Javier Escobal D`Angelo
Senior Researcher
PhD in Economic Development - Wageningen University
Javier holds a PhD in Economic Development from Wageningen University, in the Netherlands, and a Master’s degree from New York University, where he also carried out doctoral studies in Economics. He is currently a Senior Researcher at GRADE. He is also Co-Researcher in the Young Lives/Niños del Milenio longitudinal study, which follows more than 2000 children during the first twenty years of their lives and which is also carried out in parallel in Ethiopia, India and Vietnam.
His research has focused on rural development, poverty, agricultural policies and the sectoral impact of macroeconomic policy. On these topics he has published more than a dozen books and more than 40 academic articles in specialized journals. His research has won several international awards such as the Prize for the best doctoral thesis in International Development awarded by the World Bank and the Amsterdam Institute for International Development; the Award for Excellence in Development Research awarded by the Global Development Network and the Guggenhaim Fellowship.
In the public sector, he has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Central Reserve Bank, member of the Fiscal Council, an autonomous commission attached to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, member of the Advisory Commission of the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion, member of the Advisory Commission for Poverty Estimation of INEI, and on two occasions member of the Board of Directors of the Lima Wholesale Markets Firm.
The role of active discussion in learning about uncertain technologies
2024 Aranya Chakraborty, Javier Escobal, Sonia Laszlo, Jim Warnick
The decision to adopt one technology versus another depends on how uncertain the decision maker views each technology. Attitudes towards risk (known probabilities) and ambiguity (unknown probabilities) have been shown to partially explain the observed sub-optimal level of adoption of agricultural technologies in developing countries. While social learning can help resolve associated information frictions and […]
JournalReview of Development Economics
Survey attrition after 15 years of tracking children in four developing countries: The Young Lives study
2020 Alan Sanchez, Javier Escobal
Young Lives (YL) is a multicountry, birth cohort study that, over a period of 15 years, followed nearly 8,000 individuals born in 2001–2002 and 4,000 individuals born in 1994–1995 in Ethiopia, India (states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana), Peru, and Vietnam. This study aims to document attrition in the YL samples, to identify the correlates […]
JournalWorld Development
Challenges in using RCTs for evaluation of large-scale public programs with complex designs: Lessons from Peru
2020 Javier Escobal, Carmen Ponce
The use of randomized control trials (RCTs) to evaluate public policies and interventions in developing countries faces several challenges. These include limited budgets to finance sample designs and sample sizes required to evaluate multifaceted interventions, potential small-sample bias arising from such limited samples, and difficulties in random assignment when participants self-exclude from parts of the […]
Reshaping the gender gap in child time use: unintended effects of a program expanding economic opportunities in the Peruvian Andes
2019 Carmen Ponce, Javier Escobal
In the last decades, a variety of public policies and programs across the developing world have helped narrow the historical gender gap in access to education and employment. Yet, the gender gap in higher education, labor income and power relations within families -and the rural society in general- is still substantial in most developing countries. […]
Chapter in BookSepia XVII. Perú: el problema agrario en debate
De La Parada al Mercado Mayorista de Santa Anita: efectos sobre los márgenes, competitividad y eficiencia de la cadena de producción y comercialización de la papa
2018 Javier Escobal, Carmen Armas
Con el objetivo de enfrentar los problemas de inseguridad, insalubridad y tugurización del mercado mayorista de Lima La Parada, la administración de la Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima reubicó a los comerciantes en el Gran Mercado Mayorista de Lima, en Santa Anita, el que fue formalmente inaugurado en septiembre del 2012. El objetivo de este estudio […]
Does visual acuity have an effect on children’s educational achievement?
