Chávez I., Carmela (2011). La situación de la educación en Ayacucho: una mirada desde el enfoque basado en los derechos humanos. En N. Cespedes, M. Zenitagoya y M. Figueroa (Eds.), Educación y conflicto armado ¡Nunca más!: una reflexión desde Ayacucho, a propósito del Informe de Seguimiento a EPT 2011. “Una crisis encubierta: educación y conflicto armado” (pp. 87-97). Lima: Red por la Calidad Educativa de Ayacucho.

A general overview is shown, with the main educational indicators in the region, both quantitative and qualitative. It was found that Ayacucho is slightly below the national average. Also, among the most relevant findings, it was found that for the educational community the biggest problem has to do with the figure of the teacher and what can be called the weak commitment to his role and that even now, there is an absence of an intercultural approach.