Bregaglio, R. y Chávez I., C. (2012). Propuesta de fortalecimiento del Proyecto Educativo Regional de Ayacucho y Huánuco. Lima: COMISEDH e IREPAZ.

This document is a road map to facilitate understanding and implementation of the Regional Education Project (PER) in the regions of Ayacucho and Huánuco. In this sense, the document seeks first to point out some problems or inadequacies detected in the PER. Secondly, the document proposes a new order or structure for the PER which, on the basis of the existing guidelines and policies, would order these policies and provide them with internal consistency. Likewise, in the case of Huánuco, to the extent that the PER does not establish concrete actions for its implementation, this document proposes some, which, of course, can be complemented or improved by the actors in charge of implementation. It is important to highlight two aspects. First, the work presented in this document relates only to a policy of the regular basic education (EBR) system. In addition, this strengthening proposal has been validated in a regional workshop held on September 15 in the city of Huánuco. The workshop was attended by teachers, officials from the Regional Government, UGELES and members of COPARE.