
Eduardo Zegarra will join the Dialogue Chavimochic and Majes Siguas: Are they pertinent now?

Date : 27/08/2020
Hour : 4:00 pm
Location:Evento virtual
Area/s : Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict

CEPES, IPROGA and Grupo Propuesta Ciudadana, with the support of Pan para el Mundo, Diaconía, Eclosio – Zona Andina and the Platform for Responsible Governance of the Land, organize the Dialogue Chavimochic and Majes Siguas: Are they relevant now? The event will address the government’s announcement of the execution of the major irrigation works Chavimochic III, in La Libertad, and Majes-Siguas II, in Arequipa, with a combined investment of approximately 1.5 billion dollars. On this announcement, the event will try to answer the question: Is this what our agriculture and food security need today?

Teresa Oré, Professor of the Master in Water Resources Management – PUCP
Jan Hendriks, Consultant in water-production development.
Carlos Leyton, University professor and former Minister of Agriculture.
Eduardo Zegarra, economist at GRADE.

Laureano del Castillo, executive director of CEPES.

CEPES Facebook.