Policy brief
Labour Market Information Programmes
The Brief then provides an overview of monitoring and evaluation indicators and impact assessments before concluding with a discussion of enabling factors and key lessons for other regions.
Peru’s ProJoven Training Programme
Este brief proporciona un análisis del diseño, funcionamiento de los mencanismos e impactos del programa ProJoven para extraer los factores clave de éxito que serán útiles para otras regiones.
¿Tiene el presupuesto participativo algún impacto en la calidad de los servicios públicos? El caso del sector del agua y saneamiento
El efecto de la participación ciudadana en las decisiones presupuestarias sobre la calidad del servicio público a través del análisis del vínculo entre el PP e indicadores de cobertura y calidad del servicio de agua y saneamiento en el Perú
Improving Environmental Management of Extractives through Environmental Impact Assessments
The Brief focuses on three particularly noteworthy innovations implemented in Peru: mine closure plans; regulation and approval mechanisms; and citizen participation.
From Supply- to Demand-led: Labour Training in Latin America
This Brief begins by describing general features of the shift to a demand-led approach to labour training and highlights some of the main programmes in the region.
Impacto de la licencia municipal en el desempeño de las microempresas en el Cercado de Lima
Aportes para el debate sobre el efecto de las reformas municipales de simplificación administrativa en el comportamiento de la microempresa.
Peruvian Microfinance’s Caja Municipal Model
This Brief tells the story of the Caja Municipales system, focusing on the Caja Trujillo example to offer lessons learned for other regions.
Guide to microfinance in Latin America
The Guide concludes with lessons that may be relevant for other contexts, as well as highlighting key publications and organisations related to microfinance in the region.
Latin America’s Institutional and Regulatory Innovations for Microfinance Growth
This Brief provides an overview to the Latin American experience in regulating MFIs, covering the history of microfinance regulation in the region and the positive effects it has had on the sector’s current performance.
Profit-based versus Production-based Tax Regimes: Latin America’s Experience
This Brief uses the examples of Peru and Chile to highlight Latin American experiences when migrating from production-based to profit-based tax regimes, in particular arguing that profit-based regimes seem to be the best choice in the current Latin American context of a mining boom.