Carmela Chávez Irigoyen
Associated Researcher
PhD in Sociology - Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
Google Scholar
Carmela Chávez Irigoyen holds a PhD in Sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, where she also obtained a Degree in Sociology and a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences. She has a Master’s Degree in Advanced Studies in Human Rights and a Master’s Degree in Fundamental Rights from the Carlos III University in Madrid. She has been a doctoral intern at the Center for Comparative Policy in Education at the Diego Portales University in Santiago, Chile, a visiting researcher at the Institute for the Studies for International Development at McGill University in Montreal and a visiting student at the Consortium in Latin American and Caribbean Studies at Duke University in Durham, United States. Carmela also received a scholarship from the United Nations University in Tokyo where she took courses on Universal System and International Cooperation at the Institute for Sustainability and Peace; and from the Ministry of Education and Research of the German Federal Government to participate in the Winter Academy “Inequality, Education and Social Power: transregional perspectives” held by the Forum Transregionale Studien and the Max Weber Foundation at the Von Humbolt University in Berlin.
She worked as a Specialist in educational systems at the National Superintendence of University Higher Education (SUNEDU) between 2016 and 2023, and as a researcher at the Institute for Democracy and Human Rights of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru between 2013 and 2015.
Currently, her lines of research in higher education revolve around the institutional reforms, educational policies, quality assurance, private eduction and educational trajectories with a gender approach. Her publications have focused on various issues in higher education, human rights, transitional justice and democratic governance.
She teaches courses in Sociology of Education and Research Methodology, and is an Associated Researcher at GRADE. She is a member of the Peruvian Society for Educational Research (SIEP).
Género y educación superior: una mirada al sistema universitario desde las trayectorias estudiantiles
2023 Carmela Chávez
This study, which explores gender gaps in the Peruvian university system based on a detailed analysis of statistical information produced by the National Superintendence of Higher Education (SUNEDU) and the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), reveals new trends in the Peruvian university system in terms of gender, such as a prevalence of female […]
Chapter in BookHacer políticas sociales. Estudios sobre experiencias de implementación y gestión en América Latina
Reforma universitaria y aseguramiento de la calidad de la educación superior en el Perú
2022 Carmela Chávez
The author presents the process of “university reform” in the Peruvian experience and delves into the creation of the National Superintendence of University Higher Education (SUNEDU). In particular, she discusses the institutional impact that this intervention had on the university system and on educational policy. The processes of institutional evaluation and supervision led to the […]
Chapter in BookMiradas sobre la autonomía universitaria
El principio de autonomía universitaria y la apuesta por la calidad educativa. Retos para el caso peruano en el proceso de reforma universitaria
2022 Carmela Chávez
This reflection approaches the phenomenon of university autonomy in a context such as the Peruvian one, which has undergone an unprecedented process of university reform that has allowed not only the organization of the system in terms of supply but also the configuration of a state institutionality that aims to guarantee conditions of quality and […]
JournalRevista Educación Superior y Sociedad
Brechas de género en la gobernanza universitaria y la carrera docente en el Perú
2021 Carmela Chávez, Esteban Penelas Ronso Merino
This article explores gender gaps in university governance, analyzing evidence on the distribution of positions by sex, both in senior management and academic leadership in Peruvian universities, as well as in the teaching staff. It is shown that there is little participation of women in university governing bodies, information that is analyzed according to the […]
Masificación educativa y diversificación institucional. Discursos y diseños organizacionales en universidades privadas de bajo costo en el Perú
2021 Carmela Chávez
This research addresses the phenomenon of the low-cost private university (UPBC) in Peru, analyzing the institutional discourses of two case studies, as well as the educational narratives of its students. Two research questions are posed, the first of a descriptive nature that seeks to know how their educational actors are and from what paradigms they […]
Género y educación superior: una mirada al sistema universitario desde las trayectorias estudiantiles
2023 Carmela Chávez
This study, which explores gender gaps in the Peruvian university system based on a detailed analysis of statistical information produced by the National Superintendence of Higher Education (SUNEDU) and the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), reveals new trends in the Peruvian university system in terms of gender, such as a prevalence of female […]
Transformación institucional y movilidad en la universidad peruana: el caso de las universidades gerenciales en sectores emergentes
2015 Carmela Chávez
In the last 20 years, the greatest change in higher education institutions in Peru has been the emergence of the private university as a protagonist in the sector. Within the latter, the majority are low-cost business universities, for-profit universities whose promoters are the so-called new entrepreneurs of education (sometimes owners of other pre-schools, schools, technical […]