2017 Santiago Cueto, Javier Escobal, Juan Leon, Mary Penny
Inequity is an important issue for many international initiatives, including the current Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). One aspect of inequity that has received little attention is the impact of disability on education. This working paper explores whether mild or moderate levels of visual impairment are associated with educational performance for 7 and 8-year-old children in […]
Los efectos de la migración interna entre el 2007 y el 2014 en el Perú: un análisis a nivel provincial
2016 Javier Escobal, Úrsula Aldana
El propósito del presente estudio es estimar el impacto de los flujos migratorios en el Perú, sobre las zonas de origen y las zonas de destino de los migrantes. Se analiza el efecto sobre cuatro indicadores: el perfil etáreo de la población, la recepción de remesas, el nivel educativo promedio y, finalmente el valor del […]
Extractive industries and local development in the Peruvian highlands
2013 Javier Escobal, Elisa Ticci
During the last twenty years, the mining sector in Peru has been experiencing sustained growth. Using Census, administrative, nationally and regionally representative data we compare districts in the Peruvian Highlands with a recent mining development with suitable counterfactuals. We find that the new mining activities attract migration inflows, and have some positive effects over educational […]
Multidimensional Poverty and Inequality of Opportunity in Peru: Taking Advantage of the Longitudinal Dimension of Young Lives
2011 Javier Escobal
Utilizando la información recogida en el Perú durante las dos primeras rondas de encuestas del estudio longitudinal Niños del Milenio/Young Lives, se describe cómo la pobreza multidimensional y la desigualdad de oportunidades evoluciona a medida que el niño crece.
Places for place-based policies
2011 Javier Escobal, M. Rose Olfert, Julio Berdegué, Benjamín Jar
We propose a possible means of making choosing places for place-based policies, using the examples of Canada, Chile and Peru.
JournalReview of Development Economics
Survey attrition after 15 years of tracking children in four developing countries: The Young Lives study
2020 Alan Sanchez, Javier Escobal
Young Lives (YL) is a multicountry, birth cohort study that, over a period of 15 years, followed nearly 8,000 individuals born in 2001–2002 and 4,000 individuals born in 1994–1995 in Ethiopia, India (states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana), Peru, and Vietnam. This study aims to document attrition in the YL samples, to identify the correlates […]
JournalWorld Development
Challenges in using RCTs for evaluation of large-scale public programs with complex designs: Lessons from Peru
2020 Javier Escobal, Carmen Ponce
The use of randomized control trials (RCTs) to evaluate public policies and interventions in developing countries faces several challenges. These include limited budgets to finance sample designs and sample sizes required to evaluate multifaceted interventions, potential small-sample bias arising from such limited samples, and difficulties in random assignment when participants self-exclude from parts of the […]
JournalWorld Development
Explaining spatial diversity in Latin American rural development: structures, institutions, and coalitions
2015 Julio Berdegué, Javier Escobal, Anthony Bebbington
This article summarizes the results of a research program conducted in 11 Latin America countries, addressing two questions: (1) what factors determine territorial development dynamics that lead to economic growth, poverty reduction, and improved income distribution? (2) What can be done to stimulate this kind of territorial dynamics? We highlight five “bundles of factors” that […]
JournalWorld Development
Linkage to dynamic markets and rural territorial development in Latin America
2015 Javier Escobal, Arilson Favareto, Francisco Aguirre, Carmen Ponce
Linkage to dynamic markets is a key factor in understanding why different rural territories in Latin America perform differently. This paper combines two conceptual frameworks (from the new economic geography and economic sociology) for an in-depth analysis of the mechanisms that operate in this linkage and to identify key factors that allow for inclusive economic […]
JournalWorld Development
Conceptualizing spatial diversity in Latin American rural development: structures, institutions, and coalitions
2015 Julio Berdegué, Anthony Bebbington, Javier Escobal
This article is the introduction to a volume containing findings from a program conducted over five years in 11 Latin America countries, to answer three questions: (1) Are there rural territories that have experienced simultaneous economic growth, poverty reduction, and improved distribution of income?; (2) What factors determine these territorial dynamics?, and; (3) What can […]
De La Parada al Mercado Mayorista de Santa Anita: efectos sobre los márgenes, competitividad y eficiencia de la cadena de producción y comercialización de la papa
Sepia XVII. Perú: el problema agrario en debate2018 Javier Escobal, Carmen Armas
Con el objetivo de enfrentar los problemas de inseguridad, insalubridad y tugurización del mercado mayorista de Lima La Parada, la administración de la Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima reubicó a los comerciantes en el Gran Mercado Mayorista de Lima, en Santa Anita, el que fue formalmente inaugurado en septiembre del 2012. El objetivo de este estudio […]
Metodología cuantitativa de la evaluación del impacto
Combinando protección social con generación de oportunidades económicas: una evaluación del programa Haku Wiñay2016 Carmen Ponce, Javier Escobal
El componente cuantitativo de este estudio evalúa el impacto inicial del proyecto Haku Wiñay en un conjunto de áreas: la calidad de vida en el hogar —prácticas saludables, seguridad alimentaria, manejo de residuos sólidos, entre otros—, el sistema de producción familiar —tecnologías de producción agrícola y forestal, manejo de animales menores, entre otros—, la generación […]
Caracterizando la intervención
Combinando protección social con generación de oportunidades económicas: una evaluación del programa Haku Wiñay2016 Carmen Ponce, Javier Escobal
El capítulo describe el diseño del proyecto Haku Wiñay según los lineamientos vigentes del Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social y muestra su despliegue en el territorio nacional entre el 2012 y el 2014, así como la proyección para los años que vienen.
