Publications of Javier Escobal
Investigación, políticas y desarrollo en el Perú
Este libro recoge las Mimeos presentadas en la conferencia Investigación, políticas y desarrollo, realidad en el marco del 25 aniversario del Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo.
The role of public infrastructure in lowering transaction costs
This chapter analyses the impact of transaction costs for rural households’ welfare, devoting attention to the causes and implications of the lack of spatial and vertical integration of product and factor markets. Based on an innovative procedure for a disaggregated analysis of the transport, information, negotiation and monitoring costs of farmers incorporated in the potato […]
Economic opportunities for indigenous peoples in rural and urban Peru
This paper examines the factors that determine the income-generating activities of indigenous households in Peru and assesses how social networks affect these economic decisions.
Lecciones de políticas y programas para la agricultura familiar
This chapter consists of five sections, in addition to the introduction. Section 2 describes the conceptual and methodological framework that the various studies commissioned have adopted when assessing the impacts that the programs studied have had on family farming (AF for short in Spanish). Section 3 summarizes the basic characteristics of the programs chosen as […]
Ambiguity aversion as a predictor of technology choice: experimental evidence from Peru
The lack of adoption of new farming technologies despite known benefis is a well-documented phenomenon in development economics.
Trade liberalisation and child welfare: assessing the impact of a free trade agreement between Peru and the USA
Peru is in the process of negotiating a free trade agreement with the USA which would eliminate trade concessions on most goods and serv