Health and Nutrition
GRADE research in this area is focused on the analysis of issues such as the state of health and nutrition in Peru, how this related to social exclusion, socio-economic status and growth, as well as how it impacts on the ability of individuals and families to develop different capacities.
Senior Researchers
Lorena Alcázar Valdivia
PhD en Economics - Washington University
Lorena has a BA in Economics from the Pacific University in Peru, a Master’s Degree in Political and International Economy from the Kiel Institute of World Economics, and a PhD in Economics from Washington University. She is currently a Senior Researcher at the Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE). Previously, she served as Vice-President […]
Alan Sánchez Jiménez
PhD en Economics - University of Oxford
Alan has a DPhil in Economics from the University of Oxford. He also holds a master degree in Economics for Development from Oxford. Currently, he is a Senior Researcher at GRADE, a Senior Researcher at Young Lives Peru, and a Visiting Scholar at the Oxford Department of International Development. He teaches on quantitative methodologies for impact […]
Martín Valdivia Huaringa
PhD en Applied Economics - University of Minnesota
Martin Valdivia has a PhD in Applied Economics from the University of Minnesota. He has worked as a Senior Researcher at GRADE since 1993. His fields of interest include entrepreneurship, financial inclusion, rural development and more recently democratic governance, with publications in journals such as the Review of Economics and Statistics, the Journal of Development […]
Research Assistants
Dianela Espinoza Fernández
BA en -
Dianela is an economist from the University of Piura. At GRADE, she supports Alan Sanchez in the “Young Lives at Work” and “Nutrition, Lifestyle, Genes and Metabolome – A Biosocial Cohort Study of Obesity and its Consequences for Non-Communicable Diseases in Young Adults from Urban Peru” projects.
Project Support Staff
Mónica Lizama Egoavil
Degree en - National Agrarian University
Mónica studied Statistical and Computer Science Engineer at the National University Agrarian La Molina. Currently she is the Data Manager for Young Lives in Peru. Before joining Young Lives, Mónica worked as a statistics assistant at the Peruvian National Institute of Statistics (INEI) and the International Nutrition Institute (IIN).
External Affiliated Researchers
Jere R. Behrman
Ph.D. en - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Professor Behrman is a leading international researcher in empirical microeconomics, with emphasis on developing economies. He is also a Research Associate at Penn’s Population Studies Center. His research interests include empirical microeconomics, labor economics, human resources (early childhood development, education, health, nutrition), project evaluation, economic demography, incentive systems and household behaviors. The unifying dimension of […]
Marta Favara
PhD en - University of Essex
Marta is a Senior Researcher at the Oxford Department of International Development at the University of Oxford where she is leading the quantitative research agenda of Young Lives since 2015. She is also a Research Fellow at the Oxford Martin School Programme on African Governance and an IZA Research Affiliate. Before joining Young Lives, she […]
Inocuidad de la carne en los mercados de abasto: entradas para mejorar la gobernanza y vigilancia
2023 Giel Ton, Mauricio Espinoza, Eloy Gonzales
La carne que se vende en los mercados de abastos puede contener microorganismos patógenos que representan un riesgo para la salud de las personas. Este riesgo puede reducirse con mejores prácticas de higiene e inversiones en los mercados. La pandemia demostró que se pueden lograr mejoras, pero estas son costosas de implementar y mantener en […]
JournalJournal of Health Economics
A drop of love? Rainfall shocks and spousal abuse: Evidence from rural Peru
2023 Juan Jose Diaz, Víctor Saldarriaga,
We investigate whether exposure to rainfall shocks affects the experience of physical intimate partner violence (P-IPV) among women in rural areas of the Peruvian Andes. Using data from the Demographic and Health Surveys over 2005–2014, we track changes in the probability that a woman experiences recent instances of P-IPV after being exposed to a rainfall […]
JournalFood Policy
Employment and wage effects of sugar-sweetened beverage taxes and front-of-package warning label regulations on the food and beverage industry: Evidence from Peru
2023 Juan Jose Diaz, Alan Sanchez, Francisco Diez-Canseco, Jaime Miranda, Barry M. Popkin
Peru increased its sugar-sweetened beverage tax by 8 percentage points (from 17% to 25%) in 2018 and in 2019 imposed front-of-package warning labels on processed and ultra-processed foods and beverages high in sugar, saturated fats, and sodium or containing trans fats. We assess the pre-COVID-19 impacts of these two policies on aggregate formal employment and […]
How early nutrition and foundational cognitive skills interconnect? Evidence from two developing countries
2022 Alan Sanchez, Marta Favara, Margaret Sheridan, Jere R. Behrman
We use unique data collected in Ethiopia and Peru as part of the Young Lives Study to investigate the relationship between early undernutrition and four foundational cognitive skills, the first two of which measure executive functioning: working memory, inhibitory control, long-term memory, and implicit learning. We exploit the rich longitudinal data available to control for […]
How Early Nutrition and Foundational Cognitive Skills Interconnect? Evidence from Two Developing Countries
2022 Alan Sanchez, Marta Favara, Margaret Sheridan, Jere R. Behrman
While the long-term consequences of early stunting on educational attainment and on school achievement tests are well-known, there is scarce evidence about the specific mechanisms through which early stunting leads to poorer educational outcomes, especially in LMIC contexts. We use unique data collected in Ethiopia and Peru as part of the Young Lives to investigate […]