Impactos del proyecto desde una aproximación cuantitativa
Combinando protección social con generación de oportunidades económicas: una evaluación del programa Haku Wiñay2016 Javier Escobal, Carmen Ponce, Cynthia Paz
Este capítulo presenta los resultados de la evaluación de impacto —con enfoque cuantitativo—del proyecto Haku Wiñay en las condiciones de vida de hogares que además han sido usuarios del programa Juntos. Como se mencionó en el capítulo 2, el proyecto busca incidir en diversas esferas de la vida de los hogares, y es de esperar […]
Combinando programas sociales con otras intervenciones
Combinando protección social con generación de oportunidades económicas: una evaluación del programa Haku Wiñay2016 Javier Escobal, Carmen Ponce
Javier Escobal y Carmen Ponce presentan una discusión sobre la experiencia internacional en torno a la combinación de programas sociales con intervenciones de corte productivo desde una perspectiva histórica. Este capítulo permite iniciar la reflexión sobre el impacto del proyecto Haku Wiñay en entornos intervenidos por el programa Juntos, pues identifica consensos y retos compartidos, […]
Inclusión económica y tributación territorial: el caso de las exoneraciones altonandinas
2018 Javier Escobal, Carmen Armas
Aportes para mejorar la efectividad de las políticas dirigidas a impulsar la actividad económica y reducir la pobreza en zonas históricamente menos favorecidas.
Combinando programas sociales y programas productivos para enfrentar la pobreza extrema en áreas rurales: la evidencia de Haku Wiñay
2016 Javier Escobal, Carmen Ponce
Aportes para el desarrollo de programas orientados a fortalecer capacidades de generación de ingresos autónomos por parte de hogares rurales en situación de pobreza.
Estrategias de intervención para el desarrollo rural en la Sierra sur del Perú: un estudio comparativo
2012 Javier Escobal, Carmen Ponce, Ramón Pajuelo, Mauricio Espinoza
Aportes para la construcción de un sistema de aprendizaje de las experiencias de desarrollo rural a partir de la comparación de dos proyectos para mejorar las condiciones de vida de la población rural pobre de la Sierra: Sierra Sur y Sierra Productiva
Transferencias y Condiciones: Efectos no previstos del Programa JUNTOS
2012 Javier Escobal
En el presente boletín se hace una revisión de la literatura existente sobre JUNTOS, así como de los resultados que Niños del Milenio viene presentando sobre el programa.
Trayectorias desiguales: polarización y segregación en la distribución del ingreso en el Perú
2012 Javier Escobal, Carmen Ponce
Aportes para entender la dinámica de la desigualdad en la distribución del ingreso en las tres últimas décadas.
