Projects of Education and learning
Conceptual model of family participation in school: A qualitative study in four Peruvian localities
A conceptual model will be developed to define and describe the different dimensions covered by family participation in school, and subsequently validate it based on a qualitative analysis of mothers’ and students’ perception and opinions in four different Peruvian contexts on the matter. The information to be used in this research is part of the […]
Final field work of One Laptop per Child (OLPC) at home
The final data of the project One Laptop per Child (OLPC) at home that distributed XO computers (of the OLPC program) to an approximate sample of 1000 students of the primary school at the beginning of 2011 will be gathered. In 2012, internet access was provided to a random sample within this group, the data […]
Case study on TIC policy management of the Peruvian educational system
This study is framed within a greater project that seeks to learn how the TIC policies in education are being managed in different countries of Latin America. The purpose of the project is to create a case study on the trajectory and characteristics of educational technology programs and policies in Peru that will be presented […]
Evaluation of the implementation of the Coverage Expansion Program for Early Years Education – Alternative 4
Evaluation requested by the Early Years Education Bureau of the Ministry of Education, the purpose of which is to learn the strengths and weaknesses of the implementation of the Coverage Expansion Model for Early Years Education – Alternative 4 from the viewpoint of different actors of different educational institutes (parents, teachers, principals) and of local […]
Elaboration of a methodological proposal and pilot of instruments for the study on planning and implementation of learning situations in urban and rural primary school classrooms.
Elaboration of a methodological proposal and instruments for the execution of a study on teaching practices which emphasis will be to learn how teachers plan and implement their learning situations. The design phase will be followed by a small pilot in two schools of Lima to help refine the instruments.
Articles on results obtained by the Regional Child Development Indicators Project (PRIDI)
Santiago Cueto was assigned by the IADB to write two articles making use of the study results that are being obtained with the Bank’s funding within the framework of the Regional Child Development Indicators Project (PRIDI). This project evaluates children’s development levels in Costa Rica, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Paraguay and Peru, and is being jointly coordinated […]
Equality and equity in learning in Peru
The study seeks to document the existence and magnitude of the learning gaps in the school-age population in Peru, based on cross-cutting databases, and their evolution over time based on longitudinal data. In this connection, the matter is addressed using the performance census evaluation of second grade primary students (ECE 2008 to 2011) and international […]
Support to the organization of virtual activities towards the Seventh International Education Conference
Fundación Telefónica is in charge of organizing the Seventh International Education Conference covering several activities in nine countries in 2012 and 2013. The central question of the conference is: How should education be in the 21st Century? Activities will be organized in each country around a specific subject. Peru’s subject is “What and how to […]
One Laptop per Child at home. Supervision, monitoring and training workshops for teachers and pupils
This Project allows the supervision, monitoring and training of teachers and students in the use of internet and online educational programs within the framework of “One Laptop per Child at home. Technology and human capital: interventions at home: general supervision, training and monitoring” that GRADE is performing.
Incremental Places Determination System for Regular Basic Education (Design Evaluation and Public Budget Execution)
Evaluation of the Incremental Places Determination System for Regular Basic Education implemented by the Expenditure Quality Improvement Circle of the Ministry of Education (MINEDU) Budget Unit, as a response to the concern of ensuring availability of teachers according to the Peruvian educational system priorities. This system aims at providing new job openings in schools (whether […]