Panorama de los programas de visitas domiciliarias en América Latina y el Caribe
Year | : | 2024 |
Author/s | : | Gabriela Guerrero, Marcela Ponce de León |
Area/s | : | Ethnicity, gender and citizenship |
Guerrero, G. y Ponce de León, M. (2024). Panorama de los programas de visitas domiciliarias en América Latina y el Caribe. Panamá: Unicef.
The Inter-American Dialogue and UNICEF present this study as a contribution to strengthening the early childhood care and development agenda in the region. Through a cross-sectional analysis and comparison of the design and implementation of home visiting programmes in ten countries in the region, the study seeks to provide a characterisation of these programmes, highlighting good practices, implementation challenges and drawing lessons for sub-national, national and regional policies. It also analyses how the factors that influence their impact on child and family well-being contribute to the transformation of care practices and traditional gender roles in households.