International Human Rights Protection: institutions and instruments
2014 Monika Mayrhofer, Carmela Chávez, Venkatachala Hegde, Magnus Killander, Joris Larik, Bright Nkrumah, Elizabeth Salmón, Kristine Yigen
The report is aimed at mapping out relevant institutions for the protection of human rights at the national, regional and international levels, including governmental as well as non-governmental organisations. It equally aims to present the instruments used at different levels, especially global and regional treaties as well as political agreements and non-binding instruments. Therefore, the report […]
Propuesta de fortalecimiento del Proyecto Educativo Regional de Ayacucho y Huánuco
2012 Carmela Chávez, Renata Bregaglio
This document is a road map to facilitate understanding and implementation of the Regional Education Project (PER) in the regions of Ayacucho and Huánuco. In this sense, the document seeks first to point out some problems or inadequacies detected in the PER. Secondly, the document proposes a new order or structure for the PER which, […]
Enseñanza de Sociología en el Perú: un estudio de casos
2001 Gonzalo Portocarrero, Carmela Chávez
This study deals with how Sociology is taught in five universities that offer the degree in the country. We have chosen three universities in Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and Universidad Federico Villarreal; and two in the provinces: Universidad Nacional de San Agustín, in Arequipa, and Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz […]
JournalRevista Educación Superior y Sociedad
Brechas de género en la gobernanza universitaria y la carrera docente en el Perú
2021 Carmela Chávez, Esteban Penelas Ronso Merino
This article explores gender gaps in university governance, analyzing evidence on the distribution of positions by sex, both in senior management and academic leadership in Peruvian universities, as well as in the teaching staff. It is shown that there is little participation of women in university governing bodies, information that is analyzed according to the […]
JournalCuaderno de Difusión
Políticas de seguridad alimentaria y protección de la agricultura familiar en la estrategia regional de seguridad alimentaria en la región Puno
2016 Renata Bregaglio, Carmela Chávez, Francisco Aguilar
This research seeks to analyze the elaboration process of the Regional Food Security Strategy (ERSA) of Puno, as well as its formal content, in order to contrast it with the Voluntary Guidelines. This analysis is highly relevant in the specific case of Puno, a highland region of Peru, which presents worrying indicators of food insecurity […]
JournalUniversitas: Revista de Filosofía, Derecho y Política
Opinión pública, agenda, democracia y derechos humanos: apuntes para el estudio de una relación imperfecta
2008 Carmela Chávez
This article explores the relationship between the media, democracy, currents of opinion and the establishment of a public agenda. We will discuss the dilemmas in the interrelation of these fields in light of the precarious presence of the human rights agenda in the mass media, especially television, and its necessary contribution to a democratic debate […]
Reforma universitaria y aseguramiento de la calidad de la educación superior en el Perú
Hacer políticas sociales. Estudios sobre experiencias de implementación y gestión en América Latina2022 Carmela Chávez
The author presents the process of “university reform” in the Peruvian experience and delves into the creation of the National Superintendence of University Higher Education (SUNEDU). In particular, she discusses the institutional impact that this intervention had on the university system and on educational policy. The processes of institutional evaluation and supervision led to the […]
El principio de autonomía universitaria y la apuesta por la calidad educativa. Retos para el caso peruano en el proceso de reforma universitaria
Miradas sobre la autonomía universitaria2022 Carmela Chávez
This reflection approaches the phenomenon of university autonomy in a context such as the Peruvian one, which has undergone an unprecedented process of university reform that has allowed not only the organization of the system in terms of supply but also the configuration of a state institutionality that aims to guarantee conditions of quality and […]
Políticas de educación superior y procesos de internacionalización: el caso peruano a la luz de la reforma universitaria
Políticas públicas para la internacionalización de la educación superior en América Latina2020 Carmela Chávez, Santiago Torres Manrique
Higher education systems and institutions, Peru
Encyclopedia of international higher education systems and institutions2017 Carmela Chávez
El derecho a la alimentación en grupos en condición de vulnerabilidad
Derecho humano a la alimentación: entre la política pública y las decisiones judiciales2017 Renata Bregaglio, Carmela Chávez, Renato Constantino, Rosa Arévalo
This study analyzes national policies to guarantee the right to food of vulnerable groups in Peru. This is based on the Voluntary Guidelines to Support the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the Context of National Food Security (hereinafter “Voluntary Guidelines”), and Inter-American standards on economic, social and cultural rights. The research […]
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Carmela Chávez en la categoría Policy brief
En cancha ajena: la participación ciudadana a través de los Consejos Nacionales
2015 Renata Bregaglio, Carmela Chávez, Renato Constantino
The main objective of this research is to analyze their institutional models as well as to reflect on the role played by citizen participation as a factor of democratic governance through the National Councils.
