Miguel Jaramillo Baanante
Senior Researcher
PhD in History - University of California
Miguel Jaramillo has a degree in Economics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. He completed his graduate studies in Economics and History at the University of California, where he received a PhD in History. His areas of interests are labor economics, social policy and institutional analysis. He is currently a Senior Researcher at GRADE.
He has taught classes in economics at the Pontifical Catholic University and at the Pacific University. He has served as Advisor to Vice Ministers and Ministers in the fields of labor, social promotion and industry, having been Vice Minister of Social Promotion as well as a member of the Advisory Committee for the Ministry of Labor and Social Promotion.
Miguel has conducted research projects and consultancies for the International Labor Office, the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank, the Ministry of Labor and Social Promotion, the Andean Development Corporation, the Food and Agriculture Organization, the Ministry of Education, and the United Nations Development Program, to name but a few. He was Project Director and Senior Researcher at the APOYO Institute, an Executive Board member of the National Industrial Work Training Service (SENATI) between 1997 and 2000, a member of the Non-permanent Specialized Committee (CENPES) for Development and Productive Employment of the Organization of American States (OAS) and Founding Director of the Executive Board of the National Fund for Professional Training and Employment Promotion (FONDOEMPLEO), and a member of the Poverty and Inequality Research Network (NIP) where he also held a seat on the Executive Board between 2009 and 2011.
He is currently a member of the National Labor Council and Vicepresident of the Peruvian Economic Association..
Inversión pública y desigualdad en América Latina
2022 Lorena Alcazar, Miguel Jaramillo
A partir de dos estudios de caso, en el Perú y Colombia, este estudio encuentra que la inversión pública presenta un efecto de reducción de la desigualdad, pero muy pequeño, por lo cual se necesitaría una gran inversión para lograr una reducción mínima de la desigualdad. Además, se encuentra que el efecto de la inversión […]
Actitudes ante el riesgo y preferencias intertemporales de los trabajadores peruanos
2022 Miguel Jaramillo, Kristian López, Óscar Rodríguez, Diego Tocre
Every individual, when making economic decisions, must evaluate different options with uncertain results that will affect their well-being at different moments in time. Based on the meeting between theoretical and experimental economics, this document estimates the risk and intertemporal consumption preferences of Peruvian workers. The authors contribute in two ways: they study how workers make […]
JournalEnergy for Sustainable Development
Energy saving behaviours of middle class households in Ghana, Peru and the Philippines
2022 Babette Never, Sascha Kuhn, Hanna Fuhrmann-Riebel, Jose Ramon Albert, Sebastian Gsell, Miguel Jaramillo, Bernardin Sendaza
Demand-side management of energy seeks to foster energy efficiency investments and curtailment behaviour in households. The role of environmental concern and knowledge for both types of energy saving behaviour has hardly been investigated in middle income countries with growing middle classes and rising electricity demand. Drawing on unique household survey data from Ghana, Peru and […]
Reactivando para un mejor país después de la pandemia de COVID-19: una propuesta de diagnóstico de acción para el Perú
2021 Miguel Jaramillo, Bruno Escobar
In this document, we present an economic analysis of Peru before and after the pandemic, along with a five-year financially sustainable recovery plan aimed at “reviving for a better country”. Our plan emphasizes the urgent need to address some of the country’s structural weaknesses. We stress the importance of public investment in this effort, but […]
Building back better after the COVID-19 pandemic
2021 Miguel Jaramillo, Bruno Escobar
In this policy-oriented paper, we provide a pre- and post-pandemic socioeconomic analysis of Peru, along with a financially sustainable five-year Building Back Better recovery plan, which emphasizes the urgency of addressing some of the country’s structural weaknesses. We underscore the importance of public investment for this effort, but widen the focus to include current public […]
Does participatory budgeting have an effect on the quality of public services? The case of Peru’s water and sanitation sector
2013 Miguel Jaramillo, Lorena Alcazar
Since 2004 the government of Peru has implemented a process of participatory budgeting (PB), which is mandatory for every sub-national government. We analyze the link from PB to coverage and water service quality indicators. We find no statistically significant relationship between PB and our measures of coverage and service continuity, regardless of whether the outcome […]
Pobreza e impactos heterogéneos de las políticas activas del empleo juvenil: el caso de PROJOVEN en el Perú
2009 Miguel Jaramillo, José Galdo, Verónica Montalva
Análisis de la relación entre la pobreza de los hogares y los impactos de políticas activas de promoción del empleo en el Perú, en parti
¿Cómo se ajusta el mercado de trabajo ante cambios en el salario mínimo en el Perú?: una evaluación de la experiencia de la última década
2006 Miguel Jaramillo, Kristian López
Este estudio describe el marco institucional del salario mínimo en el mercado laboral peruano y analiza su relación con la distribución de los ingresos laborales para diferentes grupos del mercado laboral.
