings for Peru.
Predictores de la deserción escolar en el Perú
2020 Santiago Cueto, , Juan Leon
The paper on which this policy brief is based analyzes what factors are associated with dropping out of school in the four countries covered by the Young Lives longitudinal study: Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam. For this, personal, family and educational factors are considered. This policy brief focuses on the findings of Peru.
Venciendo la adversidad: trayectorias educativas de los estudiantes pobres en zonas rurales del Perú
2019 Santiago Cueto, Juan Leon, Claudia Felipe
The study on which this policy brief is based analyzes which factors are associated with the fact that girls and boys born in contexts of relative poverty in rural areas not only remain in school, but also register high educational performance in tests of mathematical and verbal knowledge at 15 years of age. For this, […]
Trayectorias educativas en el Perú: desde la infancia hasta la adultez temprana
2017 Santiago Cueto, Alejandra Miranda, Juan Leon, María Cristina Vásquez
Aportes para el diseño de políticas orientadas a reducir la inequidad del sistema educativo peruano, para lo cual se compara las trayectorias de las dos cohortes del estudio Niños del Milenio —la mayor nacida en 1994; y la menor, en el 2001— estimando sus oportunidades educativas y logros. Se basa, principalmente, en las encuestas de hogares aplicadas […]
Inclusión social: diálogos entre la investigación y las políticas públicas
2014 Martín Benavides, Miguel Jaramillo, Santiago Cueto, Gabriela Guerrero, Juan Leon, Nestor Valdivia, Lorena Alcazar, Manuel Glave, Maria Balarin, Juan Jose Diaz, Juana Kuramoto, Gerardo Damonte
Esta publicación recoge el espíritu del seminario internacional "Cambios Institucionales para un Estado más Inclusivo" (julio de 2012), y apunta a lo más relevante y valioso de cada exposición, intervención y comentario.
Salud, interculturalidad y comportamientos de riesgo
2011 Lorena Alcazar, Santiago Cueto, Martin Valdivia, Ismael G. Muñoz
Tres Mimeos del Seminario Desigualdad, salud y educación realizado en Lima en noviembre del 2010 con el auspicio de la Fundación Ford, a través del Instituto de Educación Internacional y del IDRC.
¿Quién se queda atrás? Resultados iniciales del estudio Niños del Milenio. Tercera ronda de encuestas en el Perú.
2012 Santiago Cueto, Javier Escobal, Mary Penny, Patricia Ames
Este documento presenta los resultados iniciales de la tercera ronda de encuestas en el Perú del estudio de largo plazo Niños del Milenio realizadas entre fines del 2009 y principios
Promoting early childhood development through a public programme: Wawa Wasi in Peru
2009 Santiago Cueto, Gabriela Guerrero, Juan Leon, Claudia Sugimaru
This paper presents the results of a Young Lives study into the impact and perceptions of the Programa Nacional Wawa Wasi, a Peruvian government programme for impoverished children
Reformas pendientes en la educación secundaria
2009 Santiago Cueto, Sebastián Galiani, Paul Gertler, Ernesto Schargrodsky, María Antonia Gallart, Marcela Sandra Cerrutti, Georgina Binstock, Gilda Figueiredo Portugal Gouvêa, Maria Eliza Fini, Maria Helena Guimarães Castro, Maria Inês Fini, Sergio Tiezzi, Stella Maria Barberá da Silva Telles, Vera Lúcia Cabral Costa, Antonio Carlos Dias Junior, Gisele Brandão Machado de Oliveira, Paulo de Oliveira, Delba Teixeira Rodrigues Barros, Virgínia Torres Schall, Ernesto Yáñez, Scarlet Escalante, Wilson Jiménez, Franz Arce, Aída M. Mainieri Hidalgo, Santiago Rincón Gallardo Shimada, Emilio Domínguez Bravo, Annette Santos del Real, Gabriel Cámara Cervera, Dalila López Salmorán, Rodolfo Elías, José R. Molinas
Los estudios presentados fueron desarrollados en el marco de las actividades del tercer concurso del Fondo de Investigaciones Educativas gestionado por PREAL con apoyo del Banco Mundial por medio de GDN.
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Santiago Cueto en la categoría Mimeo
- Preventing school dropout in Lima and Callao high schoolsOctober 2022
- Supporting public school teachers in the return to classesSeptember 2022
- Impact of COVID-19 on the education of children with disabilities in PeruDecember 2020
- Implementation of the ConectaIdeas program remotely in public schoolsJuly 2020
- Worldreader ProjectSeptember 2019
- Supporting the preparation of a proposal on rural educationApril 2019
- Inequality of opportunity in Peru: How can young people develop relevant skills and find decent employment in a rapidly changing job market?December 2018
- Cost-effectiveness analysis of educational interventions and strategies to promote the use of Skills BankOctober 2018
- Systematization of Fundacion Telefonica’s Digital Classroom ProgramAugust 2018
- Systematization of the Digital Classroom program of Fundación TelefónicaAugust 2018
The National Educational Project to 2036, by Santiago Cueto
November 18, 2020 Education and learning
“The PEN’s considerations on full citizenship and strengthening democracy are relevant to the current context. […] The pandemic has made inequities very evident or has exacerbated. Aprendo en Casa and the program to close digital gaps point in the direction However, we constantly hear stories of students who cannot regularly connect to their classes due […]
Comment, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Santiago Cueto in RPP Noticias: The danger of school dropouts during the pandemic
September 21, 2020 Education and learning
According to the Ministry of Education, 230 thousand students have left the educational system this year. What factors are associated with school dropout? The study by Santiago Cueto, country director of Young Lives Peru and Executive Director at GRADE, and colleagues find two main ones: the need to work and the lack of interest in studying. “It is […]
Opinion Article, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Is school dropout increasing this school year?, by Santiago Cueto
September 9, 2020 Education and learning
“The combination of risk factors increases the probability of dropping out. Thus, for example, students who live in poverty, who have young children and do not have a computer or cell phone, are at greater risk than those who only present one of these circumstances”. Santiago Cueto, Executive Director at GRADE and Country Director of Young Lives […]
Opinion Article, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Santiago Cueto in El Peruano: “Today, more than ever, early childhood is in the hands of families”
May 14, 2020 Education and learning
“Today, more than ever, those first years of life are in the hands of families. Although families cannot assume health-related interventions, they can take on some educational aspects. We do not need to be initial education teachers to think and give time so that our girls and boys get involved in different activities related to […]
Opinion Article, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
CREER Project in La Mula: What does the strategy “Aprendo en Casa” asks to us Peruvian families?