COVID-19 Could Reverse Two Decades of Progress: Emerging Policy Recommendations to Support Young People in Developing Countries
New research from the Young Lives COVID-19 phone survey in Ethiopia, India, Peru, and Vietnam paints a worrying picture of how the economic and social impact of COVID-19 lockdowns and related restrictions could not only halt progress made over the last two generations, but could also reverse life chances and entrench existing inequalities for many […]
Relación entre embarazo adolescente y maternidad adolescente y resultados educativos y laborales: una aproximación a partir de datos de la ENDES
The international literature shows that teenage pregnancy is associated to negative results for the mother in terms of educational achievement and access to the labour market. However, there is limited evidence about this for the Peruvian case. Within this context, this study has three objectives. First, document the prevalence of teenage pregnancy in Peru between […]
Consequences of teenage childbearing in Peru: is the extended school-day reform an effective policy instrument to prevent teenage pregnancy?
In Peru, approximately 14 out of 100 female adolescents are mothers. Teenage childbearing is a major policy concern, as most studies point to a negative impact of early fertility on maternal outcomes and on the birth and future of the children. This paper investigates the role of extended school-day programmes, primarily seen as a means […]
Does visual acuity have an effect on children’s educational achievement?
Inequity is an important issue for many international initiatives, including the current Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). One aspect of inequity that has received little attention is the impact of disability on education. This working paper explores whether mild or moderate levels of visual impairment are associated with educational performance for 7 and 8-year-old children in […]
Juventud y desarrollo: resultados iniciales del estudio Niños del Milenio. Cuarta ronda de encuestas en el Perú
2015Alan Sanchez,
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
JournalPublic Health in Practice
The evolution of young people’s mental health during COVID-19 and the role of food insecurity: Evidence from a four low-and-middle-income-country cohort study
Provide evidence on how young people’s mental health has evolved in Low-and-Middle-Income-Countries (LMICs) during the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic. Identify particularly vulnerable groups who report high and/or continuously high rates of mental health issues. Two consecutive phone-surveys (August–October and November–December 2020) in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam interviewed around 9000 participants of a 20-year […]
JournalEconomic Development and Cultural Change
(Un)Conditional Love in the Time of Conditional Cash Transfers: The Effect of the Peruvian JUNTOS Program on Spousal Abuse
Cash transfer programs often target women as the recipient of the money. Unintentionally, this flow of unearned income may reduce spousal abuse. We investigate this possibility by assessing the Peruvian JUNTOS program. We exploit the staggered timing in the rollout of the program across municipalities along with its eligibility rule for determining participation to perform […]
Role of Government Financial Support and Vulnerability Characteristics Associated with Food Insecurity during the COVID-19 Pandemic among Young Peruvians
Using data from the longitudinal study Young Lives Peru, the authors investigated the profile of the young people in the study affected by food insecurity during the pandemic. They take into account the sociodemographic characteristics of Peruvian prendemic households and other shocks that made them more vulnerable. They also assess the government’s response role
JournalInternational Journal of Epidemiology
Cohort Profile Update: The Young Lives study
• Young Lives is a longitudinal study tracking two cohorts of children in four low-and-middle-income countries [Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam]. • The survey started in 2002 and three rounds were completed by 2009. Two further rounds took place in 2013 (round 4) and 2016 (round 5). Most recently the round planned for 2020 was […]
The Evolution of Young People’s Mental Health during COVID-19: Evidence from four Low-and-Middle-Income-Countries
Aunque COVID-19 presenta menos riesgo de morbilidad o mortalidad grave para los jóvenes, la crisis económica resultante ha afectado sus medios de subsistencia. Hay relativamente poca evidencia sobre la salud mental de los jóvenes en los países de ingresos bajos y medios (LMIC) a medida que avanza la pandemia. Dos encuestas telefónicas consecutivas (agosto/octubre y […]
Educational opportunities and learning outcomes of children in Peru: a longitudinal model
Growing up in poverty: findings from Young Lives2014Santiago Cueto, Juan Leon, ,
This collection brings together the latest evidence from Young Lives, a unique international study that focuses on children and poverty – particularly how poverty affects their development and their lives as children, and how children and their families respond to poverty. It shows how the persistence of inequality amid general economic growth is leaving some […]
The Vulnerability of the Uninsured to Health Shocks in Peru
Financing Health in Latin America Household Spending and Impoverishment2012Martin Valdivia, Juan Jose Diaz,
Seguridad alimentaria y shocks negativos en el Perú rural
Dinámicas territoriales rurales; seguridad alimentaria; desafíos ambientales2012, ,
Compilación de las Mimeos presentadas en la Conferencia SEPIA XIV organizada por el Seminario Permanente de Investigación Agraria (SEPIA) en la ciudad de Piura del 23 al 26 Agosto del 2011.
