Artículos de Revista
Participation in the Juntos Conditional Cash Transfer Program in Peru Is Associated with Changes in Child Anthropometric Status but Not Language Development or School Achievement
It is unclear what effects a conditional cash transfer (CCT) program would have on child anthropometry, language development, or school achievement in the context of the nutrition transition experienced by many low- andmiddle-income countries. In this study the authors estimated the association of participation in Peru’s Juntos CCT with anthropometry, language development, and school achievement […]
Efecto de un suplemento nutricional a base de lípidos en los niveles de hemoglobina e indicadores antropométricos en niños de cinco distritos de Huánuco, Perú
El objetivo de este estudio es determinar el efecto del consumo de un suplemento nutricional a base de lípidos (LNS) sobre los niveles de hemoglobina, anemia e indicadores antropométricos, en niños de seis a once meses de edad de cinco distritos en la provincia de Ambo del departamento de Huánuco, Perú.
The Co-Occurrence of Domestic and Child Violence in Urban Peru: Evidence from Three Regions
Using a unique dataset collected from three regions in Peru (Huancavelica, Lima and Loreto), this study explores the co-occurrence of domestic and child violence within households; that is, the situation where a victim of domestic violence (mother) becomes a perpetrator towards other family members (children) in the same household. Secondly, the study seeks to analyze […]
Participatory Democracy and Effective Policy: Is There a Link? Evidence from Rural Peru
We examine the relationship between participatory democratic institutions and effective agricultural policy in rural Peruvian municipalities, using a unique quantitative dataset of 100 Peruvian municipalities at two points in time, allowing us to examine (a) bottom-up, grassroots participatory governance institutions, and (b) Peru’s top-down participatory budgeting reform implemented in all Peruvian sub-national governments in the […]
One Laptop per Child at Home: Short-Term Impacts from a Randomized Experiment in Peru
This paper presents results from a randomized controlled trial whereby approximately 1,000 OLPC XO laptops were provided for home use to children attending primary schools in Lima, Peru. The intervention increased access and use of home computers, with some substitution away from computer use outside the home. Children randomized to receive laptops scored about 0.8 […]
Business training plus for female entrepreneurship? Short and medium-term experimental evidence from Peru
With millions of women around the developing world thrown into self-employment but with low productivity, increasing the profitability of their businesses is highly relevant for poverty reduction and gender equity. This study evaluates the impacts of a BDS program serving female microentrepreneurs in Lima using an experimental design, that included two treatment groups: One received […]
Inequality in school resources and academic achievement: Evidence from Peru
This paper goes further in the discussion on the determinants of school attainment in developing countries. To properly estimate the effects of school resources on academic achievement, we need to take into account the large geographical inequalities in the distribution of school resources and the supply constraints faced by students living in poor areas. We […]
Extractive industries and local development in the Peruvian Highlands
During the last 20 years, the mining sector in Peru has been experiencing sustained growth. Using census, administrative, nationally and regionally representative data we compare districts in the Peruvian Highlands with a recent mining development with suitable counterfactuals. We find that the new mining activities attract migration inflows, and have some positive effects over educational […]