State Reform and Public Institutions
GRADE researchers develop a series of studies and evaluations into the workings of factor markets, the justice system, the development of micro-enterprises, decision-making processes, and regional and local policy. Within this area analysis is also conducted into market structures, regulatory frameworks, pricing policy and policy relating to technological innovation.
Senior Researchers
Lorena Alcázar Valdivia
PhD en Economics - Washington University
Lorena has a BA in Economics from the Pacific University in Peru, a Master’s Degree in Political and International Economy from the Kiel Institute of World Economics, and a PhD in Economics from Washington University. She is currently a Senior Researcher at the Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE). Previously, she served as Vice-President […]
Miguel Jaramillo Baanante
PhD en History - University of California
Miguel Jaramillo has a degree in Economics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. He completed his graduate studies in Economics and History at the University of California, where he received a PhD in History. His areas of interests are labor economics, social policy and institutional analysis. He is currently a Senior Researcher at GRADE. […]
Máximo Torero Cullen (de licencia)
PhD en Economics - University of California, Los Angeles
Maximo received a PhD from the University of California at Los Angeles, Department of Economics and held a postdoctoral fellow position at the UCLA Institute for Social Science Research (ISSR). Currently, he is the Chief Economist of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Prior to joining FAO, he was the World Bank Group Executive Director for […]
Associated Researchers
Juana Kuramoto Huamán (on leave)
PhD candidate en Innovation & Technology - Maastricht University
Juana Kuramoto received a Master’s Degree in Public Policy from the University Carnegie Mellon in 1995. She is currently studying for a PhD in Policy Studies and Technological Change at the University of Maastricht and is an Associate Researcher at GRADE. Her fields of interest are technological innovation, scientific and technological policy, and mining. She […]
Adjunct Researchers
Jessica Tapia Soriano
Master en - Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO)
Jessica holds a Master’s degree in Social Sciences with an orientation on Education from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) in Argentina. Currently she is an Adjunct Researcher at GRADE and the Pedagogical Coordinator of the Growing with Multigrade Rural Schools in Peru (CREER) Project.
Determinantes de la fragmentación de la inversión pública urbana: evidencia empírica en los barrios populares de Lima
Otro urbanismo para Lima: más allá del mejoramiento de barrios2017 Álvaro Espinoza, Ricardo Fort
El artículo presenta una investigación empírica que analiza los factores sociales, políticos y administrativos que disminuyen la eficiencia y eficacia del Sistema Nacional de Inversión Pública (SNIP), lo cual tiene como consecuencia el alcance limitado y la inadecuada priorización de las obras públicas en los asentamientos humanos.
Instituciones, normas sociales y comportamiento
Investigación para el desarrollo en el Perú: once balances2016 Miguel Jaramillo
Are institutions having the effect that we intended? In recent years, the economics literature has revealed the role that incentives and non-material motivations play in affecting the behavior of economic agents. While some actions are performed due to their intrinsic value, some are carried out because of the information they convey about the actor, and […]
Investigación para el desarrollo en el Perú: once balances
Este libro recoge los once balances de investigación presentados en la conferencia Avances Recientes en la Investigación y Políticas para el Desarrollo, organizada en el marco del 35 aniversario del Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE). Los textos de esta publicación buscan continuar satisfaciendo la demanda de conocimiento dirigida a sostener un debate más […]
Diagnosis on the situation and potential of irrigation sector in Nicaragua
2016 Eduardo Zegarra, Orlando Chirinos
Nicaragua ha tenido una importante expansión de la superficie provista para riego en las últimas dos décadas. No obstante, la superficie irrigada ha tenido una importancia limitada y fluctuante en las últimas cinco décadas, llegando a cubrir entre un mínimo de 1% (a principios de los 1960s y 1990s) y un máximo 6% (fines de los 1980s y en […]
Towards an inclusive and sustainable development in Latin America: dialogue between research and public policies
Esta publicación es resultado del seminario internacional Hacia un Desarrollo Inclusivo y Sostenible en América Latina: Diálogos entre Investigación y Políticas Públicas, organizado por el Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE) y el Instituto de Estudios Peruanos (IEP), el 25 y 26 de junio de 2014. Representa un esfuerzo de recopilación de lo más relevante y valioso […]
Trade liberalisation and child welfare: assessing the impact of a free trade agreement between Peru and the USA
2007Javier Escobal, Carmen Ponce,
Peru is in the process of negotiating a free trade agreement with the USA which would eliminate trade concessions on most goods and serv
Transparencia de los ingresos y pagos en las industrias extractivas
2007Juana Kuramoto,
Estudio que reporta las iniciativas de transparencia en marcha en el ámbito internacional y los esfuerzos realizados en el Perú para promover una mayor transparencia en el sector de minería e hidrocarburos.