An evaluation of the peruvian “Youth Labor Training Program” – Projoven
2006 Miguel Jaramillo, Juan Jose Diaz
The goals of the "Youth Labor Training Program" (PROJoven) are to improve employment opportunities of youth in poverty and to promote higher quality of services in the vocational training system.
El seguro escolar gratuito y el seguro materno infantil: análisis de su incidencia e impacto sobre el acceso a los servicios de salud y sobre la equidad en el acceso
2004 Miguel Jaramillo, Sandro Parodi
Estudio que intenta establecer si el Seguro Escolar Gratuito y el Seguro Materno Infantil aportaron a disminuir la brecha de acceso a los servicios de salud, redistribuyendo hacia los más pobres y mejorando la equidad.
La perspectiva económica de la regulación laboral y la legislación laboral peruana
2016 Miguel Jaramillo
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JournalAnales de la Facultad de Medicina
El Sistema Regional de Salud de San Martín y su política de reducción de la desnutrición infantil: aplicación en el Perú del Enfoque de Evaluación de Sistemas de Salud.
2015 Pedro Mendoza, Patricia Mostajo, Aníbal Velásquez, Armando Cotrina, Miguel Jaramillo
Chronic infant malnutrition is one of the main public health issues in Peru and in the world. The objective of the study was to determine achievements and limitations of a regional policy against chronic infant malnutrition in a Region of Peru. For the qualitative study, the authors used the Health System Assessment Approach, as promoted […]
JournalWorld Development
Participatory Democracy and Effective Policy: Is There a Link? Evidence from Rural Peru
2015 Miguel Jaramillo, Glenn Daniel Wright
We examine the relationship between participatory democratic institutions and effective agricultural policy in rural Peruvian municipalities, using a unique quantitative dataset of 100 Peruvian municipalities at two points in time, allowing us to examine (a) bottom-up, grassroots participatory governance institutions, and (b) Peru’s top-down participatory budgeting reform implemented in all Peruvian sub-national governments in the […]
JournalPublic Finance Review
The incidence of social spending and taxes in Peru
2014 Miguel Jaramillo
Standard tax and benefit incidence analysis is used to estimate the effects of fiscal policy on poverty and inequality in Peru. Results suggest that the extent of inequality and poverty reduction induced by Peru’s fiscal policy is small. This result is associated with low social spending rather than with inefficient spending. Most social spending components […]
JournalInternational Journal of Educational Development
The changing role of international cooperation in developing countries (as they develop): A case study of skills development policies in Peru.
2012 Miguel Jaramillo
A focus on the changes in the relationship between international cooperation and local actors in the skills development field in Peru as the country strengthened its financial position in the last two decades allows us to examine the role of the economic factor in these changes.
Evaluación de los programas de apoyo a las Pyme en Perú
Evaluación de impacto de los Programas para Pyme Latinoamerica y El Caribe -
Inequality in post-structural reform Peru: the role of market forces and public policy
Declining Inequality in Latin America. A Decade of Progress?2010 Miguel Jaramillo
Descentralización de recursos humanos en educación: ¿mercado nacional o mercados regionales de docentes?
