
Eduardo Zegarra at APRODEH colloquium: “In the next decade, the probability that the country’s most important aquifer will collapse is high”

Date : 17/09/2024
Hour : 5:30 pm
Location:Auditorio Casa José de Cluny
Area/s : Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict

“In the next decade, the probability that the most important aquifer in the country will collapse is high. The amount of water that is being extracted is leading to the fact that the water from this aquifer cannot be used due to salinization or collapse”.

Eduardo Zegarra, senior researcher at GRADE, participated in the III Colloquium on Business and Human Rights, organized by the Pro Human Rights Association (APRODEH). Eduardo presented key data on agro-exports and overexploitation of the Ica aquifer.

Watch his participation from minute 33 here.