Glave, M., Cavassa, M., Heredia, O. y Vergara, K. (2024). Proyecto Alianza Forestal: manejo de bosques comunales para la sostenibilidad socioeconómica y ambiental. Lima. GRADE. Proyecto Alianza Forestal.

Since 2019, the Forest Alliance Project has implemented a communal forest management model in seven native Amazonian communities of the Shipibo-Konibo and Kakataibo ethnic groups. To do so, it adopted an ecosystem approach to communal territory, which improves the livelihoods of indigenous families through sustainable enterprises.
This book gathers the systematization of the project experience to facilitate its replication and scalability. By analyzing the determining conditions, challenges overcome and lessons learned from the project, it will be possible to determine the feasibility of replicating and scaling up these initiatives in other contexts of the Peruvian Amazon, strengthening sustainable forest management and promoting the development of native communities.