Conferencia de Economía Laboral: Tendencias del Empleo, Capital Humano, Informalidad y Rotación Laboral2008 Miguel Jaramillo
Perfil del director y del docente del colegio secundario rural
Estudio sobre la oferta y demanda de educación secundaria en zonas rurales2007 Miguel Jaramillo
El colegio: características, recursos y el entorno de la comunidad
Estudio sobre la oferta y demanda de educación secundaria en zonas rurales2007 Miguel Jaramillo
Expansión de las microfinanzas en zonas rurales de América Latina
2014 Miguel Jaramillo
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Innovaciones institucionales y normativas para el desarrollo de las microfinanzas en América Latina
2014 Miguel Jaramillo
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Innovaciones tecnológicas en las microfinanzas en América Latina
2014 Miguel Jaramillo
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Spotlight on Publications: Labour market policies in Latin America
2014 Miguel Jaramillo
The publications presented in this Spotlight represent some of the key resources dealing with issues related to labour market policies in Latin America.
Spotlight on Organisations: Labour market policies in Latin America
2014 Miguel Jaramillo
This Spotlight highlights some of the key organisations working on labour market issues in Latin America, including labour policy in general, social protection, employment, youth employment, labour training, labour migration, and labour intermediation.
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Miguel Jaramillo en la categoría Book
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Miguel Jaramillo en la categoría Mimeo
- The coronavirus pandemic and its impact on the economic autonomy of womenApril 2020
- Mixed evaluation of the implementation of the Ministry of Health Home Visits with Social Actors intervention, on the sidelines of child health priorityMarch 2020
- Preparation of the Proposal of the National Employment Service Attention ModelAugust 2019
- Diagnosis and proposal of restructuring and efficiency measures for Employment Promotion ProgramsJune 2019
- Impact evaluation course for the Superintendency of Banking and InsuranceMay 2019
- The Peruvian institutional response to Venezuelan migrationFebruary 2019
- Household survey, middle class consumption patterns in LimaOctober 2018
- Leer Juntos – Aprender Juntos, Fase 2, Ronda 3May 2016
- Amazonía Lee, segunda rondaMay 2016
- Democracy and local governments in developing nations: What are the effects of tweaking the voters will in favor of the winners?March 2016
Miguel Jaramillo shares his opinion on the increase in public employment. Via Gestión.
October 29, 2024 Employment, productivity and innovation
According to Miguel Jaramillo, Senior Researcher at GRADE, the increase of employment in the public sector “would be correlated to the progress of public investment, but he warned that as a trend ‘it is fatal’ because of its implications on public finances”. Read the full article in Gestión for subscribers here.
Miguel Jaramillo shares his thoughts on the increase in formal employment. Via Gestión.
October 24, 2024 Employment, productivity and innovation
According to Miguel Jaramillo, Senior Researcher at GRADE, the figures from the Central Reserve Bank “reinforce the idea that the public sector is gaining more weight in spending on salaries, which could have long-term consequences if the private sector does not retake the lead in job creation”. Read the full article in Gestión for subscribers […]
Miguel Jaramillo shares his thoughts on proposals to reestablish compulsory military service
October 23, 2024 Employment, productivity and innovation
According to Miguel Jaramillo, Senior Researcher at GRADE, bill No. 9166 would not contribute to the labor market nor is it positive for employment, because it would not fullfill its aim of providing training and development opportunities for young people who are neither studying nor working, since”evidence shows that the Army is very attractive to them”. Read the full article by El Comercio here. […]
Opinión de Miguel Jaramillo sobre empleo y subempleo para Gestión
October 17, 2024
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Off days: Second jobs and informality in Peru, by Miguel Jaramillo
September 2, 2024 Employment, productivity and innovation
“From the perspective of our regulation, the high rate of second jobs is paradoxical, given the preference for the full-time contract over indefinite time, which leads our jurisconsultants to consider fixed-term labor contracts as “atypical”, when in reality it is the most frequent form of contracting”. Miguel Jaramillo, Senior Researcher at GRADE, writes about second jobs […]
“Urgent: better opportunities for young people,” by Miguel Jaramillo
September 19, 2023 Employment, productivity and innovation
“Entering the labor market through precarious jobs often leads to equally precarious life and work trajectories.” Miguel Jaramillo, senior researcher at GRADE, writes about the urgency of promoting better opportunities for young people and the challenges for policy design. Read his full article in El Comercio.
