Capítulos en Libro
La antropología de los recursos naturales
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El modelo extractivo peruano: discursos, políticas y la reproducción de desigualdades sociales
El presente capítulo se divide entre tres secciones. En la primera sección se presentan las características fundamentales del modelo peruano: el discurso extractivista, la política minera, el papel del Estado y el conflicto social. En la segunda sección se analizan las desigualdades económicas, territoriales y culturales que el modelo produce y reproduce. En la tercera […]
¿Cómo incluir a los pueblos indígenas andinos? : avances, desafíos y lecciones aprendidas del otorgamiento de derechos de consulta en el Perú y Bolivia
El artículo se desarrolla a partir de tres temas teóricos y analíticos interrelacionados. En primer lugar la multiculturalidad. Como afirma Kymlicka (1996), la constitución de ciudadanías multiculturales debe seguir los principios procedimentales de la ciudadanía individual, es decir, debe otorgar derechos grupales siempre y cuando no interfieran con los derechos de elección individual. Este desarrollo […]
Laclau’s theory of hegemony: between socio-cultural politics and a political economy of citizenship
Can ‘theory’ teach us anything about Peru? Can ‘Peru’ teach us anything about theory? The chapters in this volume explore these questions by establishing a productive dialogue between Peru and theory. Focusing on institutional weakness and economic, social, gendered, racialized, and other forms of exclusion – key issues in recent social scientific inquiry in Peru […]
Fe y Alegria schools in Peru: analysis of the institutional management and pedagogy model and lessons for public education
Fe y Alegría constitutes an example of a privately managed education system funded on a shared basis. In Peru, schools enjoy high levels of autonomy to set their guidelines and make decisions. Two studies show that Fe y Alegría schools have better internal efficiency and performance indicators than comparable public schools. By using interviews with […]
Educational opportunities and learning outcomes of children in Peru: a longitudinal model
This collection brings together the latest evidence from Young Lives, a unique international study that focuses on children and poverty – particularly how poverty affects their development and their lives as children, and how children and their families respond to poverty. It shows how the persistence of inequality amid general economic growth is leaving some […]
Global citizenship and marginalisation: contributions towards a political economy of global citizenship
This book illustrates the contingency of definitions, the complexities of juxtaposing demands and priorities in different educational contexts, and the difficulties and tensions of asking a question that is arguably one of the most pressing of our time: how should we live together in interdependent ecologies in a finite planet?