The long shadow of conflict on human capital: intergenerational evidence from Peru
This paper estimates the intergenerational impacts of mothers’ exposure to the 1980–2000 Peruvian civil conflict on their children’s socio-emotional skills development. We combine longitudinal data, which measures skills across a child’s life, with historical geo-located conflict data. Exploiting spatial and temporal variation in conflict episodes, we find that mothers’ exposure to conflict has adverse intergenerational […]
A new approach to children’s work that prioritises resilience, well-being and agency: emerging findings from a ‘cash plus’ intervention in Bangladesh
Background: Criticism of mainstream approaches to child labour is widespread and well-established. The Child Labour Action Research in South and Southeast Asia (CLARISSA) Cash Plus pilot sought to address these critiques through an innovative programme that prioritised the development of household resilience and well-being, and through increasing household capacity to make alternative choices around children’s work. […]
Food safety certification in urban food markets: the willingness to pay for safer meat in Peru
This paper estimates consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for meat certified to be safe for human consumption in Peru. Citizens in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are increasingly concerned about the safety of food they consume. Across LMICs, urban markets remain the most important source of fresh and nutritious produce and therefore policymakers need to […]
Tablets or mobiles? Use of devices for a reading application during the pandemic
The objective of this research was to identify if there is a differentiated impact on the access and use of a reading application (Booksmart, by Worldreader) between students who used tablets compared to those who used mobile phones to access the resource. It also sought to understand the perceptions of the actors involved regarding the use of the application on each […]
Diseños experimentales y su contribución a la medición de impacto de programas sociales y educativos: análisis del estudio experimental del programa “Atención educativa oportuna para el desarrollo integral de niños y niñas de 3 años”
The objective of this article is to analyze the scope and limitations of experimental studies for measuring the impact of a child care program. To achieve this, the research examines a study that aims to estimate the impact on the overall development of children involved in the project “Timely Educational Support for the Comprehensive Development […]
Trayectorias educativas de jóvenes rurales y urbanos del Perú
Based on fieldwork carried out in Peru as part of the Niños del Milenio – Young Lives project, which has been conducting a longitudinal comparative study with two cohorts of children since 2000 in four countries, we analyzed the educational trajectories of 22 adolescents living in poverty. We want to know how these young people -from […]
Placing epistemic justice at the core of educational transformations for a just future
Education has a key role in responding to the calls for transformation considering urgent global challenges. We propose a refocusing of educational efforts on an ‘epistemic core’ so that education can effectively contribute to such transformations. This places knowledge/s—and the ways that young people can all consume, recognise, and produce those knowledge/s—at the heart of […]
Economic inequalities in adolescents’ internalising symptoms: longitudinal evidence from eight countries
Background Research, mainly conducted in Europe and North America, has shown an inequitable burden of internalising mental health problems among adolescents from poorer households. We investigated whether these mental health inequalities differ across a diverse range of countries and multiple measures of economic circumstances. Methods In this longitudinal observational cohort study, we analysed data from […]
Resisting regulation: revealing orders of worth behind the debate over private education regulation in Peru
Although the regulation of private education has been a disputed topic in academic and policy debates, there is a lack of recognition regarding the underlying structures that inform such opposing viewpoints. Through a sociological understanding of disputes, I propose to see through the lenses of the market to understand the contested visions at play in […]
Limitations and possibilities of justice in education and the implications for sustainable futures
Global agendas for sustainable futures rely heavily on the role played by education in promoting justice and changing young people’s attitudes and behaviours. The articles in this special collection jointly demonstrate the challenges, as well as messages of hope, for the ambitious and transformative vision of education that is being increasingly promoted in academic and […]