Projects of Education and learning
Mapeo de Iniciativas de Educación Financiera en el Perú
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GDN Annual Conference 2016 ‘Education for Development: Quality and Inclusion for Changing Global Human Capital Needs’
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Las transiciones a la vida adulta de jóvenes de contextos urbanos vulnerables: un estudio cualitativo con jóvenes de zonas urbano-marginales de la ciudad de Lima
The aim of this study was to analyze the main barriers and opportunities faced by young people living in vulnerable urban contexts in the city of Lima in their transition process to adult life. The study used a participatory-qualitative design to provide a detailed account of the way in precarity influences young people’s access to […]
Evaluación de impacto de los Colegios INNOVA
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Contributing to the preparation of the first chapter of the IADB annual report on capacity building
El objetivo es ayudar a elaborar el primer capítulo del informe anual del BID 2017 que versa sobre desarrollo de habilidades.
Evaluación de medio término del Programa de Mejoramiento de la Educación Inicial en Ayacucho, Huancavelica y Huánuco (PMEI)
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¡Expande tu mente! Activando el potencial educativo de estudiantes de bajo rendimiento en Perú a través de una intervención psicológica
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Analyzing the results of the National Evaluation in Early Childhood Education
In 2014, the Early Childhood Education Bureau of the Peruvian Ministry of Education address the National Evaluation in Early Childhood Education (Evaluación Nacional de Educación Inicial) which main objective was on el objetivo principal de establecer una línea de base a nivel nacional respecto a la calidad del entorno educativo y del desarrollo infantil de […]
Análisis de TIC en TERCE (tercer estudio regional comparativo y explicativo de UNESCO)
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Comparative study of the educational systems in South America – the Peruvian case
Promotion of mutual knowledge between UNASUR member countries on the block’s educational systems. Under the leadership of the Brazilian Ministry of Education, researchers of the member countries are called to prepare case studies on the educational systems of each of the countries that will be used for exchange and preparation of a comparative synthesis.