Niños del Milenio
Comprendiendo el embarazo, la convivencia y el matrimonio en la adolescencia: el caso del Perú
En las encuestas de Niños del Milenio y estadísticas nacionales, 1 de cada 5 mujeres a los 19 años tenía al menos un hijo. Se propone reforzar políticas públicas para postergar el embarazo adolescente: concluir la secundaria, mejorar la educación sexual y promover la autoconfianza.
Understanding teenage fertility, cohabitation, and marriage: the case of Peru
Los autores utilizan información del estudio Niños del Milenio/Young Lives, que sigue a una cohorte de individuos con edades entre los 8 y 19 años para investigar sobre la maternidad adolescente, el matrimonio y la convivencia a edad temprana en Perú. Aunque este análisis no pretende establecer causalidad, la naturaleza longitudinal de los datos permite […]
Psychosocial Competencies and Risky Behaviours in Peru
There is a growing concern about the prevalence of risky behaviours among young people, which ultimately lead to worse outcomes later in life, including lower salaries and worse socio-economic and life outcomes. On the other hand, there is little evidence about the prevalence of these behaviours and their determinants in the context of developing countries. […]
The Impact of the Juntos Conditional Cash Transfer Programme in Peru on Nutritional and Cognitive Outcomes: Does the Age of Exposure Matter?
In this study we revisit the impact of conditional cash transfers (CCTs) on child development, with an emphasis on the role of the age of exposure. We use longitudinal data from a unique paired-siblings sample of Peruvian children (the Young Lives study) to evaluate whether Juntos, a large-scale CCT implemented in Peru since 2005, has […]
Accessing Higher Education in Developing Countries: Panel Data Analysis from India, Peru, and Vietnam
We use unique individual-level panel data from India (Andhra Pradesh), Peru, and Vietnam on a cohort of individuals surveyed from the age of 8 years to 19 years to study factors affecting enrolment in higher-education in these middle-income countries. We document (a) that similar to nationally representative data, the proportion having accessed higher-education at this […]
Education Aspirations among Young People in Peru and their Perceptions of Barriers to Higher Education
Results from the Young Lives survey show the existence of a gap between young people’s aspirations for higher education and their actual chances of accessing this level of education. This paper uses qualitative information from Young Lives in order to gain a deeper understanding of young people’s aspirations as well as their perceptions of the […]
¿La educación preescolar mejora las habilidades cognitivas de los niños desnutridos? Un estudio longitudinal para Perú
En este estudio se usa los datos longitudinales de Niños del Milenio en el Perú para analizar si la asistencia a la educación preescolar tiene efecto sobre las habilidades cognitivas de niños a la edad de 5 años, y si existe alguna interacción con el indicador de la talla para la edad y z-score (Height-for-age Z-score o […]
The Reliability and Validity of Achievement Tests in the Second Young Lives School Survey in Ethiopia
This technical note gives details of the reliability and validity of the assessments used in the second school survey carried out by Young Lives in Ethiopia for the purpose of the construction of test scores on a common scale within each language for maths and reading comprehension. This document give details of the three-parameter model […]
Identificación de predictores del desempeño en la comprensión de textos orales y escritos
Este estudio buscó identificar los predictores de la comprensión lectora para promover políticas públicas a favor de intervenciones tempranas, utilizando la base de datos Niños del Milenio. Se evaluaron las relaciones entre las características de los niños y sus oportunidades; y el desarrollo lingüístico. Se encontró que (1) las características de la madre, el desarrollo […]
Equating Children’s PPVT Scores Across Survey Rounds and Age Cohorts in Peru
Young Lives gathers information from children and families through household and child questionnaires as well as children’s cognitive and achievement tests. The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT) has been used in all survey rounds to date and with both age cohorts. This technical note presents the psychometric analysis performed (using Item Response Theory, IRT) in […]