El rol de las percepciones y los conocimientos de las madres en el estado nutricional de sus niños
Salud, interculturalidad y comportamientos de riesgo2011Lorena Alcazar,
Análisis de los factores determinantes de la desnutrición infantil (talla para niños menores de 2 años), con énfasis en el rol del conocimiento de las madres sobre nutrición infantil en relación con el crecimiento y desarrol
Sobre los determinantes étnico-culturales de la inequidad en salud materno-infantil en el Perú
Salud, interculturalidad y comportamientos de riesgo2011Martin Valdivia,
Resultados e implicancias de política de dos estudios que usaron información de la ENDES (2005-06 y 2007-08) para profundizar sobre la relación causal entre etnicidad e indicadores del estado de salud y acceso, uso y financi
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Health and Nutrition en la categoría Policy brief
Impacto económico de la anemia en el Perú
2013Lorena Alcazar,
Este estudio pretende identificar y estimar los costos económicos para el Estado y la economía peruanos como consecuencia de la prevalencia de la anemia entre los adultos; estimar los costos económicos futuros en la economía peruana que arrastrará la anemia actual en los niños; y estimar los costos en que incurre el Estado para atender la anemia y los pr
Salud, interculturalidad y comportamientos de riesgo
2011Lorena Alcazar, Santiago Cueto, Martin Valdivia, ,
Tres Mimeos del Seminario Desigualdad, salud y educación realizado en Lima en noviembre del 2010 con el auspicio de la Fundación Ford, a través del Instituto de Educación Internacional y del IDRC.
¿Está el piso parejo para los niños en el Perú? Medición y comprensión de la evolución de las oportunidades
2012Javier Escobal,
Se aplica al caso peruano el marco conceptual de igualdad de oportunidades y otros indicadores para medir de manera directa cómo se distribuyen las oportunidades de acceso a bienes y servicios clave entre los niños.
¿Quién se queda atrás? Resultados iniciales del estudio Niños del Milenio. Tercera ronda de encuestas en el Perú.
2012Santiago Cueto, Javier Escobal,
Este documento presenta los resultados iniciales de la tercera ronda de encuestas en el Perú del estudio de largo plazo Niños del Milenio realizadas entre fines del 2009 y principios
Promoting early childhood development through a public programme: Wawa Wasi in Peru
2009Santiago Cueto, Gabriela Guerrero, Juan Leon, Claudia Sugimaru,
This paper presents the results of a Young Lives study into the impact and perceptions of the Programa Nacional Wawa Wasi, a Peruvian government programme for impoverished children
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Health and Nutrition en la categoría Mimeo
- Indicadores de desarrollo de jóvenes y determinantes de vulnerabilidades y resultados negativosNovember 2015
- Causes of chronic child malnutrition reduction in PeruJune 2014
- Design of the follow-up and evaluation component of the Early Childhood Development (ECD/DIT) policyMay 2014
- Economic impact of malnutrition in PeruDecember 2012 - August 2013
- Towards universal health coverage in LAC: The Peruvian caseAugust 2012 - August 2012
- Ethnic-racial discrimination in health services in Guatemala: an audit study to evaluate the impacts of an intervention based on health rightsApril 2012 - March 2015
- Analysis of the cost of anemia for PeruMarch 2012 - July 2012
- Nutritional paths during childhood: what conditions favor recovery from chronic malnutrition?January 2012 - August 2012
- Participation in the Panel for Evaluation of the Immunization Service (EDEP: Design Evaluation and Budget Execution)November 2010 - December 2010
- Study of the relation between knowledge of standards for expected developmental results; understanding of the present condition of children in the houApril 2010 - June 2010
Salud con lupa highlights findings of project on meat safety, with participation of GRADE researchers
April 28, 2023 Health and nutrition
“The research showed that there was a high presence of salmonella in the raw chicken cuts tested. The presence of salmonella in pork was lower, but still of concern.” Salud con lupa highlights the findings of the project Gobernanza e Inocuidad en la Cadena de Carne del Perú en mercados de abasto de tres ciudades, […]
Food prices: how to benefit producers and consumers, by Carolina Trivelli and Javier Escobal
February 27, 2023 Health and nutrition
“Consumers are the main victims of high prices. We all consume food and those who have less spend a higher percentage -almost half of their total expenditure- on food. Expensive food translates – in a situation of stagnant incomes – into hunger and severe restrictions on household consumption. High food prices have partially translated into […]
Eduardo Zegarra’s opinion in Ojo Público article on Peru’s social upheaval and food shortage
January 30, 2023 Rural development and agriculture, Health and nutrition
Inflation, the international increase in the cost of inputs and the strong drought recorded in regions of the southern highlands of the country in the last half of last year will have a negative impact on food security in 2023, especially in the sectors with fewer resources. Read the opinion of our senior researcher Eduardo […]
Interview, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Javier Escobal: “If inflation had been controlled, we would have a poverty rate two points lower than the current one”
October 12, 2022 Poverty and equality, Health and nutrition
“Almost 600,000 more people would not have become poor as a result of this shock. […] These are people who, as a result of the price shock, have become poor. If inflation had been controlled, we would have a poverty rate that would be 2 points lower than the current one”. Javier Escobal, Senior Researcher […]
Eduardo Zegarra in Exitosa: “Peru is the South American country most affected by food insecurity”.
