Artículos de Revista
The homogenization effect of land titling on investment incentives: evidence from Peru
We explored this relationship for a sample of Peruvian farmers who were part of a state-led land titling programme that shared the aforementioned characteristics.
The governance, administration and control of primary education
In this report a detailed description of the current state of educational governance, administration and control will be presented.
Post-structuralism, realism and the question of knowledge in educational sociology: a Derridian critique of social realism in education
This article engages with a current debate in the sociology of educational knowledge which seeks to dispel the alleged relativism of social constructivist influences in education.
Promoting educational reforms in weak states: the case of radical discontinuity in Peru
The present article explores the making of education policies in weak states, particularly in the context of developing nations and in view of the increasing influence of international organisations, such as the World Bank, in definition of education reform agendas
The Mystery of Discrimination in Latin America
In the paper the authors focus on a particular family of studies, namely, wage gaps decompositions. Numerous efforts have focused on documenting earnings differentials between females and males, indigenous and nonindigenous people, or Afro-descendants and whites. As the pieces of the literature that the authors survey in this section show, comparisons of hourly labor earnings (wages […]