Publicaciones de Miguel Jaramillo
Improving Health and Education Through CCTs
This brief describes how Latin American countries have used CCTs to improve health and education, the results achieved, and lessons learned for improving health and education in other settings.
The changing role of international cooperation in developing countries (as they develop): A case study of skills development policies in Peru.
A focus on the changes in the relationship between international cooperation and local actors in the skills development field in Peru as the country strengthened its financial position in the last two decades allows us to examine the role of the economic factor in these changes.
Impacto del programa Juntos sobre nutrición temprana
Si bien se evidencian mejoras en los indicadores nutricionales de los niños afiliados al programa Juntos, la pregunta de la investigación es: ¿hasta qué punto estas mejoras serían consecuencia del programa?
Impacto del programa Juntos sobre nutrición temprana
En este trabajo se explora el impacto del programa de transferencias condicionadas Juntos sobre el estado nutricional de niños menores de 5 años.
Designing an Effective CCT
This brief analyses the most important CCT design elements from the Latin American experience: the target population, incentives and conditionalities, and entry and exit rules to help other countries as they make design decisions to adapt CCTs to their own contexts.
Evaluating interventions to reduce maternal mortality: evidence from Peru’s PARSalud programme
This paper evaluates the impact of an intervention oriented to reduce maternal mortality in Peru and takes advantage of both spatial and temporal variation in the implementation of the programme to identify its effects.
Pobreza e impactos heterogéneos de las políticas activas del empleo juvenil: el caso de PROJOVEN en el Perú
Análisis de la relación entre la pobreza de los hogares y los impactos de políticas activas de promoción del empleo en el Perú, en parti