Juan León Jara-Almonte
Senior Researcher
PhD in Educational Theory and Policy and Comparative & International Education - Pennsylvania State University
Juan has a PhD in Educational Theory and Policy and Comparative & International Education from Pennsylvania State University. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences with mention in Economics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Currently, he is a Senior Researcher at GRADE.
His research interests are inequality in education, intercultural bilingual education, early childhood, testing policies and school effectiveness.
JournalRevista Latinoamericana de Estudios Educativos
Tablets or mobiles? Use of devices for a reading application during the pandemic
2025 Dalia Rojas Saldaña, María López Estrada, Santiago Cueto, Juan Leon
The objective of this research was to identify if there is a differentiated impact on the access and use of a reading application (Booksmart, by Worldreader) between students who used tablets compared to those who used mobile phones to access the resource. It also sought to understand the perceptions of the actors involved regarding the use of the application on each […]
JournalQuality in Higher Education
The association between state regulation and the increase in research productivity in Peruvian universities
2024 Martín Benavides, Juan Leon, Juan José Tapia
In the eight years following the 2014 university system reform in Peru, there has been sustained growth in the scientific production of the Peruvian universities, evident by an increased number of publications in indexed journals compared to the pre-reform period. Using administrative data, the article investigates if the growth of scientific production is associated with […]
Revisión del gasto público regional en educación básica. Hacia una más eciente asignación de recursos para la mejora del desempeño educativo
2023 Juan Leon, Jorge Mesinas
In nominal terms, in 2021 annual public spending per student in Regular Basic Education was 6.4 times that observed in 2000 and 3.6 times in real terms. These fiscal efforts for investment in human capital still show low figures compared to those of OECD countries and even of peer economies in the region, such as […]
Chapter in BookEl Perú pendiente: ensayos para un desarrollo con bienestar
El uso de las tecnologías para la generación de aprendizajes: desafíos para la formación inicial y en servicio del profesorado
2022 Juan Leon, Claudia Sugimaru
In this essay, the authors focus on a specific topic, namely the Technological, Pedagogical and Disciplinary Knowledge (TPACK) model. The adoption of this model – or others – could help guide the long-awaited and much-needed reform of initial teacher education and professional development, which should be part of a broader strategy aimed at further strengthening […]
Validación del instrumento de medición utilizado en el proyecto “Tutorías remotas” para acelerar aprendizajes
2022 Juan Leon, Felipe Hevia, Samana Vergara-Lope, Tamara Vinacur, Pablo Zoido
Garantizar resultados de calidad de forma equitativa es el reto principal para los sistemas educativos de América Latina y el Caribe. El principal resultado educativo son los aprendizajes que los estudiantes son capaces de demostrar de forma consistente. No existe ningún instrumento en la región que permita evaluar de forma rápida, costo-efectiva y confiable si […]
Revisión del gasto público regional en educación básica. Hacia una más eciente asignación de recursos para la mejora del desempeño educativo
2023 Juan Leon, Jorge Mesinas
In nominal terms, in 2021 annual public spending per student in Regular Basic Education was 6.4 times that observed in 2000 and 3.6 times in real terms. These fiscal efforts for investment in human capital still show low figures compared to those of OECD countries and even of peer economies in the region, such as […]
Validación del instrumento de medición utilizado en el proyecto “Tutorías remotas” para acelerar aprendizajes
2022 Juan Leon, Felipe Hevia, Samana Vergara-Lope, Tamara Vinacur, Pablo Zoido
Garantizar resultados de calidad de forma equitativa es el reto principal para los sistemas educativos de América Latina y el Caribe. El principal resultado educativo son los aprendizajes que los estudiantes son capaces de demostrar de forma consistente. No existe ningún instrumento en la región que permita evaluar de forma rápida, costo-efectiva y confiable si […]
Equating Cognitive Scores across Rounds and Cohorts for Young Lives in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam
2020 Juan Leon
For longitudinal studies such as Young Lives, getting comparable measures of children ́s cognitive abilities over time is essential for identifying individual, family, school or contextual variables that affect children ́s development. Few longitudinal studies that follow birth/age cohorts have comparable cognitive measures over time; of those that are available, most are from developed countries […]
Does visual acuity have an effect on children’s educational achievement?
