Mauricio Espinoza Hermoza
Adjunct Researcher
PhD candidate in Economic Development - Wageningen University & Reseach
Mauricio is an Adjunct Researcher at GRADE. He holds a master’s degree in Agriculture, Environment and Regional Economics from Pennsylvania State University and a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. He is currently a PhD candidate in Economic Development at Wageningen University & Reseach in the Netherlands. His areas of specialization are agricultural economics, economic development and public policy evaluation. He has been a consultant for institutions such as the World Bank, the University of Chicago, the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, the Ministry of Agriculture in Peru, and the World Agroforestry Center.
Evaluating the efficacy of social innovation programming at advancing rural development in the context of exogenous shocks
2024 Mauricio Espinoza, Rodrigo Rivarola, Ricardo Fort, Joshua Fisher
In this paper, we design and deploy an experimental approach to evaluate the efficacy of a social innovation initiative implemented in rural communities situated in the highlands of Peru, which confronted the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic in the midst of its implementation. Using three rounds of information collected before, during, and after participation, […]
Inocuidad de la carne en los mercados de abasto: entradas para mejorar la gobernanza y vigilancia
2023 Giel Ton, Mauricio Espinoza, Eloy Gonzales
La carne que se vende en los mercados de abastos puede contener microorganismos patógenos que representan un riesgo para la salud de las personas. Este riesgo puede reducirse con mejores prácticas de higiene e inversiones en los mercados. La pandemia demostró que se pueden lograr mejoras, pero estas son costosas de implementar y mantener en […]
El impacto de la pandemia en el sistema de distribución de alimentos del Perú: los mercados de abastos minoristas
2022 Álvaro Espinoza, Ricardo Fort, Mauricio Espinoza
Durante el año 2020, la emergencia sanitaria del COVID-19 puso a prueba la efectividad y la capacidad de resiliencia del sistema de distribución de alimentos del Perú, en particular, en su pieza más importante: los mercados de abastos tradicionales, donde se concentra más de la mitad del gasto de los hogares en alimentos. El shock […]
Chapter in BookEl Perú pendiente: ensayos para un desarrollo con bienestar
Reorganizar el Perú: ciudades intermedias y desarrollo
2022 Álvaro Espinoza, Ricardo Fort, Mauricio Espinoza
This essay addresses the discussion of “Lima centralism” and the enormous imbalance of resources and opportunities between the capital and the rest of the country’s cities. The lack of territorial planning and specific policies that promote the potential of each region generates inequalities and inefficiencies in the current growth model and, therefore, it is essential […]
COVID-19 y las migraciones de la ciudad al campo en el Perú: identificación de amenazas y oportunidades para el uso sostenible del capital natural
2022 Ricardo Fort, Mauricio Espinoza, Álvaro Espinoza
El Perú es uno de los países más fuertemente golpeados por la pandemia del COVID-19 en el mundo. El confinamiento nacional obligatorio que empezó a regir a mediados de marzo de 2020 y fue ampliado en varias oportunidades hasta finales de junio del mismo año, trajo como consecuencia la paralización de diversos sectores económicos y […]
COVID-19 y las migraciones de la ciudad al campo en el Perú: identificación de amenazas y oportunidades para el uso sostenible del capital natural
2022 Ricardo Fort, Mauricio Espinoza, Álvaro Espinoza
El Perú es uno de los países más fuertemente golpeados por la pandemia del COVID-19 en el mundo. El confinamiento nacional obligatorio que empezó a regir a mediados de marzo de 2020 y fue ampliado en varias oportunidades hasta finales de junio del mismo año, trajo como consecuencia la paralización de diversos sectores económicos y […]
The impact of social ties and third-party enforcement on collective action and growth: micro evidence from Peru
2019 Keefer Philip, Mauricio Espinoza, Álvaro Espinoza, Ricardo Fort
Exploiting a unique empirical setting, 1,000 vendors in 90 traditional food markets in Lima, researchers document that historic social ties among market founders are associated, decades later, with stricter formal (third party) enforcement of market rules, more collective action, and the greater resilience of market sales to the entry of modern supermarkets. Markets with stronger […]
Evaluating the efficacy of social innovation programming at advancing rural development in the context of exogenous shocks
2024 Mauricio Espinoza, Rodrigo Rivarola, Ricardo Fort, Joshua Fisher
In this paper, we design and deploy an experimental approach to evaluate the efficacy of a social innovation initiative implemented in rural communities situated in the highlands of Peru, which confronted the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic in the midst of its implementation. Using three rounds of information collected before, during, and after participation, […]
JournalJournal of Development Economics
Land reform and human capital development: Evidence from Peru
2020 Michael Albertus, Mauricio Espinoza, Ricardo Fort
The early establishment and persistence of landholding inequality is linked to poor long-run development outcomes. One crucial channel runs through human capital: large landowners historically underinvested in public goods such as schools, restricted workers and their children from to attending school, and extracted surplus from laborers that could have been invested in human capital. By […]
Reorganizar el Perú: ciudades intermedias y desarrollo
El Perú pendiente: ensayos para un desarrollo con bienestar2022 Álvaro Espinoza, Ricardo Fort, Mauricio Espinoza
This essay addresses the discussion of “Lima centralism” and the enormous imbalance of resources and opportunities between the capital and the rest of the country’s cities. The lack of territorial planning and specific policies that promote the potential of each region generates inequalities and inefficiencies in the current growth model and, therefore, it is essential […]
Productividad de la agricultura peruana
Tomando impulso en la agricultura peruana2018 Ricardo Fort, Mauricio Espinoza