#8M La Mirada: Women workers, in the crisis and after, by Miguel Jaramillo
March 19, 2023 Employment, productivity and innovation, Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
“Women have more self-employment and less salaried work, figure less among business employers and more among unpaid family workers.” Miguel Jaramillo, senior researcher at GRADE, writes about the impact of the pandemic and the policies implemented in that context on the participation of women workers in economic activity. Read the full op-ed in El Comercio […]
El mercado laboral del 2022: persisten los déficits estructurales
January 8, 2023 Employment, productivity and innovation
“Formal employment grew in all age groups, but particularly among the youngest, and at all educational levels, although more so among people with completed secondary school and higher education, where the bulk of the labor force is concentrated. It also grew more among men than women”. Miguel Jaramillo, senior researcher at GRADE, writes in El […]
The half that is still far away, by Miguel Jaramillo
November 23, 2022 Employment, productivity and innovation
“As long as half of our population does not come close to reaching their productive potential, talk of development will continue to be a quimera”. Miguel Jaramillo, Senior Researcher at GRADE, writes in Jugo de Caigua about the gaps between men and women in the labor market.
Labour market in 2022: following the same path, by Miguel Jaramillo
September 26, 2022 Employment, productivity and innovation
“The number of people in informal employment continues breaking historical records for the country, having reached 9.77 million in the second quarter of the year. On the other hand, the number of formal workers, 4.03 million, remains lower than any point in the last 8 years”. Miguel Jaramillo, Senior Researcher at GRADE, writes about the […]
Miguel Jaramillo shares his thoughts on the increase in formal employment. Via Gestión.
October 24, 2024 Employment, productivity and innovation
According to Miguel Jaramillo, Senior Researcher at GRADE, the figures from the Central Reserve Bank “reinforce the idea that the public sector is gaining more weight in spending on salaries, which could have long-term consequences if the private sector does not retake the lead in job creation”. Read the full article in Gestión for subscribers […]
Miguel Jaramillo shares his thoughts on proposals to reestablish compulsory military service
October 23, 2024 Employment, productivity and innovation
According to Miguel Jaramillo, Senior Researcher at GRADE, bill No. 9166 would not contribute to the labor market nor is it positive for employment, because it would not fullfill its aim of providing training and development opportunities for young people who are neither studying nor working, since”evidence shows that the Army is very attractive to them”. Read the full article by El Comercio here. […]
Opinión de Miguel Jaramillo sobre empleo y subempleo para Gestión
October 17, 2024
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Labour day: Miguel Jaramillo shares his thoughts on the state of the labour market in Peru
May 2, 2024 Employment, productivity and innovation
“I would not say that the employment has improved, but it has worsened in relation to pre-pandemic. Underemployment grew by more than 50%, the participation of young people in the labour market has fallen sharply and incomes have barely been able to keep up with inflation, thanks to the formal sector”. Our Senior Researcher Miguel Jaramillo and other experts share […]
Miguel Jaramillo discusses on the regulation that allows the entry of retired interim teachers into the teaching profession
April 10, 2024 Education and learning
For Miguel Jaramillo, the regulation that allows the entry of interim teachers retired from the teaching service would be unconstitutional because it does not respect the concept of not submitting spending initiatives. The opinion of our senior researcher was reported by El Comercio.
Miguel Jaramillo in Sudaca Perú: What is going on in the labour sector?