Provision of public services and welfare of the poor: learning from an incomplete electricity privatization process in rural Peru
2007Lorena Alcazar, Maximo Torero,
The results in this paper suggest that management of electricity firms by the private sector leads to a significant improvement in the quality of the provision of electricity.
Investigación y política educativa en el Perú: lecciones de los estudios promovidos por el CIES
2006Martín Benavides,
Identificar y discutir, a partir de las investigaciones realizadas en el marco del Consorcio de Investigación Económica y Social (CIES) desde 1999, las lecciones o mensajes para la política educativa nacional.
Evaluación de la concesión del Puerto de Matarani: ¿quién ganó y quién perdió?
2005Lorena Alcazar,
Evaluación del proceso de concesión, estimación de su impacto en la economía e identificación de las implicancias de entregar en concesión otros puertos del país a través del desempeño del terminal de Matarani.
JournalGlobalization, Societies and Education
Promoting educational reforms in weak states: the case of radical discontinuity in Peru
2008Maria Balarin,
The present article explores the making of education policies in weak states, particularly in the context of developing nations and in view of the increasing influence of international organisations, such as the World Bank, in definition of education reform agendas
Journal Salud Pública de México
Health care utilization among older mexicans: health and socioeconomic inequalities
2007Juan Jose Diaz,
To examine the determinants of the utilization of health care services among the population of older adults in Mexico. Three types of health care services are analyzed: preventive care, visits to the doctor, and hospitalizations.
JournalPrimary Review Research Survey
Parenting, Caring and Educating
2007Maria Balarin,
In this survey of published research we review changing patterns in the structure of the families and identify trends in parenting and caring for today’s generation of primary school children.
JournalResearch on Aging
Health care use among elderly mexicans in the United States and Mexico
2006Juan Jose Diaz,
The authors sought to contribute to public policy on U.S. immigrants by comparing patterns of health care use among the Mexican-origin population aged 70 and older in the United States and Mexico.
JournalInternational Journal of Educational Research
Why are teachers absent?: probing service delivery in Peruvian primary schools
2006Lorena Alcazar,
This study, carried out as part of a new multi-country survey project, is the first systematic investigation in Peru into the extent and causes of teachers’ absence from schools.
Laclau’s theory of hegemony: between socio-cultural politics and a political economy of citizenship
Peru in theory2014Maria Balarin,
Can ‘theory’ teach us anything about Peru? Can ‘Peru’ teach us anything about theory? The chapters in this volume explore these questions by establishing a productive dialogue between Peru and theory. Focusing on institutional weakness and economic, social, gendered, racialized, and other forms of exclusion – key issues in recent social scientific inquiry in Peru […]
Fe y Alegria schools in Peru: analysis of the institutional management and pedagogy model and lessons for public education
Faith-based schools in Latin America: case studies on Fe y Alegria2014Lorena Alcazar, Nestor Valdivia,
Fe y Alegría constitutes an example of a privately managed education system funded on a shared basis. In Peru, schools enjoy high levels of autonomy to set their guidelines and make decisions. Two studies show that Fe y Alegría schools have better internal efficiency and performance indicators than comparable public schools. By using interviews with […]
Políticas de inversión pública y su impacto sobre el desarrollo rural: estrategias y mecanismos de implementación en la última década
Perú: el problema agrario en debate. Sepia XV2014Ricardo Fort,
Prácticas exitosas de innovación empresarial y comportamiento tecnológico sectorial
Innovación empresarial y comportamiento tecnológico sectorial: experiencias exitosas y estudios de casos2010Juana Kuramoto,
Public-private research, development, and innovation in Peru
Fuelling economic growth: the role of pulic-private sector research in development2009Juana Kuramoto, Maximo Torero,
This study examines institutional policies for innovation and research and development in Peru by assessing their effect on the performance of firms.