¿Qué tan productiva es la agricultura peruana? ¿Qué ha estado impulsando el crecimiento de la productividad en el sector en los últimos años? ¿Son sostenibles las fuentes tradicionales de crecimiento de la productividad? ¿Existen oportunidades para acelerar el crecimiento de la productividad en el futuro con nuevas fuentes de crecimiento? ¿Y las respuestas a estas […]
Inocuidad de la carne en los mercados de abasto: entradas para mejorar la gobernanza y vigilancia
2023 Giel Ton, Mauricio Espinoza, Eloy Gonzales
La carne que se vende en los mercados de abastos puede contener microorganismos patógenos que representan un riesgo para la salud de las personas. Este riesgo puede reducirse con mejores prácticas de higiene e inversiones en los mercados. La pandemia demostró que se pueden lograr mejoras, pero estas son costosas de implementar y mantener en […]
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Mauricio Espinoza en la categoría Book
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Mauricio Espinoza en la categoría Mimeo
- COVID-19 and migration from the city to the countryside in Peru: Identification of threats and opportunities for the sustainable use of natural capitalOctober 2020
- Effects of the agrarian reform on human capitalNovember 2019
- VRAEM DiagnosisFebruary 2019
- Impact evaluation of Work for Progress (W4P) program in QuispicanchisOctober 2018
- Institutions and competitiveness: the case of Lima’s supply marketsOctober 2017
- Institutions and competitiveness: the case of Lima’s wholesale marketsOctober 2017
Salud con lupa highlights findings of project on meat safety, with participation of GRADE researchers
April 28, 2023 Health and nutrition
“The research showed that there was a high presence of salmonella in the raw chicken cuts tested. The presence of salmonella in pork was lower, but still of concern.” Salud con lupa highlights the findings of the project Gobernanza e Inocuidad en la Cadena de Carne del Perú en mercados de abasto de tres ciudades, […]
Interview, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Mauricio Espinoza in TV Peru: “A quarter of a million Peruvians who would have returned from the city to the countryside in 2020 alone”
February 18, 2022 Rural development and agriculture
“Using different methods and sources of information, we arrived at a figure of a quarter of a million Peruvians who would have returned from the city to the countryside in 2020 alone. […] They are people who are in precarious situations and because of the restrictions of the pandemic were forced to return to their […]
Comment, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Migrate to survive. Ojo Público’s reportage gathers GRADE findings
December 12, 2021 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
Between March and December 2020, approximately 248.311 Peruvians returned to their rural areas of origin from the cities. According to the study from our researchers Ricardo Fort, Mauricio Espinoza, and Alvaro Espinoza for the Inter-American Development Bank, this is the first mass return process in the history of Peru. Read OjoPúblico’s reportage. DOWNLOAD THE STUDY here.
Mauricio Espinoza share his thoughts in Ojo Público on the crisis of milk producers in Peru
November 24, 2021 Rural development and agriculture
According to Mauricio Espinoza, Adjunct Researcher at GRADE, the main issue for the crisis of milk producers is the oligopsony of the livestock sector. A reportage from Ojo Público.
Comment, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Mauricio Espinoza’s opinion on the family farming crisis is highlighted by Ojo Público
September 2, 2021 Rural development and agriculture
Of the 250,000 internal migrants from the pandemic, “there is a good group that has returned to agriculture. More or less one in three, between 30 and 40%.” Our Adjunct Researcher Mauricio Espinoza shared in Ojo Público the findings of a recent GRADE study, funded by the Inter-American Development Bank, which shows the possibilities of […]
No se han encontrado novedades de Mauricio Espinoza en la categoría Opinion Article
Comment, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Migrate to survive. Ojo Público’s reportage gathers GRADE findings
December 12, 2021 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
Between March and December 2020, approximately 248.311 Peruvians returned to their rural areas of origin from the cities. According to the study from our researchers Ricardo Fort, Mauricio Espinoza, and Alvaro Espinoza for the Inter-American Development Bank, this is the first mass return process in the history of Peru. Read OjoPúblico’s reportage. DOWNLOAD THE STUDY here.
Mauricio Espinoza share his thoughts in Ojo Público on the crisis of milk producers in Peru
November 24, 2021 Rural development and agriculture
According to Mauricio Espinoza, Adjunct Researcher at GRADE, the main issue for the crisis of milk producers is the oligopsony of the livestock sector. A reportage from Ojo Público.
Comment, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Mauricio Espinoza’s opinion on the family farming crisis is highlighted by Ojo Público
September 2, 2021 Rural development and agriculture
Of the 250,000 internal migrants from the pandemic, “there is a good group that has returned to agriculture. More or less one in three, between 30 and 40%.” Our Adjunct Researcher Mauricio Espinoza shared in Ojo Público the findings of a recent GRADE study, funded by the Inter-American Development Bank, which shows the possibilities of […]
Interview, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Mauricio Espinoza in TV Peru: “A quarter of a million Peruvians who would have returned from the city to the countryside in 2020 alone”
February 18, 2022 Rural development and agriculture
“Using different methods and sources of information, we arrived at a figure of a quarter of a million Peruvians who would have returned from the city to the countryside in 2020 alone. […] They are people who are in precarious situations and because of the restrictions of the pandemic were forced to return to their […]
Salud con lupa highlights findings of project on meat safety, with participation of GRADE researchers
April 28, 2023 Health and nutrition
“The research showed that there was a high presence of salmonella in the raw chicken cuts tested. The presence of salmonella in pork was lower, but still of concern.” Salud con lupa highlights the findings of the project Gobernanza e Inocuidad en la Cadena de Carne del Perú en mercados de abasto de tres ciudades, […]