Ponce, C. y Escobal, J. (2010).  Adaptación al cambio climático en contextos de desarrollo territorial rural. En Cambio climático en la cuenca del río Mantaro de 7 años de estudio (pp. 226-233). Lima: Instituto Geofísico del Perú.

The purpose of the study is to understand the initiatives that are underway or could be developed at the local level to increase the capacity of local actors and communities to cope with the increased vulnerability brought about by climate change. To this end, the study explored the following research questions:

  • What strategies do households employ to reduce their vulnerability to climate risk? What role does greater or lesser access to private and public assets play in their adaptive capacity?
  • What role do different social groups (with more or less social capital and more or less experience coping with climate risks) play in their capacity to cope with climate change?
  • What role do different governance arrangements play in achieving greater adaptive capacity in the face of climate change in the territory, developing more or less inclusive options?
  • What role does the greater or lesser interaction between local institutions and regional, national and supranational institutions play in adaptive capacity to climate change?