
María Balarin will be a panelist in the Universidad Católica de Chile session, “How to address new post-pandemic school inequalities”

Date : 29/10/2020
Hour : 2:30 pm (hora Perú)
Location:Evento virtual
Area/s : Education and learning

As part of the webinar sessions on pandemic education and the challenges for Latin America of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and AGCID Chile, the third session “How to address new post-pandemic school inequalities” will be held.

Denise Vaillant
Director of the Doctoral Program in Education, Universidad ORT Uruguay.
“Emergency remote teaching in times of pandemic”.

Maria Balarin
Research Director and Senior Researcher at GRADE
“The pandemic as a mirror of the Peruvian educational reality”.

Jaime Balladares
UC School of Education
“Children first? Inequalities in early childhood education in the context of a pandemic”.

Edgar Valencia
UC School of Education
“Old solutions for new inequities: contributions from educational measurement and evaluation”.

You may sign-up here.