Rural Development and Agriculture
GRADE researchers have a continuing interest in the state of agricultural and livestock production and the impacts of economic policy and reforms on the rural economy in Peru. Studies are carried out into forest economics, the impacts of public infrastructure on the rural economy, the main drivers of private investment, the dynamics of rural employment and migration, and rural financial systems.
Senior Researchers
Javier Escobal D`Angelo
PhD en Economic Development - Wageningen University
Javier holds a PhD in Economic Development from Wageningen University, in the Netherlands, and a Master’s degree from New York University, where he also carried out doctoral studies in Economics. He is currently a Senior Researcher at GRADE. He is also Co-Researcher in the Young Lives/Niños del Milenio longitudinal study, which follows more than 2000 children during the […]
Ricardo Fort Meyer
PhD en Economic Development - Wageningen University
Ricardo Fort is an economist with a Master in Applied Economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a PhD in Economic Development from Wageningen University in the Netherlands. He currently works as a Senior Researcher at the Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE), where he works on projects related to the economic development of […]
Manuel Glave Testino
PhD en Economics - University of Illinois en Champaign
Manuel Glave has a PhD in Economics from the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. He is a Senior Researcher at GRADE where he specialises in rural development, environmental economics and natural resources, and where he undertakes analysis of public policy relating to agriculture and the environment. He is a Senior Professor in the Department of […]
Eduardo Zegarra Méndez
PhD en Agricultural and Applied Economics - University of Wisconsin
Eduardo Zegarra is an economist from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and has a PhD in Agricultural and Applied Economics from the University of Wisconsin, specializing in rural development and natural resource management. His dissertation explores the workings and failures of the water market in Chile. He has researched and published on a wide […]
Adjunct Researchers
Elena Borasino Deustua
Master en - Wageningen University
Elena holds a master’s degree in International Development with mention in Development Economics from Wageningen University. Currently she is an Adjunct Researcher at GRADE.
Mauricio Espinoza Hermoza
PhD candidate en - Wageningen University & Reseach
Mauricio is an Adjunct Researcher at GRADE. He holds a master’s degree in Agriculture, Environment and Regional Economics from Pennsylvania State University and a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. He is currently a PhD candidate in Economic Development at Wageningen University & Reseach in the Netherlands. His areas of […]
External Affiliated Researchers
Carmen Ponce San Román
PhD en Economics - Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
Carmen Ponce is an External Affiliated Researcher at GRADE and is currently affiliated as Visiting Researcher at the Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean at York University (Toronto, Canada). She has a Ph.D. in Economics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and a MSc. In Economics from the University of Texas […]
Investigación, políticas y desarrollo en el Perú
2007 Eduardo Zegarra, Veronica Minaya, Javier Escobal, Carmen Ponce, Juana Kuramoto, Manuel Glave, Lorena Alcazar, Miguel Jaramillo, Hugo Ñopo, Juan Jose Diaz, Nancy Birdsall, Rachel Menezes, Maximo Torero, José Deustua, Manuel Hernández, Santiago Cueto, Martín Benavides, Juan Leon, Martin Valdivia, Nestor Valdivia
Este libro recoge las Mimeos presentadas en la conferencia Investigación, políticas y desarrollo, realidad en el marco del 25 aniversario del Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo.
JournalAgricultural Economics
Land inequality and economic growth: a dynamic panel data approach
2007 Ricardo Fort
The growing body of literature devoted to studying the impact of inequality on economic growth has centered its attention on the income distribution effect, even though the theoretical relationships are more related to assets distribution.
Property rights after market liberalization reforms: land titling and investments in rural Peru
2007 Ricardo Fort
This study discusses the links between land access, property rights, and economic development, analyzing the results and limitations of a public intervention- Land Titling and Registration- that constitutes one of the main instruments for contemporary land policy in P
Liberalización comercial, tratados de libre comercio y pobreza rural
Investigación, políticas y desarrollo en el Perú2007 Javier Escobal, Carmen Ponce
The paper is divided into four sections, in addition to this introduction. The next section presents a brief summary of the international literature on the impacts that trade liberalization could have on poverty and income distribution in rural areas. Then, in section 2, we present some results of the evaluations of different authors on the […]
Provision of public services and welfare of the poor: learning from an incomplete electricity privatization process in rural Peru
2007 Lorena Alcazar, Eduardo Nakasone, Maximo Torero
The results in this paper suggest that management of electricity firms by the private sector leads to a significant improvement in the quality of the provision of electricity.
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GRADE released the book “Combinando protección social con generación de oportunidades económicas: una evaluación de los avances del programa Haku Wiñay”
July 19, 2016 Rural development and agriculture, Methodologies for research and evaluation of policy and programmes
El Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE) presentó los hallazgos del estudio “Combinando protección social con generación de oportunidades económicas: una evaluación de los avances del programa Haku Wiñay”, el mismo que fue financiado por la Fundación Ford. El libro, editado por Javier Escobal y Carmen Ponce, fue presentado ante un público de más […]
Carolina Trivelli highlights the evaluation findings of Haku Wiñay, led by Javier Escobal and Carmen Ponce
July 18, 2016 Rural development and agriculture
Carolina Trivelli, former Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion, highlights the evaluation findings of the Haku Wiñay program, led by our researchers Javier Escobal and Carmen Ponce: “Those who received the program report significantly more income, a varied diet and consume more animal protein; show better health (less disease), use less wood, have higher financial inclusion, and more”.
Public expenditure on agriculture: centralism and regional inequities, by Eduardo Zegarra
July 2, 2016 Rural development and agriculture, State reform and public institutions
“Aunque el sector agrario tiene una participación de solo 5.6% en el PBI nacional, tiene a más del 25% de la PEA ocupada y en muchas regiones el peso sectorial es de entre 20 y 30%.” Eduardo Zegarra, Investigador principal de GRADE, analiza la evolución y composición del gasto público agropecuario del gobierno saliente, a […]
Javier Escobal receives the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation Medal
June 22, 2016 Rural development and agriculture
Nos sumamos a las felicitaciones a Javier Escobal, Investigador principal de GRADE, quien recibió la Medalla Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego del Perú, como reconocimiento a su trayectoria académica vinculada al ámbito agrario. La ceremonia, encabezada por el Presidente del Consejo de Ministros, Pablo Cateriano, y el Ministro de Agricultura y Riego, Juan Manuel Benites, se […]
GRADE forma parte de la Asociación de Estudios Latinoamericanos (LASA)
May 12, 2016 Rural development and agriculture, Education and learning, Employment, productivity and innovation, Ethnicity, gender and citizenship, Methodologies for research and evaluation of policy and programmes, Poverty and equality, Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict, State reform and public institutions, Health and nutrition
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Martín Valdivia participará en foro en Italia sobre financiamiento rural
18/09/2009 → 20/09/2008 Universidad de Bergamo. Italia Rural development and agriculture
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
Taller internacional del Programa de Dinámicas Territoriales de RIMISP
04/08/2008 → 06/08/2008 Rural development and agriculture
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
- Education and Learning
- Employment, Productivity and Innovation
- Rural Development and Agriculture
- Ethnicity, Gender and Citizenship
- Methodologies for Research and Evaluation of Policy and Programmes
- Poverty and Equity
- Natural Resources, Extractive Industries and Social Conflict
- State Reform and Public Institutions
- Health and Nutrition
- Urbanization and Sustainable Cities