¿Qué hemos aprendido del estudio longitudinal Niños del Milenio? Síntesis de hallazgos
2018 Santiago Cueto, Javier Escobal, , Nicolás Pazos, Mary Penny, Vanessa Rojas, Alan Sanchez, Claudia Felipe
The Young Lives Peru Country Report presents a summary of the main findings that emerge from analysing the Young Lives data from Peru across a longitudinal study following two cohorts of children in various situations from remote rural areas to urban communities, as a component of a larger multicountry project. The study relates conditions early […]
Trampas territoriales de pobreza, desigualdad y baja movilidad social: los casos de Chile, México y Perú
2016 Anthony Bebbington, Javier Escobal, Isidro Soloaga, Andrés Tomaselli
In particular, the study distinguishes which provinces can be considered as always lagging behind during the inter-census period, which have experienced downward mobility, which have experienced upward mobility and, finally, which have never been lagging behind. Since monetary poverty does not include segments of the population that are not poor but can be considered vulnerable […]
Combinando protección social con generación de oportunidades económicas: una evaluación de los avances del programa Haku Wiñay
2016 Javier Escobal, Carmen Ponce, José Alfonso Heredia, María Isabel Remy
El objetivo de este volumen es proveer evidencia rigurosa de los impactos iniciales que ha tenido el proyecto Mi Chacra Emprendedora-Haku Wiñay en una muestra representativa de sus ámbitos de intervención en la sierra rural. El primer capítulo del libro sitúa el proyecto en el marco de las intervenciones que combinan programas de fomento productivo […]
Agricultura peruana: nuevas miradas desde el Censo Agropecuario
2015 Javier Escobal, Ricardo Fort, Eduardo Zegarra
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Estudio comparativo de intervenciones para el desarrollo rural en la Sierra sur del Perú
2012 Javier Escobal, Carmen Ponce, Ramón Pajuelo, Mauricio Espinoza
Comparación del desempeño relativo de dos proyectos para mejorar las condiciones de vida de la población rural pobre de la Sierra sur. El objetivo último es ayudar a la construcción de un sistema de aprendizaje de las experiencias de desarrollo rural.
The role of active discussion in learning about uncertain technologies
2024 Aranya Chakraborty, Javier Escobal, Sonia Laszlo, Jim Warnick
The decision to adopt one technology versus another depends on how uncertain the decision maker views each technology. Attitudes towards risk (known probabilities) and ambiguity (unknown probabilities) have been shown to partially explain the observed sub-optimal level of adoption of agricultural technologies in developing countries. While social learning can help resolve associated information frictions and […]
Reshaping the gender gap in child time use: unintended effects of a program expanding economic opportunities in the Peruvian Andes
2019 Carmen Ponce, Javier Escobal
In the last decades, a variety of public policies and programs across the developing world have helped narrow the historical gender gap in access to education and employment. Yet, the gender gap in higher education, labor income and power relations within families -and the rural society in general- is still substantial in most developing countries. […]
The effect of an additional alternative on measured risk preferences in a laboratory experiment in Peru
2006 Jim Engle-Warnick, Javier Escobal, Sonia Laszlo
We experimentally test for the effect of an additional alternative on the measured risk preferences of farmers in rural Peru.
Análisis de los servicios de infraestructura rural y las condiciones de vida en las zonas rurales de Perú
2004 Javier Escobal, Maximo Torero
This paper seeks to quantify the possible impact on rural households of having access to public infrastructure. This impact is evaluated both in terms of higher incomes and changes in the composition of such incomes. In particular, the paper decomposes the impact on rural household income into three effects: the “recomposition” effect, as the sources […]
- Infrastructure for rural developmentApril 2022
- Impact evaluation of Work for Progress (W4P) program in QuispicanchisOctober 2018
- Young Lives PeruApril 2016
- Spatial analysis of the adoption of agricultural technologies in Peru: a view from the 2012 Agricultural and Livestock CensusJuly 2014
- Support for research and discussion on CENAGRO-based policiesMarch 2014
- Elaboration of indicators for public agriculture policy based on the 2012 Agriculture CensusOctober 2013 - December 2013
- Determining factors of localized poverty and inequality trapsJuly 2013 - March 2014
- Young Lives Study (continuation)April 2013 - March 2014
- Preparation of inter-sector and inter-government articulation guidelines of social policies related to the Economic Inclusion Strategic AxisJanuary 2013 - March 2013
- Learning about the complementarities of conditional cash transfer programs and productive support programs for rural households in poverty situationNovember 2012 - October 2014
Multidimensional poverty: more important than the label is the content, by Javier Herrera and Javier Escobal
September 16, 2024 Poverty and equality
“The indicator that Midis would adopt combines only indicators that can be collected in the same survey, ignoring key elements like those related to malnutrition and anemia, indicators of quality of education and quality of access to public services, as well as indicators linked to violence and citizen security”. Javier Herrera, Visiting Professor at PUCP, and Javier […]
Escobal and Herrera: Decree that Goverment wants to aprove puts statistical system under threat, why?
