Artículos de Revista
Equity in health and health care in Peru, 2004-2008
Este estudio evalúa si las recientes tendencias económicas positivas y las políticas de salud pro-pobres han logrado mayor equidad en la salud, y explora los factores claves que explican este cambio.
What Difference Can Fathers Make?: Early Paternal Absence Compromises Peruvian Children’s Growth
Impacto de la presencia del padre durante la infancia y la niñez en la talla para la edad (puntaje Z o HAZ por sus siglas en inglés) de niños a los 5 años de edad. Los datos provienen de una cohorte de Niños del Milenio de Perú.
Stated social behavior and revealed actions: Evidence from six Latin American countries
Do attitudinal surveys and incentivized experiments predict actual behavior? The authors answer this question using data on trust and pro-sociality from experiments and surveys conducted on six Latin American cities. Individuals in agreement with a set of pro-social statements who also either are willing to trust others more or are interested in risk-pooling, end up […]
Understanding the association between maternal education and use of health services in Ghana: exploring the role of health knowledge
This paper examines the role of health knowledge in the association between mothers’ education and use of maternal and child health services in Ghana.
Cohort Profile: The Young Lives Study
The article gives a useful overview of Young Lives research design and methods. It covers: the aims and scope of the study, sampling, the different survey rounds, attrition, key findings and publications, and how to access the data.
Transaction Costs, Institutional Arrangements and Inequality Outcomes: Potato Marketing by Small Producers in Rural Peru
We explore the distributional effects of lowering transaction costs to allow access to improved market opportunities for small farmers in the Peruvian Highlands.
The changing role of international cooperation in developing countries (as they develop): A case study of skills development policies in Peru.
A focus on the changes in the relationship between international cooperation and local actors in the skills development field in Peru as the country strengthened its financial position in the last two decades allows us to examine the role of the economic factor in these changes.
Descentralización funcional y presupuestal de la educación pública en el Perú: un balance de avances y desafíos
Un diagnóstico de la gestión presupuestal de la educación pública en un contexto de descentralización política que ha implicado la transferencia de competencias y funciones educativas a los gobiernos subnacionales.
Gender earning gaps around the world: a study of 64 countries
The purpose of the paper is to analyze gender disparities in labor earnings for a comprehensive set of 64 countries. Design/methodology/approach – Using the methodological approach proposed by Ñopo, socio-demographic characteristics are used to match males and females such that gender earnings disparities are computed only among individuals with the same observable characteristics. Findings – […]
Detecting Gender and Racial Discrimination in Hiring Through Monitoring Intermediation Services: The Case of Selected Occupations in Metropolitan Lima, Peru
Inspired by audit studies methodology, the authors monitored a job intermediation service in Peru to detect gender and racial discrimination in hiring. The authors capture individual racial information using the approach of Ñopo, Saavedra, and Torero (2007), enabling a richer exploration of racial differences. Overall, the study finds discriminatory treatment in hiring only when comparing groups […]