External Event
María Balarin will be a speaker at the RISE Program Annual Conference 2022
María Balarin, Senior Researcher at GRADE, will be a speaker at RISE Research on Improving Systems of Education Annual Conference 2022. Participants may attend the event in person or virtually. The RISE Programme seek to understand why learning outcomes in a particular school, district, or country are poor, and why the (system) conditions causing these low learning […]
Lorena Alcázar will join an IDEHPUCP panel on access to health and education for migrants and refugees
What are the pending challenges to achieve real access to fundamental rights such as health and education for migrants and refugees in Peru and other Latin American countries? We share the invitation to this upcoming panel as part of the 17th Meeting on Human Rights, held by the Institute of Democracy and Human Rights of the Pontifical Catholic University […]
Carmen Ponce will be a speaker at the 56th Annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association
Carmen Ponce, associated researcher at GRADE, will be a speaker at the 56th Annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association (ACEA 2022). The event will be held from June 3rd to 5th 2022 in an on-line and in-person format. The annual meeting brings together academic works, conferences on the state of the art and special sessions. This year, the host […]
Jessica Tapia was a panelist at an event held by UNESCO Peru and other institutions on the tensions and opportunities in a curricular reform
On what basis are we thinking about updates and changes to the curriculum? Should we rather move towards a logic of curricular development that is nourished by evidence from various sources and that responds to a larger and long-term curricular policy? I think that that’s the goal.” Our Adjunct Researcher Jessica Tapia joined a panel on […]
Santiago Cueto will join an UNIR meeting on the futures of Higher Education
Higher Education faces great challenges as a result of the unstoppable process of digitization and profound social changes. A disruptive transformation that has accelerated the pandemic. What will the university of the future look like? We invite you to this event of the University of La Rioja (UNIR, The Internet University), which will include the […]
Hugo Ñopo gave the conference Economic Perspectives to 2023 at the César Vallejo University Tarapoto
“What if a part of the consumption tax goes to pensions? We have to rethink a new social protection where labor rights are universalized and are no longer just rights of formal workers. The new vision of labor regulation says that what What needs to be protected is not necessarily jobs, but people”. Watch again […]
Alvaro Espinoza and Ricardo Fort were speakers at the Macro Regional Seminar “Sustainable Cities” of the Ministry of Housing
“In general, the municipalities must be strengthened, but the problem of informal expansion is deeper. Households have no alternative. What are they going to do if they do not occupy a territory informally? There is no social housing offer that these households can access. […] It is not a question of putting a lot of […]
Miguel Jaramillo and Hugo Ñopo joined an IPE event on the economic impact of the new labor code
“One of the most worrying things is the new regulations on fixed-term contracts. We have about two and a half million people, about half of the formal salaried PEA, who have temporary contracts. […] What will happen to them the day after this rule is approved? Will they be hired in the black, will they […]
Santiago Cueto will be chairing a meeting about the role of evaluation in the return-to-school
After two years of virtual classes, a Fundación Telefónica Perú and Fundación “la Caixa” meeting will discuss different ways in which teachers can use assessment tools with a focus on the design of learning sessions that allow individual attention to each student, while working with entire classrooms. Participants: José Presvitero Alarcón, Regional Director of Education of Cajamarca, […]
María Balarin will be speaker at the Comparative & International Education Society (CIES) 2022 Conference
Our Research Director and Senior Researcher María Balarin will be joining the Comparative & International Education Society (CIES) 2022 Conference. The CIES 2022 theme “Illuminating the Power of Idea/lism: elevating ourselves in time, place and possibility” arises from the intersection of two immutable realities of our time and the impact both are having on the field […]