Projects of Education and learning
From Math to Reading: Expanding APPrendemos in Peru’s Public Schools
During 2021 GRADE scaled up the Conecta Ideas Peru digital education program nationwide with the objective of promoting mathematics learning in students from 3rd to 6th grade of primary school. As part of the program, an app for students (owned by Automind) and a website for teachers were developed. Based on this experience, this project […]
AdaptED – Observatory for Educational Adaptation in Latin America and the Caribbean
This project proposes the establishment of an Observatory of Resilience of Education Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean, focused on SMA partner countries. The Observatory will collect, produce and disseminate evidence, experiences and research relevant to improving the adaptability and resilience of education systems. Using a mixed methods approach, the research will identify existing […]
Preparation of the Action Plan 2024- 2034 of the Metropolitan Policy for Early Childhood in the Metropolitan District of Quito
The Metropolitan Municipality of Quito has recently approved the Metropolitan Policy for Early Childhood 2024 – 2034 in order to achieve the comprehensive quality development of children under five years of age in the district. This is the first ECD policy at the national level. UNICEF Ecuador office has requested this consultancy in order to provide technical assistant […]
Technical assistance and monitoring services for the development of events in the education sector
The aim of the project is to implement the second Mathematics Tournament in the Moquegua region on the sidelines of the Conecta Ideas Perú programme.
Design of an international agency for the assessment of student skills
The purpose is to design mechanisms for the operation of an international agency to determine the compatibility of national school achievement assessments and support the development and use of these assessments to enhance quality and equity in education. The work of this agency should be aligned with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 and indicator 4.1.1.
ECD Exit Grant / Evidence-based policies in Peru
The goal of this grant is to influence debates and decision-making in the public education sector to be more evidence-based. This will require both producing and using reliable, credible, high-quality data on early childhood education and development to formulate and implement public policies for vulnerable populations at different levels of education. Part of this grant […]
Study for the identification of inequalities and barriers to access and permanence in university higher education with a gender approach.
The aim of this study is to provide policy and management proposals to strengthen the implementation of the gender approach in public and private universities to promote access and permanence of students. To achieve this objective, the following will be carried out: (i) design of an evaluation that will reveal the causes, factors and barriers […]
Impulsando mi futuro – Fase II
This project is a continuation of a project that was carried out in 2022, in secondary schools in Lima and Callao. In its first year, the project implemented activities aimed at showing the benefits of not dropping out of high school with first year high school students. In this second stage, the project will return […]
Conecta Ideas – Moquegua Tournament
The Conecta Ideas project will join the organization of a math skills competition among primary school students in the Moquegua region. The tournament involves the use of the project’s app, so that students can solve problems aligned with the national curriculum. The tournament will be held in November 2023. The project will process the results […]
Consulting services for the elaboration of a study on indicators for measuring the quality of educational services
The study focuses on developing a methodology and criteria for the student/teacher ratio (S/T) as a representative indicator of educational quality. Specifically, the specific objectives are: (i) Identification and description of the indicators that measure the quality of university higher education service, used nationally and internationally by academia or government institutions; (ii) Identification, description of […]