Friday, 21 de March de 2025
World Water Day: a selection of free access resources
Although Peru has abundant water resources, their distribution in the territory and for families is very unequal: for example, we still have 3 million people who do not have household drinking water service. Let us also remember the water crisis that Piura experienced at the end of last year due to the reduction in the […]
Monday, 10 de February de 2025
Bogota: Book Launch Transiciones, movilización ciudadana y cambios institucionales
GRADE and the Centro de Investigación y Educación Popular Programa Por la Paz (CINEP) are organizing a new launching of the book “Transitions, Citizen Mobilization and Institutional Changes”. On this occasion, the event will be held in the city of Bogota, Colombia. The event will have two sessions: a panel on just transitions and transformations […]
Friday, 20 de December de 2024
Protected: Infraestructura sostenible en el Perú: retos y oportunidades para su planificación
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Thursday, 28 de November de 2024
Book Launch Transitions, citizen mobilization and institutional changes: lessons from territories with large-scale mining in Peru, Colombia and Chile
Based on the question “To what extent can grassroots initiatives be consolidated as opportunities to promote a transition towards more sustainable and equitable mining territories?”, this book presents various initiatives and experiences of socio-institutional change generated by citizen movements in territories with large-scale mining in Peru, Colombia and Chile, with special emphasis on the opportunities […]
Tuesday, 26 de November de 2024
Impactos y desafíos del monitoreo comunitario ambiental en contextos de industria minera en el Perú y Chile
In this chapter, the authors explore the impact of community environmental monitoring (MCA) in territories with a long history of mining in Peru and Chile. They find that this initiative has a positive impact on the political empowerment of local communities, which turn it into a tool to regain control of their environment through environmental […]
Tuesday, 26 de November de 2024
Conflictos y consensos: los múltiples matices de la exclusión minera en el Perú
This chapter seeks to demonstrate that the delimitation of areas with mining restrictions promoted by the Peruvian state apparatus does not always enjoy the social legitimacy and institutional effectiveness necessary to guarantee the exclusion of mining in areas of high economic, cultural or socio-ecosystemic value. In contrast, exclusion zones established by social movements with high […]
Tuesday, 26 de November de 2024
Gran minería y transformaciones productivas en distritos mineros en el Perú: un análisis del periodo 2001-2019
In this context, the study of potential productive transformations in the territories under the influence of large-scale mining is a topic still little explored by specialized research. This may be due to the fact that these are long-term processes which, given their complexity, are difficult to measure in short periods of time, on which most […]
Wednesday, 13 de November de 2024
Upcoming event in Santiago de Chile : Challenges of mining public policy in Chile. A view from the civil society
The development of metallic and non-metallic mining in Chile has brought challenges that governments have insufficiently addressed. This is expressed in the high levels of socio-environmental conflict in the sector and institutional weakening. Our event aims to critically analyze the social and environmental aspect of Mining Environmental Liabilities and the lithium industry in Chile in […]
Wednesday, 13 de November de 2024
Transiciones, movilización ciudadana y cambios institucionales: lecciones desde territorios con minería a gran escala en el Perú, Colombia y Chile
In the context of a growing demand for critical minerals for the global energy transition, a new mining boom is expected in the Andean sub-region. This book explores initiatives for socio-institutional change promoted by citizen movements in mining territories in Peru, Colombia and Chile. The cases presented analyze the opportunities and limitations of these initiatives […]
Tuesday, 5 de November de 2024
Manuel Glave to be panelist at forum on governance of Amazonian road infrastructure projects
Our senior researcher Manuel Glave will be a panelist at the Forum “Road planning in the face of illicit economies in the Amazon”, organized by the Foundation for Conservation and Sustainable Development Peru. At the event, participants will share alternatives to strengthen the development and governance of Amazonian road infrastructure projects. Free admission, prior registration […]