2017 Santiago Cueto, Javier Escobal, Juan Leon, Mary Penny
Inequity is an important issue for many international initiatives, including the current Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). One aspect of inequity that has received little attention is the impact of disability on education. This working paper explores whether mild or moderate levels of visual impairment are associated with educational performance for 7 and 8-year-old children in […]
Equating test scores for receptive vocabulary across rounds and cohorts in Ethiopia, India & Vietnam
2017 Juan Leon, Abhijeet Singh
In longitudinal studies such as Young Lives, getting comparable measures of children´s cognitive abilities over time is essential for identifying individual, household, and school-level factors that affect children´s development. Few longitudinal studies that follow birth/age cohorts include comparable cognitive measures across waves, and those studies that are available are mainly from developed countries. Young Lives […]
JournalRevista Latinoamericana de Estudios Educativos
Tablets or mobiles? Use of devices for a reading application during the pandemic
2025 Dalia Rojas Saldaña, María López Estrada, Santiago Cueto, Juan Leon
The objective of this research was to identify if there is a differentiated impact on the access and use of a reading application (Booksmart, by Worldreader) between students who used tablets compared to those who used mobile phones to access the resource. It also sought to understand the perceptions of the actors involved regarding the use of the application on each […]
JournalQuality in Higher Education
The association between state regulation and the increase in research productivity in Peruvian universities
2024 Martín Benavides, Juan Leon, Juan José Tapia
In the eight years following the 2014 university system reform in Peru, there has been sustained growth in the scientific production of the Peruvian universities, evident by an increased number of publications in indexed journals compared to the pre-reform period. Using administrative data, the article investigates if the growth of scientific production is associated with […]
JournalJournal of Interpersonal Violence
Bullying victimization among peruvian children: the predictive role of parental maltreatment
2021 Martín Benavides, Juan Leon, Jimena Stuart, Diana La Riva
Bullying among schoolchildren is increasingly being recognized as a major problem. Although previous studies have examined parental maltreatment as a risk factor for bullying, the evidence on this topic remains limited in Latin America. The aim of this study was then to measure the prevalence of bullying victimization among a nationally representative sample of Peruvian […]
JournalSSM Population Health
Exploring the association between segregation and physical intimate partner violence in Lima, Peru: the mediating role of gender norms and social capital
2019 Martín Benavides, Juan Leon, Manuel Etesse, Lucía Espezúa, Jimena Stuart
Intimate partner violence (IPV) has been globally recognized as a major public health problem. A growing body of evidence has identified a significant relationship between living in a neighborhood of concentrated disadvantage and experiencing IPV. Considering the increasing rates of poverty and segregation registered in Latin American cities, research on the effects of segregation on […]
JournalSociology of Race and Ethnicity
Access to Higher Education of Afro-Peruvians: Disentangling the Influence of Skin Color and Social Origins in the Peruvian Stratification System
2018 Martín Benavides, Juan Leon, Claudia Galindo, Cedric Herring
Despite recent efforts by the Peruvian government to rectify centuries of injustice against Afro-Peruvians, not much is known about the relative influence of discrimination and social origins on Afro-Peruvians’ access to higher education. Using data from the 2014 Specialized Study of Afro-Peruvian Population and logistic regression, the authors examine the influence of skin color and […]
El uso de las tecnologías para la generación de aprendizajes: desafíos para la formación inicial y en servicio del profesorado
El Perú pendiente: ensayos para un desarrollo con bienestar2022 Juan Leon, Claudia Sugimaru
In this essay, the authors focus on a specific topic, namely the Technological, Pedagogical and Disciplinary Knowledge (TPACK) model. The adoption of this model – or others – could help guide the long-awaited and much-needed reform of initial teacher education and professional development, which should be part of a broader strategy aimed at further strengthening […]
Drone photography improves understanding of spaces for children in Lima
