Friday, 28 de February de 2025
Young Lives attrition report: round 7
Over more than 20 years, Young Lives has followed two cohorts born seven years apart (Favara et al. 2021). This technical note documents the attrition rates from the seventh round of the Young Lives survey carried out in Ethiopia, India (the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana) and Peru in 2023–24, when the Younger Cohort […]
Wednesday, 22 de January de 2025
Food safety certification in urban food markets: the willingness to pay for safer meat in Peru
This paper estimates consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for meat certified to be safe for human consumption in Peru. Citizens in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are increasingly concerned about the safety of food they consume. Across LMICs, urban markets remain the most important source of fresh and nutritious produce and therefore policymakers need to […]
Wednesday, 16 de October de 2024
Eduardo Zegarra opina sobre la Inseguridad Alimentaria en el Perú
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
Tuesday, 3 de September de 2024
Alan Sanchez presented study on early nutrition and cognitive skills at Fundación Éxito event in Colombia
“Stunting measured at age 5 years is associated with lower working memory and inhibitory control between 8 and 12 years in Peru and Ethiopia”. On August 28, our Senior Researcher Alan Sanchez was a speaker at the 21st Child Nutrition Award, organized by Fundación Éxito in Colombia. Using longitudinal data from Niños del Milenio/Young Lives, […]
Tuesday, 2 de July de 2024
Eduardo Zegarra participated in a discussion of the Lima Network of Common Pots (Red de Ollas Comunes de Lima)
Our Senior Researcher Eduardo Zegarra was a speaker at the conference Hunger does not wait. This event, organized by the Red de Ollas Comunes de Lima, seeks to discuss the importance of articulating agricultural policies and food policies with a nutritional approach to ensure the right to food. LIVE BROADCAST Follow the live broadcast on […]
Tuesday, 2 de April de 2024
Impacts of the tax policies in health and nutrition indicators
The study will examine the objectives and design of taxes on tobacco, sugar-sweetened beverages and alcoholic beverages in Peru, focusing on their implementation and impact on relevant health indicators. Building on existing research, it will identify the nature of the health problems associated with the consumption of these products, analyze the health tax policies implemented, […]
Saturday, 30 de March de 2024
Data matching: construction of COVID-19 – related variables for Young Lives Peru
This Technical Note outlines the COVID-19 matched dataset from the Young Lives cohorts in Peru created by the Young Lives team. The matched dataset combines COVID-19 administrative data with the extensive longitudinal data set from the Young Lives study in Peru. The authors document the steps taken to create a set of variables that measure […]
Thursday, 18 de January de 2024
[Call] 2024 Methodological Workshop on the use of data from the Young Lives Longitudinal Study
El taller anual de Niños del Milenio busca brindar las herramientas necesarias para que profesionales, que estén cursando sus maestrías o doctorados, aprendan a usar, descargar y analizar los datos que recolecta el estudio. El principal objetivo es aumentar el interés en la producción de trabajos de investigación con aquellos que desean utilizar los datos de […]
Thursday, 18 de January de 2024
Does early nutrition predict cognitive skills during later childhood? Evidence from two developing countries
The existing evidence linking early undernutrition to educational outcomes in developing countries is largely focused on assessing its impacts on grade attainment and achievement test scores, with limited evidence on the foundational cognitive skills required to perform well at school. We use unique data collected in Ethiopia and Peru as part of the Young Lives […]
Tuesday, 19 de December de 2023
Building safer and more sustainable food systems in Peru
The Covid-19 pandemic has aggravated the food insecurity situation of people living in Latin American cities. In Peru, the most vulnerable are facing great difficulties in accessing food, while food market vendors are also struggling to keep their businesses afloat. Covid-19 Responses for Equity (CORE) partner Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE) – a […]