Bregaglio, R., Constantino, R. y Chávez I., C. (2014). Políticas públicas con enfoque de derechos en el Perú: el Plan Nacional de Derechos Humanos y las experiencias de planes regionales en derechos humanos. Lima: Instituto de Democracia y Derechos Humanos de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (IDEHPUCP) y Konrad Adenauer Stifung. Renata Bregaglio Lazarte Renato Constantino Caycho Carmela Chávez Irigoyen

The objective of this research is to contribute, through updated and systematized information, to the identification of the limits and scope of the process of elaboration and execution of public policies with a human rights approach based on two paradigmatic cases: San Martín and Junín. To this end, the paper explores the concepts of public policies and human rights approach; and positions the emergence of these instruments in the context following the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (CVR) and in the momentum of the decentralization process that gave regional and local governments several competencies in social and economic policy issues.