October 8, 2022 Health and nutrition
“Peru is the most food insecure country in South America at this stage of the post-pandemic crisis. The number of people has doubled: before the pandemic there were 8 million, now FAO estimates 16 million of Peruvians with food insecurity”. Our Senior Researcher Eduardo Zegarra was interviewed in Exitosa Noticias about the increase in potato […]
Miguel Jaramillo and Kristian López will be joining the CSIC and UPCH Conference-Dialogue Preparing for the Next Pandemic: Lessons from COVID-19
05/11/2022 → 06/11/2022 Modalidad híbrida. Campus UPCH La Molina y Zoom. State reform and public institutions, Health and nutrition
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is appropriate to give special space to considerations relevant to the present and possible future pandemics. This, in light of the mistakes and successes in public health, communication and economy, at local, national and global levels. The Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) of Spain and the […]
Eduardo Zegarra was a speaker at the PERUSAN dialogue Zero hunger and food security: priority in regional and municipal agendas
02/09/2022 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Zoom de PERUSAN Rural development and agriculture, Health and nutrition
“We have very serious flaws in the agri-food systems, which are highly distorted by the presence of industrial interests in which the importation of transgenic and processed foods predominates. There is little connection between the food industry and national agricultural production. Not even the State buys from family farming, which is abandoned to its fate”. […]
GRADE on live, Publication Presentation, Webinar
GRADE 40 years | Book Launch “El Perú pendiente: ensayos para un desarrollo con bienestar”
01/09/2022 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Zoom de GRADE Rural development and agriculture, Education and learning, Employment, productivity and innovation, Ethnicity, gender and citizenship, Methodologies for research and evaluation of policy and programmes, Poverty and equality, Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict, State reform and public institutions, Health and nutrition, Urbanization and sustainable cities
El Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE) organizes the launch of the book “El Perú pendiente: ensayos para un desarrollo con bienestar” (The Pending Peru: essays for a development with well-being), as part of the commemorative celebration for its forty years of institutional life. The book is a collection of essays that, from different conceptual and […]
Carmen Ponce was a speaker at the 2022 Congress of the Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CALACS)
26/08/2022 10:00 am University of Toronto Health and nutrition
Our associated researcher Carmen Ponce was a speaker at the 2022 Congress of the Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CALACS), held on August 23-26 in an in-person and virtual format. The annual event addressed the topic “Latin America and the Caribbean in times of COVID-19: responses, adaptations and recoveries”. On Friday 26, Carmen shared […]
Eduardo Zegarra joined a session on proposals for the economic crisis held by congressmen Flor Pablo and Carlos Anderson
20/04/2022 9:00 am - 11:00 am Facebook de Flor Pablo y Carlos Anderson Rural development and agriculture, Health and nutrition
“There is no government structure and institutions that allow coherent responses and strategies to be coordinated in the face of food insecurity. This crisis has worsened over the last two months, where the prices of imported food have skyrocketed again. […] Peru it has not developed a capacity to meet its basic food needs and […]
- Education and Learning
- Employment, Productivity and Innovation
- Rural Development and Agriculture
- Ethnicity, Gender and Citizenship
- Methodologies for Research and Evaluation of Policy and Programmes
- Poverty and Equity
- Natural Resources, Extractive Industries and Social Conflict
- State Reform and Public Institutions
- Health and Nutrition
- Urbanization and Sustainable Cities