April 16, 2020 Education and learning
With the strategy “Aprendo en Casa”, a new bond could be forming both within homes and between families and schools. Read the new article written by the team of our Creciendo con las Escuelas Rurales Multigrado del Perú (CREER) / Project Growing with the Rural Multigrade Schools of Peru via La Mula.
Opinion Article, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Santiago Cueto in El Peruano: “Today, more than ever, early childhood is in the hands of families”
May 14, 2020 Education and learning
“Today, more than ever, those first years of life are in the hands of families. Although families cannot assume health-related interventions, they can take on some educational aspects. We do not need to be initial education teachers to think and give time so that our girls and boys get involved in different activities related to […]
Opinion Article, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
CREER Project in La Mula: What does the strategy “Aprendo en Casa” asks to us Peruvian families?
April 16, 2020 Education and learning
With the strategy “Aprendo en Casa”, a new bond could be forming both within homes and between families and schools. Read the new article written by the team of our Creciendo con las Escuelas Rurales Multigrado del Perú (CREER) / Project Growing with the Rural Multigrade Schools of Peru via La Mula.
About PISA and other indicators, by Santiago Cueto
January 14, 2020 Education and learning
“More relevant to analyze are some results linked to this assessment, which go beyond means and relative positions. […] among the countries evaluated, Peru is one that is mainly characterized by the inequity in its results”. Santiago Cueto, executive director at GRADE, reflects on the challenges of PISA and other indicators to increase the national mean […]
Innovation in education? Of course, whenever convenient, by Santiago Cueto
October 21, 2019 Education and learning
According to Santiago Cueto, although educational innovation is important, it is a means and not an end. Furthermore, creativity can always be fueled by existing information, in particular that which comes from research, and about which there are multiple sources to consult. Read the new article by our Executive Director for Fundación Telefónica Perú.
Why educate in Peru today?, by Santiago Cueto
August 26, 2019 Education and learning
Why educate in Peru today? Our executive director Santiago Cueto writes about how education should help us overcome the main challenges facing the country: little respect for institutions, violence, corruption, inclusion and low productivity. The article has been published by Fundación Telefónica Perú
Santiago Cueto opina en “Educación inicial: Faltan 27,000 maestros para educar a los niños del Perú”
May 23, 2015 Education and learning, State reform and public institutions
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Jesús Herrero, el jesuita que veló por la educación en Perú
December 16, 2013 Education and learning
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Especialistas opinan sobre estudios de programa Juntos
February 7, 2013 Poverty and equality
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“La meta en el Perú no ha sido reducir brechas sino promedios”, dice Santiago Cueto sobre desnutrición infantil
February 29, 2012 Poverty and equality
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Niños de madres con educación primaria inconclusa más desfavorecidos en Perú
February 20, 2012 Poverty and equality
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Entrevista a Santiago Cueto sobre la situación y perspectivas de las medidas y programas del sistema educativo
June 2, 2016 Education and learning, State reform and public institutions
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Adelantar el ingreso ha subvalorado el quinto de media, entrevista a Santiago Cueto en Prepárate de El Comercio
October 16, 2015 Education and learning
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Usos de las evaluaciones de rendimiento escolar en el Perú: entrevista a Santiago Cueto, José Antonio Calderón (DRE Puno) y Pilar Saavedra (DRE San Martín) en Radio Exitosa
March 27, 2015 Education and learning, Poverty and equality, State reform and public institutions
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Santiago Cueto sobre pronunciamiento del CNE en torno a resultados obtenidos por el Perú en la prueba TERCE
December 22, 2014 Education and learning, Poverty and equality, State reform and public institutions
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En el Perú hemos hecho más evaluaciones que un buen uso de estas
May 9, 2014 Education and learning
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No se han encontrado novedades de Santiago Cueto en la categoría Reference
Oportunidades y trayectorias educativas de dos cohortes de estudiantes en el Perú
Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, 23 November, 2018
Presentación en el II Congreso Internacional de Medición Psicológica de la Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola
Inequalities in educational opportunities and outcomes in secondary schools in Peru
Ciudad de México, 26 March, 2018
Presentación en la 62° Conferencia Anual de la Sociedad de Educación Comparada e Internacional CIES 2018.
Selected Publications
¿Qué hemos aprendido del estudio longitudinal Niños del Milenio? Síntesis de hallazgos
2018 Santiago Cueto, Javier Escobal, , Nicolás Pazos, Mary Penny, Vanessa Rojas, Alan Sanchez, Claudia Felipe
Cobertura, oportunidades y percepciones sobre la educación inclusiva en el Perú
2018 Santiago Cueto, Vanessa Rojas, Martin Dammert, Claudia Felipe