Early Childhood MattersThe objective is to provide local and central governments with tools that will enable them to monitor and improve public spaces. These tools include indicators – such as the quality of the environment, ease of access for pedestrians, and level of use by families – and instruments for assessing them, such as checklists and drone […]
Classroom composition and its association with students’ achievement and socioemotional characteristics in Peru
Educational Assessment in Latin America2018 Santiago Cueto, Juan Leon, Alejandra Miranda
This collection presents educational assessment research from Latin America, adding to a relatively small but growing body of research considering educational assessment and evaluation issues in this large region. The predominance of Chile reflects its early highly centralized education system, and the fact that it adopted national testing before other Latin American countries. It was […]
El efecto del nivel socioeconómico en el rendimiento de los estudiantes peruanos: un balance de los últimos 15 años
Investigación para el desarrollo en el Perú: once balances2016 Juan Leon, Yessenia Collahua
The current study examines a meta-analysis of the relationship between family socioeconomic status (SES) and student academic achievement in Peru between 2000 and 2014. In total, 28 primary studies containing a total of 132 effect sizes were analyzed. Effect sizes were calculated using Fisher’s z-statistic, obtained by transforming the partial correlation coefficient associated with each […]
Peru: Socioeconomic Conditions on Student Achievement
Education in South America2015 Santiago Cueto, Juan Leon, Alejandra Miranda
Education in South America is a critical reference guide to development of education in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. The chapters, written by local experts, provide an overview of the education system in each country, focusing particularly on policies and implementation of reforms. Key themes include quality and access, multicultural […]
¿Qué diferencia hacen las escuelas? Un estudio de métodos mixtos en colegios secundarios del Perú
2021 Juan Leon, Gabriela Guerrero, Santiago Cueto, Paul Glewwe
The study on which this policy document is based analyzes which factors are associated with good results of students in public secondary educational institutions (IE), despite their adverse socioeconomic condition. For this purpose, a mixed methods design is used that follows a sequential explanatory model, which allows us to explore the effect of different types […]
La situación educativa de las niñas, niños y adolescentes afroperuanos: una mirada al acceso, resultados y entornos educativos
2021 Juan Leon,
One of the main barriers in our country (and in others countries) to portraying the socioeconomic situation of the Afro-descendant population is the lack of information disaggregated by ethnic group. This article presents the educational situation of Afro-Peruvian girls, boys, and adolescents and provides recommendations to continue developing studies that allow information to be disaggregated […]
Acceso a dispositivos y habilidades digitales de dos cohortes en el Perú
2020 Santiago Cueto, Juan Leon,
The technical note on which this policy brief is based details the construction of two indicators: basic computer skills and basic internet skills. This document also explores the determinants of access and digital skills in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam. However, this publication focuses on the findings for Peru.
Predictores de la deserción escolar en el Perú
2020 Santiago Cueto, , Juan Leon
The paper on which this policy brief is based analyzes what factors are associated with dropping out of school in the four countries covered by the Young Lives longitudinal study: Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam. For this, personal, family and educational factors are considered. This policy brief focuses on the findings of Peru.
Venciendo la adversidad: trayectorias educativas de los estudiantes pobres en zonas rurales del Perú
2019 Santiago Cueto, Juan Leon, Claudia Felipe
The study on which this policy brief is based analyzes which factors are associated with the fact that girls and boys born in contexts of relative poverty in rural areas not only remain in school, but also register high educational performance in tests of mathematical and verbal knowledge at 15 years of age. For this, […]
Programa Internacional para la Evaluación de los Estudiantes PISA 2015
2018 Juan Leon
El presente informe nacional analiza los resultados principales de PISA 2015 para nuestro país, tomando en cuenta nuestra realidad y contexto. La información brindada es muy valiosa para apoyar los esfuerzos que se realizan con el fin de alcanzar una educación de calidad para todos.
