Artículos de Revista
Detecting Gender and Racial Discrimination in Hiring Through Monitoring Intermediation Services: The Case of Selected Occupations in Metropolitan Lima, Peru
Inspired by audit studies methodology, the authors monitored a job intermediation service in Peru to detect gender and racial discrimination in hiring. The authors capture individual racial information using the approach of Ñopo, Saavedra, and Torero (2007), enabling a richer exploration of racial differences. Overall, the study finds discriminatory treatment in hiring only when comparing groups […]
Impacto del programa Juntos sobre nutrición temprana
En este trabajo se explora el impacto del programa de transferencias condicionadas Juntos sobre el estado nutricional de niños menores de 5 años.
PDAs in socio-economic surveys: instrument bias, surveyor bias or both?
The study shows that data collected through personal digital assistants (PDAs) has a higher level of agreement when compared to paper-based responses.
¿Qué sabemos sobre los programas de transferencias condicionadas? Lecciones de la experiencia
Se discute los resultados por las transferencias monetarias condicionadas a la población en pobreza durante los últimos años en indicadores de capital humano de países de América Latina y analizan las implicancias de estos hallazgos.
Impacto de una intervención con grupos de mamás y bebes en el desarrollo infantil
Se evalúa el impacto de una intervención grupal, con madres y niños de ocho meses de edad, en el desarrollo de los niños, realizada en un distrito urbano marginal de Lima Metropolitana.
Teaching entrepreneurship: impact of business training on microfinance clients and institutions
Using a randomized control trial, we measure the marginal impact of adding business training to a Peruvian group lending program for fem
Global citizenship and marginalization: contributions towards a political economy of global citizenship
This paper provides a critical discussion of the literature on global citizenship education using a theorical approach that sterms form political economy theories of globalisation.
The Impact of Fair Trade Certification for Coffee Farmers in Peru
This study uses a balanced sample of Fair Trade farmers and likewise nonFair Trade producers of organic and conventional coffee from Peru to compare the net effects on production, income and expenditures, wealth and investments, and attitudes and perceptions.