April 19, 2022 Employment, productivity and innovation
“What this bill does is make formal hiring more expensive. It will be more difficult for the most productive companies to hire more workers. There’s not much to look forward to in terms of productivity gains. The only beneficiaries of this code are workers who have a permanent contract and, particularly, unionized workers. [However] unionization […]
Interview, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Miguel Jaramillo in Bloomberg Línea: “The probability of a young person getting a formal job would be even more difficult”
April 14, 2022 Employment, productivity and innovation
“The probability of a young person getting a formal job, which is already ridiculously low, would be even more difficult. If the labor policy announcements are oriented towards the fact that it will cost more to fire, that temporary contracts are limited, how do you want firms hire more? If the government really wants to […]
Interview, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
University graduates and employment: Interview with Miguel Jaramillo in RPP’s Así somos
February 16, 2022 Employment, productivity and innovation
“The time for emergency employment has passed. A year ago, one could think of using temporary employment through public investment to generate more jobs. But what is needed now is that the engines of regular employment growth are put in place. Policies are needed to promote employment in the private sector. Unfortunately, none aim to […]
Interview, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Miguel Jaramillo: “Under these conditions I do not see firms in Peru eager to invest and generate formal employment”
September 6, 2021 Employment, productivity and innovation
For Miguel Jaramillo, it is “totally insufficient” to seek the reactivation of employment only through temporary jobs. On the other hand, it considers that the range of access to vaccination for the youngest should be expanded. “It seems to me that a massive temporary employment program with small infrastructure works is now necessary, perhaps managed […]
Miguel Jaramillo in RPP Noticias: Young people face informality and unemployment in the labor market
November 23, 2020 Employment, productivity and innovation
“It is very difficult to think of a mechanism to cover these episodes of high unemployment, precarious or informal labor insertion, because we do not have well-established social protection systems that do not depend on employment status.” Our senior researcher Miguel Jaramillo spoke with the journalist Patricia del Río of Radio Programa del Perú Noticias about […]
A radiography of informality. El Comercio highlighted Miguel Jaramillo’s study on the demand for formality among microfirms
July 3, 2017 Employment, productivity and innovation
The Peruvian Institute of Economics (IPE) published an article on the evidence around informality. For this, gathers our Executive Director Miguel Jaramillo’s findings on the demand for formality among microfirms in Downtown Lima, Is there demand for formality among informal firms? Evidence from microfirms in downtown Lima (GRADE 2013): “The study reports that only one out of […]
Jaime de Althaus highlights Miguel Jaramillo’s study of 2004 on the regulation of labor market in Peru
June 30, 2017 Employment, productivity and innovation
In his op-ed titled “Overregulation is not ideological”, journalist Jaime de Althaus highlights one of Miguel Jaramillo’s findings of 2004 on the regulation of labor market in Peru: “There is the myth that in the 90’s labor was desregulated and therefore precarious and informalized. But the truth is that non-wage labor costs (“benefits”) went from 48% […]
Faces of Reform: Miguel Jaramillo joins the Social Protection Commitee
January 12, 2017 Employment, productivity and innovation
The Ministry of Economy and Finance of Peru released its Social Protection Commitee, whose main function is to offer recommendations to improve the coverage and quality of social protection services (pension, health and unemployment), under a tax sustainability and formalization-drive framework. Our executive director, Miguel Jaramillo, is one of the five external independent experts appointed for this […]
Miguel Jaramillo fue designado integrante del Consejo de la Orden de Trabajo
March 26, 2014 Employment, productivity and innovation
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Sueldo mínimo y crisis ministerial: El salario del miedo
February 25, 2014 Employment, productivity and innovation
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¿Tiene el Presupuesto Participativo efecto en la calidad de los servicios públicos? El caso del sector de agua y saneamiento en el Peru
Lima-Perú, 15 June, 2017
Presentación del libro "Mejorando el acceso y la calidad de los servicios públicos en América Latina: gobernar y servir”
Selected Publications
Contratos laborales en el Perú: dinámica y determinantes
2019 Miguel Jaramillo, Daniela Campos
Los efectos desprotectores de la protección del empleo. El impacto de la reforma del contrato laboral de 2001
2019 Miguel Jaramillo, Julio Almonacid, Luciana de la Flor