Martín Benavides Abanto (on leave)
Senior Researcher
PhD in Sociology - Pennsylvania State University
Martín Benavides has a PhD in Sociology from Pennsylvania State University where he also attained a Master’s Degree in Education Policy. He has a degree in Sociology and a BA in Sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, and has been a visiting student on issues of social mobility and inequality at Nuffield College at the University of Oxford in England. Currently he is Director at UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). He is also a Senior Researcher at GRADE (currently on leave) and also works as a Professor in the Department of Social Science at the Pontifical Catholic University, where he is a member of the Faculty Council and the Advisory Committee of Graduate Programs in Sociology.
From 2015 to 2018, Martin was a member of the Board of Directors of the National Superintendence of Higher University Education (SUNEDU), and served as superintendent of this body from 2018 to 2020. From February to November 2020, he was the Minister of Education of Peru.
He has published on topics such as education, social stratification and social classes, inequality and youth. He served as a Fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies in Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University during the 2007-2008 academic year and as an Affiliated -Researcher at the Stanford Center for the Study of Poverty and Inequality.
His fields of specialization are social stratification and inequality, sociology of education, educational policy and youth.
Transmisión intergeneracional de la educación. Los efectos directos e indirectos de la educación materna en el desarrollo infantil en una región de la selva peruana
2020 Juan Leon, Martín Benavides, Fernando Alarcón, María Grazia Erausquín., Ana Salas
The fact that more educational opportunities have been opened in developing countries has led to a reduction in gender-related educational disparities. Increased levels of schooling for women have potentially important social consequences for boys and girls, in terms of health and well-being. This study explores both the direct and indirect effects of maternal education on […]
Chapter in BookEarly Childhood Matters
Drone photography improves understanding of spaces for children in Lima
The objective is to provide local and central governments with tools that will enable them to monitor and improve public spaces. These tools include indicators – such as the quality of the environment, ease of access for pedestrians, and level of use by families – and instruments for assessing them, such as checklists and drone […]
Capital social y logro ocupacional en contextos de segregación
2019 Martín Benavides, Juan Leon, Álvaro Paredes, Diana La Riva
This study explores the influence of socioeconomic segregation in neighborhoods of Metropolitan Lima on the occupational achievement of heads of households, as well as the relevance of social capital in this relationship. Using the databases of the Nopoor project, a direct, negative and statistically significant relationship is identified between segregation and occupational achievement. In addition, […]
JournalSSM Population Health
Exploring the association between segregation and physical intimate partner violence in Lima, Peru: the mediating role of gender norms and social capital
2019 Martín Benavides, Juan Leon, Manuel Etesse, Lucía Espezúa, Jimena Stuart
Intimate partner violence (IPV) has been globally recognized as a major public health problem. A growing body of evidence has identified a significant relationship between living in a neighborhood of concentrated disadvantage and experiencing IPV. Considering the increasing rates of poverty and segregation registered in Latin American cities, research on the effects of segregation on […]
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Martín Benavides en la categoría Working paper
JournalSociology of Race and Ethnicity
Access to Higher Education of Afro-Peruvians: Disentangling the Influence of Skin Color and Social Origins in the Peruvian Stratification System
2018 Martín Benavides, Juan Leon, Claudia Galindo, Cedric Herring
Despite recent efforts by the Peruvian government to rectify centuries of injustice against Afro-Peruvians, not much is known about the relative influence of discrimination and social origins on Afro-Peruvians’ access to higher education. Using data from the 2014 Specialized Study of Afro-Peruvian Population and logistic regression, the authors examine the influence of skin color and […]
JournalCurrent HIV Research
The role of objective numeracy and fluid intelligence in sex-related protective behaviors
2015 Nathan Dieckmann, Ellen Peters, Juan Leon, Martín Benavides, David Baker, Alison Norris
A wealth of studies has indicated that greater cognitive ability is related to healthier behaviors and outcomes throughout the lifespan. In the present paper, we focus on objective numeracy (ability with numbers) and present findings from a study conducted in the Peruvian Highlands that examines the relations among formal education, numeracy, other more general cognitive […]
JournalJournal of Family Violence
The Co-Occurrence of Domestic and Child Violence in Urban Peru: Evidence from Three Regions
2015 Martín Benavides, Juan Leon, Marcela Ponce de León
Using a unique dataset collected from three regions in Peru (Huancavelica, Lima and Loreto), this study explores the co-occurrence of domestic and child violence within households; that is, the situation where a victim of domestic violence (mother) becomes a perpetrator towards other family members (children) in the same household. Secondly, the study seeks to analyze […]
The cognitive impact of the education revolution: A possible cause of the Flynn Effect on population IQ
2015 David Baker, Paul Eslinger, Martín Benavides, Ellen Peters, Nathan Dieckmann, Juan Leon
JournalCompare: a Journal of Comparative and International Education
Curriculum reform and the displacement of knowledge in Peruvian rural secondary schools: exploring the unintended local consequences of global education policies
2010 Martín Benavides, Maria Balarin
The processes of policy implementation in developing contexts and the unintended consequences of education policies that follow international policy scripts without enough consideration of local histories and cultures.
Movilidad educativa intergeneracional, educación superior y movilidad social en el Perú: evidencias recientes a partir de encuestas a hogares
Educación superior. Movilidad social e identidad2012 Martín Benavides, Manuel Etesse
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La escuela frente al cambio: el caso de un programa de intervención educativa en la sierra norte del Perú
Cambio y continuidad en la escuela peruana: una mirada institucional a la implementación de programas, procesos y proyectos educativos2010 Martín Benavides, Paul Neira
A partir de la visita a las aulas, se ofrecen elementos para analizar qué ocurre en las áreas de este ámbito educativo peruano y para conocer la interacción entre hacedores de política, actores locales y entorno.
