Miguel Jaramillo Baanante
Miguel Jaramillo has a degree in Economics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. He completed his graduate studies in Economics and History at the University of California, where he received a PhD in History. His areas of interests are labor economics, social policy and institutional analysis. He is currently a Senior Researcher at GRADE.
He has taught classes in economics at the Pontifical Catholic University and at the Pacific University. He has served as Advisor to Vice Ministers and Ministers in the fields of labor, social promotion and industry, having been Vice Minister of Social Promotion as well as a member of the Advisory Committee for the Ministry of Labor and Social Promotion.
Miguel has conducted research projects and consultancies for the International Labor Office, the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank, the Ministry of Labor and Social Promotion, the Andean Development Corporation, the Food and Agriculture Organization, the Ministry of Education, and the United Nations Development Program, to name but a few. He was Project Director and Senior Researcher at the APOYO Institute, an Executive Board member of the National Industrial Work Training Service (SENATI) between 1997 and 2000, a member of the Non-permanent Specialized Committee (CENPES) for Development and Productive Employment of the Organization of American States (OAS) and Founding Director of the Executive Board of the National Fund for Professional Training and Employment Promotion (FONDOEMPLEO), and a member of the Poverty and Inequality Research Network (NIP) where he also held a seat on the Executive Board between 2009 and 2011.
He is currently a member of the National Labor Council and Vicepresident of the Peruvian Economic Association..