Las Familias y el Financiamiento de la Educación Pública en el Perú
Las Familias y el Financiamiento de la Educación Pública en el Perú.
Los Programas de Desayunos Escolares / El “benchmark” o análisis comparativo internacional
2001Santiago Cueto, ,
Los Programas de Desayunos Escolares / El "benchmark" o análisis comparativo internacional.
Logros y retos en el sector telecomunicaciones / Los enigmas de la política minera
2000Maximo Torero, Juana Kuramoto,
Logros y retos en el sector telecomunicaciones / Los enigmas de la política minera.
Educating for the knowledge economy?: critical perspectives
2012Maria Balarin,
The promise, embraced by governments around the world, is that the knowledge economy will provide knowledge workers with a degree of autonomy and permission to think which enables them to be creative and to attract high incomes. What credence should we give to this promise? The current economic crisis is provoking a reappraisal of both […]
Cambio y continuidad en la escuela peruana: una mirada institucional a la implementación de programas, procesos y proyectos educativos
2010Martín Benavides, ,
A partir de la visita a las aulas, se ofrecen elementos para analizar qué ocurre en las áreas de este ámbito educativo peruano y para conocer la interacción entre hacedores de política, actores locales y entorno.
Guía para la elaboración de una línea de base de la minería a pequeña escala
2010Maximo Torero, Juana Kuramoto, Juan Jose Diaz,
Esta guía presenta los criterios de la metodología propuesta y aplicada originalmente en las regiones piloto (La Libertad, Pasco y Moquegua).
Reformas pendientes en la educación secundaria
2009Santiago Cueto,
Los estudios presentados fueron desarrollados en el marco de las actividades del tercer concurso del Fondo de Investigaciones Educativas gestionado por PREAL con apoyo del Banco Mundial por medio de GDN.
Reaching the MDGs: an international perspective
2008, Martin Valdivia,
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) reached their half-way mark in 2007 amidst both disappointment and hope: although progress on the goals had been limited, particularly in the world's poorer countries, there was still sufficient time left to accelerate the proce
No se han encontrado publicaciones de State Reform and Public Institutions en la categoría Mimeo
- Design of the follow-up and evaluation component of the Early Childhood Development (ECD/DIT) policyMay 2014
- Workshop on extractive industries – learning from Latin America and Africa.December 2012 - June 2013
- Enrollment and voting campaign project for electoral participation of women in ParaguaySeptember 2012 - August 2015
- Competitive CitiesMay 2012 - October 2012
- Supplementary round on impact evaluation of the Operation License in Metropolitan LimaMay 2012 - May 2012
- Analysis of the organizational design and Regulations on Organization and Functions of the Peruvian Police ForceApril 2012 - June 2012
- Understanding the impact of Think Tanks: preparatory studies for the event “2012 Think Tank Initiative Exchange”March 2012 - December 2012
- Technical support for organizational design of the MIDISNovember 2011 - December 2011
- Effect of the participative Budget on the quality of public services: the case of water supply and roads in Peru.April 2011 - September 2012
- Raising of awareness in Electoral Civic Education on account of the 2011 General Elections process: evaluation of the National Education Plan strategyMarch 2011 - July 2011
Interview, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Hugo Ñopo talks with the Colombian media about the economic plan to face the impact of coronavirus in Peru
April 1, 2020 State reform and public institutions, Health and nutrition
“We have had 30 years of very good savings, of fiscal discipline, but also in those same years we have underinvested in people. Our investment in public health and education has been well below what our neighbors in the region invest and what that invests the developing world in general”. Hugo Ñopo, senior researcher at GRADE, […]
International Anti-Corruption Day: The Latin American Anti-Corruption Network shares proposals
December 9, 2019 State reform and public institutions
What are the main advances and pending challenges to fight corruption in Latin America? The Latin American Anti-Corruption Network (ReAL) —of which GRADE is a member— shares a report on public policies implemented in countries such as Chile, Peru, Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Paraguay, Colombia and Ecuador to state #NoALaCorrupción (Stop Corruption).