Estructura ocupacional y formacion de clases sociales en el Perú: que nos dice la evidencia disponible sobre el Peru reciente
Clases sociales en el Perú: visiones y trayectoria2007 Martín Benavides
Prácticas docentes en colegios secundarios rurales
Estudio sobre la oferta y demanda de educación secundaria en zonas rurales2007 Maria Balarin, Martín Benavides, Vanessa Rios, Heidi Rodrich
Exclusión, identidad étnica y políticas de inclusión social en el Perú: el caso de la población indígena y la población afrodescendiente
Investigación, políticas y desarrollo en el Perú
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Martín Benavides en la categoría Policy brief
Estado de la niñez en el Perú 2011
2011 Martín Benavides, Carmen Ponce,
El Mimeo presenta tanto las mejoras en los últimos años como las inequidades en términos del cumplimiento de los derechos de niñas, niños y adolescentes peruanos en el ámbito nacional, regional y local.
Cambio y continuidad en la escuela peruana: una mirada institucional a la implementación de programas, procesos y proyectos educativos
2010 Martín Benavides, Paul Neira
A partir de la visita a las aulas, se ofrecen elementos para analizar qué ocurre en las áreas de este ámbito educativo peruano y para conocer la interacción entre hacedores de política, actores locales y entorno.
Informe de progreso educativo 2010
2010 Martín Benavides, Magrith Mena
El Mimeo de Progreso Educativo, Perú 2010 pretende medir los cambios desde el Mimeo del 2006. Provee información confiable y actual sobre el progreso educativo en el país para una audiencia no especializada.
Estado de la niñez indígena en el Perú
2010 Martín Benavides, Carmen Ponce, Magrith Mena
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Ser joven excluido es algo relativo: dimensiones cuantitativas y cualitativas de la heterogeneidad de los jóvenes pobres urbanos peruanos
2010 Martín Benavides, Vanessa Ríos, Inés Olivera, Rómulo Zuñiga
El presente trabajo intenta analizar la heterogeneidad existente en el mundo de la pobreza urbana juvenil, haciendo uso de conceptos como experiencia y proyecto.
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Martín Benavides en la categoría Mimeo
- Indicators on violence against children in PeruMay 2012 - January 2013
- Study about Afro-descendant children in PeruApril 2012 - October 2012
- Qualitative Evaluation of the Tutoring and Follow-up Model of Enseña PerúSeptember 2011 - January 2012
- Nuevos dilemas en el análisis y seguimiento público de la desigualdad étnica en el PerúApril 2011 - September 2012
- Raising of awareness in Electoral Civic Education on account of the 2011 General Elections process: evaluation of the National Education Plan strategyMarch 2011 - July 2011
- Analysis of the PISA 2009 evaluation results with regard to the relation between social and cultural inequities and students’ performance.February 2011 - March 2011
- Health, violence and early years’ education demandJanuary 2011 - August 2011
- Conceptual framework on the relation between social and cultural inequities and students’ performanceNovember 2010 - November 2010
- Design of studies to define the programs that the Bernard Van Leer Foundation will fund.October 2010 - November 2010
- Transition of male adolescents to adulthoodOctober 2010 - November 2010
Media highlights violence against Afro Peruvian women data from a specialized study undertook by the Ministry of Culture and GRADE
June 25, 2016 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
“Según el Estudio Especializado sobre Población Afroperuana (EEPA) –elaborado el año pasado por el Ministerio de Cultura del Perú y GRADE–, el 24.1% de las mujeres afroperuanas que fueron encuestadas reveló que sufrió violencia psicológica; el 23.7%, violencia física; y el 4.7%, violencia sexual”. El informe de Perú 21 recoge datos sobre violencia contra la […]
La agenda pendiente sobre la comunidad afroperuana
June 10, 2016 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
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Martín Benavides: “Necesitamos mirar la problemática de la violencia infantil de manera articulada”
September 18, 2015 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
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Maltrato infantil: violencia que engendramos
February 3, 2015 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship, Poverty and equality
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Desigualdades educativas en Perú. Comparando las pruebas PISA 2000 y 2009
December 12, 2014
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No se han encontrado novedades de Martín Benavides en la categoría Opinion Article
Ministerio de Cultura inicia estudio integral sobre población afroperuana
November 5, 2013 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
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Ministerio de Cultura inicia estudio especializado para población afroperuana
October 30, 2013 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
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Según Ministerio Público cerca de 130 menores de seis años fueron asesinados entre 2009 y 2011
March 1, 2012 Poverty and equality
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En el hogar se da la mayor violencia contra los niños
January 20, 2012 Education and learning
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Golpes que matan
November 28, 2011 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
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“Hay que establecer claramente una rectoría sobre el problema de la violencia contra la infancia”
February 7, 2012 Poverty and equality
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Hay más mujeres en el mercado laboral pero se mantiene la brecha salarial
March 8, 2014 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
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Perú: Unas 5 de cada 10 mujeres son víctimas de violencia
March 6, 2014 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
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Crean grupo para incluir variable étnica en censo del 2017
February 5, 2013 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
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Las mujeres en los mercados de trabajo de América Latina: Avances y desafíos
November 3, 2011 Health and nutrition
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Selected Publications
The role of objective numeracy and fluid intelligence in sex-related protective behaviors
2015 Nathan Dieckmann, Ellen Peters, Juan Leon, Martín Benavides, David Baker, Alison Norris
Estudio Especializado sobre Población Afroperuana (EEPA)
2015 Martín Benavides, Juan Leon, Lucía Espezúa, Alejandro Wangeman