Artículos de Revista
Health care utilization among older mexicans: health and socioeconomic inequalities
To examine the determinants of the utilization of health care services among the population of older adults in Mexico. Three types of health care services are analyzed: preventive care, visits to the doctor, and hospitalizations.
Developmental potential in the first 5 years for children in developing countries
Many children younger than 5 years in developing countries are exposed to multiple risks, including poverty, malnutrition, poor health, and unstimulating home environments, which detrimentally affect their cognitive, motor, and social-emotional development.
Land inequality and economic growth: a dynamic panel data approach
The growing body of literature devoted to studying the impact of inequality on economic growth has centered its attention on the income distribution effect, even though the theoretical relationships are more related to assets distribution.
Parenting, Caring and Educating
In this survey of published research we review changing patterns in the structure of the families and identify trends in parenting and caring for today’s generation of primary school children.
Dolarización financiera, el enfoque de portafolio y expectativas: evidencia para América Latina
El objetivo de este documento es probar la relevancia empírica del enfoque de portafolio de varianza mínima (PVM) utilizando información de 15 países de América Latina en el período 1995-2005.
Ethnicity and Earnings in a Mixed-Race Labor Market
The study examines the relationship between earnings and racial differences in a context in which various races have coexisted and mixed during several centuries, as is true in many parts of the postcolonial world and specifically urban Peru. Coarse indicators of racial differences do not suffice in capturing this relationship; therefore, the authors introduce a […]
Health care use among elderly mexicans in the United States and Mexico
The authors sought to contribute to public policy on U.S. immigrants by comparing patterns of health care use among the Mexican-origin population aged 70 and older in the United States and Mexico.
An assessment of propensity score matching as a nonexperimental impact estimator: evidence from Mexico’s PROGRESA Program
Evidence on the reliability of propensity score matching, which estimates treatment effects under the assumption of selection on observables, using a experiment designed to evaluate the PROGRESA program in Mexico.