Trampas territoriales de pobreza, desigualdad y baja movilidad social: los casos de Chile, México y Perú
Year | : | 2016 |
Author/s | : | Anthony Bebbington, Javier Escobal, Isidro Soloaga, Andrés Tomaselli |
Area/s | : | Rural development and agriculture |
Bebbington, Anthony; Javier Escobal, Isidro Soloaga y Andrés Tomaselli (2016). Trampas territoriales de pobreza, desigualdad y baja movilidad social: los casos de Chile, México y Perú. México, DF: Centro de Estudios Espinosa Yglesias y Rimisp.
In particular, the study distinguishes which provinces can be considered as always lagging behind during the inter-census period, which have experienced downward mobility, which have experienced upward mobility and, finally, which have never been lagging behind. Since monetary poverty does not include segments of the population that are not poor but can be considered vulnerable to falling into poverty, the study extends the characterization of the territorial dynamics of poverty to include vulnerable populations.