Marta Favara
PhD in Economics - University of Essex
Marta is a Senior Researcher at the Oxford Department of International Development at the University of Oxford where she is leading the quantitative research agenda of Young Lives since 2015. She is also a Research Fellow at the Oxford Martin School Programme on African Governance and an IZA Research Affiliate. Before joining Young Lives, she worked as an economist at the World Bank. She obtained a PhD in Economics from the University of Essex (UK) and a Masters in Economics from the University of Leuven (Belgium).
Her main research interests include development economics (poverty, inequality and early childhood development); labour economics (education and gender) and behavioural economics (choice under uncertainty, adolescent risk behaviours). Her recent work focuses on foundational skills formation and young people’s behaviour (transition to the labour market, fertility decision and schooling enrolment). In addition, she investigates the role of aspirations and subjective expectations as potential self-enforcing mechanisms underlying poverty and gender inequality.
The Evolution of Young People’s Mental Health during COVID-19: Evidence from four Low-and-Middle-Income-Countries
2021 Catherine Porter, Marta Favara, Alan Sanchez, Douglas Scott
Aunque COVID-19 presenta menos riesgo de morbilidad o mortalidad grave para los jóvenes, la crisis económica resultante ha afectado sus medios de subsistencia. Hay relativamente poca evidencia sobre la salud mental de los jóvenes en los países de ingresos bajos y medios (LMIC) a medida que avanza la pandemia. Dos encuestas telefónicas consecutivas (agosto/octubre y […]
JournalReview of Development Studies
Understanding teenage fertility in Peru: An analysis using longitudinal data
2020 Marta Favara, Pablo Lavado, Alan Sanchez
Reducing the prevalence of teenage pregnancy remains an elusive goal for public policy in Peru. Researchers use longitudinal data from the Young Lives Study in Peru to investigate on an extensive set of early circumstances and life changes that might be the risk factors for teenage childbearing—about one out of five girls in the sample […]
Consequences of teenage childbearing in Peru: is the extended school-day reform an effective policy instrument to prevent teenage pregnancy?
2019 Alan Sanchez, Marta Favara
In Peru, approximately 14 out of 100 female adolescents are mothers. Teenage childbearing is a major policy concern, as most studies point to a negative impact of early fertility on maternal outcomes and on the birth and future of the children. This paper investigates the role of extended school-day programmes, primarily seen as a means […]
Chapter in BookMillennials en América Latina y el Caribe: ¿trabajar o estudiar?
La transición hacia el mercado laboral y los estudios postsecundarios en Perú: evidencia del estudio Niños del Milenio
2018 Marta Favara, Alan Sanchez
Durante las últimas dos décadas, Perú ha sido uno de los países con mayor crecimiento económico de Latinoamérica, y ha tenido una de las reducciones más importantes en pobreza monetaria, así como mejoras en los niveles de acceso a la educación. Sin embargo, a pesar de estos avances, la calidad de los trabajos a los […]
JournalOxford Development Studies
Smarter through social protection? Evaluating the impact of Ethiopia’s safety-net on child cognitive abilities
2018 Marta Favara, Catherine Porter, Tassew Woldehanna
Ethiopia’s productive safety net is the second largest Social Protection Program in sub-Saharan Africa and has been rolled out to almost 10 million beneficiaries since 2005; its effects are therefore of general interest. We provide the first estimates of its impact on children’s cognitive abilities. To identify impacts of this program, we exploit four rounds […]
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