September 6, 2024
“By transferring INEI’s own functions to Midis, the Supreme Decree proposed by the Government is a threat to the credibility of non-monetary poverty indicators”. Javier Escobal, Senior Researcher at GRADE, and Javier Herrera, Visiting Professor at PUCP, both members of the Consultative Commission on Poverty Measurment. write about the implications of a proposed Supreme Decree that questions the […]
Roxana Barrantes, with the collaboration of Javier Escobal, proposes a reform of the INEI. Via Jugo.
May 20, 2024 State reform and public institutions
“The INEI should perform as a data center for public management and centralize the various entities that currently provide data” The recent op-ed by Roxana Barrantes, senior researcher at IEP, with the collaboration of our senior researcher Javier Escobal, shares a proposal to reform the National Institute of Stadistics and Informatics (INEI) Via Jugo de Caigua. […]
Javier Escobal on The Dialogue’s Latin America Advisor: What Can Be Done to Reduce Peru’s Rate of Poverty?
June 27, 2023 Poverty and equality
“Urgent action is needed to overhaul the Peruvian civil servant system, which will help curb rampant corruption and enable the public sector to focus on fostering growth and reducing poverty”. Read the full commentary by our Senior Researcher Javier Escobal in the Inter-American Dialogue’s daily Latin America Advisor. Javier’s text is part of the article […]
Food prices: how to benefit producers and consumers, by Carolina Trivelli and Javier Escobal
February 27, 2023 Health and nutrition
“Consumers are the main victims of high prices. We all consume food and those who have less spend a higher percentage -almost half of their total expenditure- on food. Expensive food translates – in a situation of stagnant incomes – into hunger and severe restrictions on household consumption. High food prices have partially translated into […]
Multidimensional poverty: more important than the label is the content, by Javier Herrera and Javier Escobal
September 16, 2024 Poverty and equality
“The indicator that Midis would adopt combines only indicators that can be collected in the same survey, ignoring key elements like those related to malnutrition and anemia, indicators of quality of education and quality of access to public services, as well as indicators linked to violence and citizen security”. Javier Herrera, Visiting Professor at PUCP, and Javier […]
Escobal and Herrera: Decree that Goverment wants to aprove puts statistical system under threat, why?
September 6, 2024
“By transferring INEI’s own functions to Midis, the Supreme Decree proposed by the Government is a threat to the credibility of non-monetary poverty indicators”. Javier Escobal, Senior Researcher at GRADE, and Javier Herrera, Visiting Professor at PUCP, both members of the Consultative Commission on Poverty Measurment. write about the implications of a proposed Supreme Decree that questions the […]
Food prices: how to benefit producers and consumers, by Carolina Trivelli and Javier Escobal
February 27, 2023 Health and nutrition
“Consumers are the main victims of high prices. We all consume food and those who have less spend a higher percentage -almost half of their total expenditure- on food. Expensive food translates – in a situation of stagnant incomes – into hunger and severe restrictions on household consumption. High food prices have partially translated into […]
The relevance of evaluating the impact of tax exemptions
August 24, 2018 Rural development and agriculture
“The evidence suggests that the tax benefits to the high Andean areas have not had the desired impact.” Our senior researchers, Javier Escobal, shares in HacerPeru the findings of his recent study and the importance of evaluating the impacts of tax exemptions, frequently used as a mechanism to promote investment.
Más dinamismo, más reducción de pobreza
April 24, 2015 Rural development and agriculture, Poverty and equality, State reform and public institutions
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Javier Escobal on The Dialogue’s Latin America Advisor: What Can Be Done to Reduce Peru’s Rate of Poverty?