Estado de la educación en el Perú: análisis y perspectivas de la educación básica
2017 César Guadalupe, Juan Leon, José S. Rodríguez, Silvana Vargas
Este informe —un esfuerzo destinado a presentar un panorama de la situación educativa del país al 2016— es el primero de su naturaleza elaborado en el Perú. Ofrece una mirada de largo plazo que brinda elementos para entender la situación presente, así como documentación sistemática de información dispersa y a menudo difícil de consultar. ÍNDICE […]
Education trajectories: from early childhood to early adulthood in Peru
2016 Santiago Cueto, Alejandra Miranda, Juan Leon
Since the late 1960s, every President in Peru has proclaimed education to be a high priority. Yet, arguably, results have been poor and unequal. This paper analyses recent trends in education in Peru to raise what we consider are the main challenges to moving forward, and provides policy suggestions. To do this, the authors take a […]
Measuring the sustainable development agenda in Peru
2016 Martín Benavides, Silvio Campana, , Juan Leon,
In 2012, the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development pledged that governments will propose a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the post-2015 period. The SDGs – agreed to in September 2015 – replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which expire in the same year. The SDGs take into consideration positive experiences from the MDGs and […]
Estudio Especializado sobre Población Afroperuana (EEPA)
2015 Martín Benavides, Juan Leon, Lucía Espezúa, Alejandro Wangeman
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No se han encontrado publicaciones de Juan Leon en la categoría Mimeo
- Analysis of changes in family structures and arrangements in households with children and adolescents in EcuadorSeptember 2024
- Measuring gender social normsApril 2024
- Measuring gender social normsDecember 2023
- Implementation of the Remote Tutoring programme in PeruMarch 2023
- Revisión del gasto público regional en educación básicaJanuary 2023
- Development of the theory of change and impact evaluation design of the school violence prevention model.October 2022
- Early Childhood Development in PeruJuly 2020
- Worldreader ProjectSeptember 2019
- Inequality of opportunity in Peru: How can young people develop relevant skills and find decent employment in a rapidly changing job market?December 2018
- Pilot study for the validation of public space indicatorsApril 2018
Media highlights violence against Afro Peruvian women data from a specialized study undertook by the Ministry of Culture and GRADE
June 25, 2016 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
“Según el Estudio Especializado sobre Población Afroperuana (EEPA) –elaborado el año pasado por el Ministerio de Cultura del Perú y GRADE–, el 24.1% de las mujeres afroperuanas que fueron encuestadas reveló que sufrió violencia psicológica; el 23.7%, violencia física; y el 4.7%, violencia sexual”. El informe de Perú 21 recoge datos sobre violencia contra la […]
Desigualdades educativas en Perú. Comparando las pruebas PISA 2000 y 2009
December 12, 2014
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Decepción en rendimiento urbano, esperanza en avance rural
April 8, 2013 Education and learning
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El profesor y su responsabilidad en el curso de números para reducir brechas
April 1, 2013 Education and learning
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El profesor y su responsabilidad en el curso de números para reducir brechas
April 1, 2013 Education and learning
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Decepción en rendimiento urbano, esperanza en avance rural
April 8, 2013 Education and learning
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No se han encontrado novedades de Juan Leon en la categoría Interview
Media highlights violence against Afro Peruvian women data from a specialized study undertook by the Ministry of Culture and GRADE
June 25, 2016 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
“Según el Estudio Especializado sobre Población Afroperuana (EEPA) –elaborado el año pasado por el Ministerio de Cultura del Perú y GRADE–, el 24.1% de las mujeres afroperuanas que fueron encuestadas reveló que sufrió violencia psicológica; el 23.7%, violencia física; y el 4.7%, violencia sexual”. El informe de Perú 21 recoge datos sobre violencia contra la […]
Desigualdades educativas en Perú. Comparando las pruebas PISA 2000 y 2009
December 12, 2014
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Selected Publications
Is education a risk factor or social vaccine against HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa? The effect of schooling across public health periods
2017 Juan Leon, David Baker, Daniel Salinas, Adrienne Henck
The population education transition curve: education gradients across population exposure to new health risks
2017 David Baker, William C. Smith, Ismael G. Muñoz, Haram Jeon, Tian Fu, Juan Leon, Daniel Salinas, Renata Horvatek