Bangkok: Members of GRADE joined the Think Tank Initiative 2018 as panelists and workshop participants
November 26, 2018 Rural development and agriculture, Education and learning, Employment, productivity and innovation, Ethnicity, gender and citizenship, Methodologies for research and evaluation of policy and programmes, Poverty and equality, Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict, State reform and public institutions, Health and nutrition, Urbanization and sustainable cities
After almost a decade of organizational support, the Think Tank Initiative brought together representatives of think tanks, policymakers, donors and other research-to-policy actors for a final Think Tank Initiative Exchange to mark the last year of the program. This Exchange built on a decade of TTI lessons, experiences and insights on the challenges of building […]
Miguel Jaramillo shared in Ideeleradio conclusions of GRADE’s Territories and Development International Conference
June 13, 2018 Rural development and agriculture, Employment, productivity and innovation, State reform and public institutions
Miguel Jaramillo, executive director at GRADE, spoke with Glatzer Tuesta, host of No hay derecho (Not fair) of Ideeleradio, on the regulation of the labor market in Peru, and shared some conclusions of our Territories and Development International Conference, held last week. Miguel spoke about the need for policies for the rural sector to respond to a […]
Ricardo Fort joined the 5th CIES Presidential Academic Dialogue on the reconstruction of the north of Peru
June 13, 2018 State reform and public institutions, Urbanization and sustainable cities
Our senior researcher Ricardo Fort was one of the nine experts who offered recommendations for the reconstruction of the north of the country, as part of the 5th Presidential Academic Dialogue held on Tuesday, June 12 by the Consortium for the Economic and Social Research (CIES). The event was headed by the President of the Republic, […]
Hugo Ñopo discussed the challenges of human development in the face of the pandemic at a KAS Peru event
20/08/2020 5:00 pm Evento virtual Employment, productivity and innovation, Poverty and equality, State reform and public institutions
“The world has applauded that we have good financial backs, which have been built on the basis of a very well done macroeconomy. Unfortunately, we have forgotten to invest in the most important thing: people. In health and education” (El Comercio, April 30 2020). Hugo Ñopo, Senior Researcher at GRADE, discussed the challenges of human […]
GRADE en la Semana de la Evidencia 2018: ¿Elemental, mi querido peruano? Aproximaciones a la evidencia de corrupción en el Perú
23/10/2018 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm Auditorio de GRADE (Av. Almirante Grau 915, Barranco) State reform and public institutions
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GRADE and IFEA held a dialogue on policy and practice for self-built city governance
05/09/2018 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Auditorio de GRADE (Av. Almirante Grau 915, Barranco) State reform and public institutions, Urbanization and sustainable cities
Three studies on the policies and practices for self-built city governance were discussed on Wednesday, September 5, at the fourth session of the research seminar, “Urban Informalities in the Self-built City: Which Research Agenda?”, held by GRADE and the French Institute of Andean Studies (IFEA). The research seminar is part of the activities of the […]
GRADE’s International Conference ‘Territories and Development in Peru’
05/06/2018 → 06/06/2018 9:00 am - 7:00 pm Auditorio de GRADE (Av. Almirante Grau 915, Barranco) Rural development and agriculture, Education and learning, Employment, productivity and innovation, Ethnicity, gender and citizenship, Methodologies for research and evaluation of policy and programmes, Poverty and equality, Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict, State reform and public institutions, Health and nutrition
GRADE’s International Conference on Territories and Development in Peru was held on 5-6 June, 2018. In this event we shared the findings of a research program that we have carried out over the last three years, due to the agreement between GRADE and the Think Tank Initiative managed by Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC). Through this research program, […]
Ricardo Fort will address the enduring consequences of informal urbanization at the University of Chicago
26/04/2018 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Harris Public Policy Room 344 1155 E 60th Street Chicago, Illinois State reform and public institutions, Urbanization and sustainable cities
Ricardo Fort, senior researcher at GRADE, will present his research studying the institutional arrangements that govern the massive ‘informal’ urban expansion of Lima—as well as other Peruvian cities and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The research presentation is held by the University of Chicago The Pearson Institute and the Center for Latin American Studies. This research program […]
- Education and Learning
- Employment, Productivity and Innovation
- Rural Development and Agriculture
- Ethnicity, Gender and Citizenship
- Methodologies for Research and Evaluation of Policy and Programmes
- Poverty and Equity
- Natural Resources, Extractive Industries and Social Conflict
- State Reform and Public Institutions
- Health and Nutrition
- Urbanization and Sustainable Cities