June 27, 2023 Poverty and equality
“Urgent action is needed to overhaul the Peruvian civil servant system, which will help curb rampant corruption and enable the public sector to focus on fostering growth and reducing poverty”. Read the full commentary by our Senior Researcher Javier Escobal in the Inter-American Dialogue’s daily Latin America Advisor. Javier’s text is part of the article […]
Javier Escobal shares his opinion on the impact of the shortage of fertilizers in Peruvian agriculture
May 9, 2022 Rural development and agriculture
For Javier Escobal, Senior Researcher at GRADE, subsistence farmers, among whom the use of fertilizers is widespread, are particularly vulnerable to the increase in the price of these inputs, since they cannot transfer the higher cost to consumers. In addition, since they would have to buy the food that they would stop producing, they would […]
Javier Escobal shares his thoughts in a Venezuelan newspaper about the origins, impact and actions to counteract hyperinflation
January 15, 2018 State reform and public institutions
The Venezuelan newspaper El Nacional analyzes how the stabilization programs of Latin American countries such as Peru were achieved and what sacrifices they made to overcome the hyperinflation that Venezuela faces today. Our senior researcher, Javier Escobal, shares his thoughts about its origins, impact and actions to counteract this phenomenon: “All the hyperinflations around the world have holded up […]
Javier Escobal gives his thoughts on the doubts and criticisms left by the 2017 Census
October 24, 2017 State reform and public institutions
El Comercio gathered the thoughts of Javier Escobal, senior researcher at GRADE and member of the Advisory Council of the National Censuses, during the press conference after the 2017 Census. Javier discussed the census omission of housing in urban areas; between 2% and 3% of the total population, according to the head of the National Institute of Statistics and Information (INEI): “The […]
Javier Escobal y otros economistas evalúan la gestión del actual gobierno
January 12, 2016 Poverty and equality
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Interview, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Javier Escobal: “If inflation had been controlled, we would have a poverty rate two points lower than the current one”
October 12, 2022 Poverty and equality, Health and nutrition
“Almost 600,000 more people would not have become poor as a result of this shock. […] These are people who, as a result of the price shock, have become poor. If inflation had been controlled, we would have a poverty rate that would be 2 points lower than the current one”. Javier Escobal, Senior Researcher […]
Javier Escobal: “Necesitamos un piso parejo para que los segmentos más pobres del Perú puedan engancharse de manera efectiva al crecimiento”
May 12, 2015 Rural development and agriculture, Methodologies for research and evaluation of policy and programmes, Poverty and equality, State reform and public institutions, Health and nutrition
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Meta de bajar la pobreza a 20% al 2016 será “muy complicada” si el PBI no crece 4%
April 24, 2015 Rural development and agriculture, Poverty and equality, State reform and public institutions
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La obsesión por la inclusión social debe ser compartida
February 18, 2012 Poverty and equality
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Potenciar lo que ya se tiene
December 24, 2000 Poverty and equality
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Roxana Barrantes, with the collaboration of Javier Escobal, proposes a reform of the INEI. Via Jugo.
May 20, 2024 State reform and public institutions
“The INEI should perform as a data center for public management and centralize the various entities that currently provide data” The recent op-ed by Roxana Barrantes, senior researcher at IEP, with the collaboration of our senior researcher Javier Escobal, shares a proposal to reform the National Institute of Stadistics and Informatics (INEI) Via Jugo de Caigua. […]
Carolina Trivelli highlights the evaluation findings of Haku Wiñay, led by Javier Escobal and Carmen Ponce
July 18, 2016 Rural development and agriculture
Carolina Trivelli, former Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion, highlights the evaluation findings of the Haku Wiñay program, led by our researchers Javier Escobal and Carmen Ponce: “Those who received the program report significantly more income, a varied diet and consume more animal protein; show better health (less disease), use less wood, have higher financial inclusion, and more”.
Javier Escobal es designado integrante del Consejo Fiscal del Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas
December 14, 2015
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Un millón de personas salieron de la pobreza durante este Gobierno
May 3, 2014 Poverty and equality
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Juntos y lo productivo
February 28, 2014 Rural development and agriculture
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Selected Publications
Combinando protección social con generación de oportunidades económicas: una evaluación de los avances del programa Haku Wiñay
2016 Javier Escobal, Carmen Ponce, José Alfonso Heredia, María Isabel Remy