Chávez I., C. (2009). Derechos humanos y gobernabilidad democrática: oportunidades para la cooperación canadiense en el Perú. Montreal: Institute for the Studies for International Development (ISID) y McGill University.

This study has two central objectives. The first is to offer an overview of the human rights situation in the country, and of the public policies that protect and promote them. In particular, attention has been paid to the scenarios related to the transitional justice process (in terms of the guidelines of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission report), the process of institutional reforms, and a review of the main public policies aimed at achieving greater social inclusion and poverty reduction has also been incorporated. Secondly, an attempt has been made to provide an overview of the problems of the extractive industries related to human rights violations, especially in contexts of social conflict, the world of informal artisanal mining and the scope of the corporate social responsibility model.