Visiting researchers: how to apply

Visiting researchers: how to apply

Visiting Researchers

At GRADE we believe that collaboration and exchange of ideas are fundamental to our research work. As part of our activities we welcome a limited number of visiting researchers throughout each year. Meet our visiting researchers HERE.


To be considered, candidates should:

  • Ideally have or be in the process of obtaining a PhD (researchers with other degrees may be considered based on their academic trajectory and production, as well as their links and potential for collaboration with GRADE researchers).
  • Conduct research related to one of GRADE’s areas of work.
  • Have identified and established contact with a GRADE researcher with whom they would like to collaborate.
  • Ideally (although it is not a requirement) seek or be working on a collaborative project with GRADE researchers.

Periods of stays

It is anticipated that Visiting Researchers will stay at GRADE for a period of between 1 and 6 months. Stays for shorter or longer periods may be negotiated depending on the availability of space and the researchers’ contribution to the institution.

Stays at GRADE should be negotiated in advance to ensure the availability of working space.


The benefits that visiting researchers will be able to count on include:

  • Workspace.
  • Internet connection.
  • Access to the institutional library.
  • Access to internal seminars and other events organized by the institution.
  • Facilities to organize internal or external seminars.
  • Possibilities to contribute to the teaching of a course.

GRADE does not provide funding or accommodation for visiting researchers.

What does GRADE expect from visiting researchers?

  • Present at least 1 internal seminar on their research topics.
  • Ideally, Visiting Researchers will publish a research paper in one of the GRADE series (either in the policy briefs Análisis & Propuestas; in the work-in-progress series Research Progress Papers; or in the series Research Papers).

How to apply

Interested applicants should send the following documents:

  • Link to application form HERE.
  • Curriculum vitae (including short bio 150-200 words).

Please send these documents to with the following title “Application for Visiting Researcher”.