Políticas públicas con enfoque de derechos en el Perú: el Plan Nacional de Derechos Humanos y las experiencias de planes regionales en derechos humanos
2014 Renata Bregaglio, Renato Constantino, Carmela Chávez
The objective of this research is to contribute, through updated and systematized information, to the identification of the limits and scope of the process of elaboration and execution of public policies with a human rights approach based on two paradigmatic cases: San Martín and Junín. To this end, the paper explores the concepts of public […]
Masificación educativa y diversificación institucional. Discursos y diseños organizacionales en universidades privadas de bajo costo en el Perú
2021 Carmela Chávez
This research addresses the phenomenon of the low-cost private university (UPBC) in Peru, analyzing the institutional discourses of two case studies, as well as the educational narratives of its students. Two research questions are posed, the first of a descriptive nature that seeks to know how their educational actors are and from what paradigms they […]
Derechos humanos y gobernabilidad democrática: oportunidades para la cooperación canadiense en el Perú
2009 Carmela Chávez
This study has two central objectives. The first is to offer an overview of the human rights situation in the country, and of the public policies that protect and promote them. In particular, attention has been paid to the scenarios related to the transitional justice process (in terms of the guidelines of the Truth and […]
Procesos y productos de justicia transicional: los aportes de la Comisión de la Verdad y la Reconciliación a la transición peruana
2008 Carmela Chávez
This paper attempts, in the first place, to situate itself within an emerging theoretical perspective, derived from legal sociology, the so-called sociology of human rights. Its main characteristic is to approach human rights as social phenomena, analyzing their genesis, formation and positioning in the public agenda as moral, legal and political demands. Specifically, we will […]
Congressmen want to change Pronabec’s scholarship distribution system. Carmela Chávez’s opinion
December 3, 2024 Education and learning
“This change in profile from a technical and meritocratic representation to a guild representation, of interested parties, generates many problems for transparency and accountability.” Our Associated Researcher Carmela Chávez shares her opinion on the legislative proposal that seeks to reconform the board of directors of Pronabec, as well as to modify the system of scholarships […]
Carmela Chávez comments on the suspension of the licensing of Universidad Privada Peruano Alemana
September 12, 2024
“Within Sunedu’s Regulation of Infractions and Sanctions, there is no figure of suspension. But in an administrative process, a sanction is a provisional measure, while deciding what sanction to impose”. Carmela Chávez, Associated Researcher at GRADE, talked with SEMANAeconómica about the suspension of the licensing of the Universidad Privada Peruano Alemana. An article available for subscribers here.
Carmela Chávez on the permanent licensing of universities: “Today we no longer have the guarantee of having basic quality conditions”
August 13, 2024 Education and learning
“We are facing a much bigger issue that has to do with the sustainability of the university system. Universities are being created without any kind of control. When the time comes for licensing, who ensures that they obtain licenses with basic conditions that no one is going to reevaluate?”. Carmela Chávez, Associated Researcher at GRADE, […]
Carmela Chávez discusses the results in creative thinking according to PISA 2022
June 26, 2024 Education and learning
“Improving learning processes is not a job that can fall exclusively on teachers, this development has to do with training processes both from the strengthening of the national curriculum, the investment of educational resources and above all the need to understand education as a process of training people”. Carmela Chávez, Associated Researcher at GRADE, shared […]
No se han encontrado novedades de Carmela Chávez en la categoría Opinion Article
Congressmen want to change Pronabec’s scholarship distribution system. Carmela Chávez’s opinion
December 3, 2024 Education and learning
“This change in profile from a technical and meritocratic representation to a guild representation, of interested parties, generates many problems for transparency and accountability.” Our Associated Researcher Carmela Chávez shares her opinion on the legislative proposal that seeks to reconform the board of directors of Pronabec, as well as to modify the system of scholarships […]
Carmela Chávez discusses the results in creative thinking according to PISA 2022
June 26, 2024 Education and learning
“Improving learning processes is not a job that can fall exclusively on teachers, this development has to do with training processes both from the strengthening of the national curriculum, the investment of educational resources and above all the need to understand education as a process of training people”. Carmela Chávez, Associated Researcher at GRADE, shared […]
Carmela Chávez on the permanent licensing of universities: “Today we no longer have the guarantee of having basic quality conditions”
August 13, 2024 Education and learning
“We are facing a much bigger issue that has to do with the sustainability of the university system. Universities are being created without any kind of control. When the time comes for licensing, who ensures that they obtain licenses with basic conditions that no one is going to reevaluate?”. Carmela Chávez, Associated Researcher at GRADE, […]
Carmela Chávez comments on the suspension of the licensing of Universidad Privada Peruano Alemana
September 12, 2024
“Within Sunedu’s Regulation of Infractions and Sanctions, there is no figure of suspension. But in an administrative process, a sanction is a provisional measure, while deciding what sanction to impose”. Carmela Chávez, Associated Researcher at GRADE, talked with SEMANAeconómica about the suspension of the licensing of the Universidad Privada Peruano Alemana. An article available for subscribers here.