Publicaciones de Educación y aprendizajes
Descentralización, organismos intermedios y equidad educativa: un estudio de casos de las Unidades de Gestión Educativa Local – UGEL
La obra contiene un diagnóstico del estado actual del sistema educativo de Perú, análisis realizado a través de una evaluación de su marco normativo y de los procesos de descentralización.
Young Lives: Peru Round 2 Survey
The initial findings from the second round of data collection in Peru between late 2006 and early 2007. It provides a broad outline of key child poverty indicators, as well as changes that have taken place since the first round of research in 2002.
An Assessment of the Young Lives Sampling Approach in Peru
The objectives of this report are to describe the first round sample and the sampling design of Young Lives in Peru, and to derive appropriate sampling weights needed to use the data.
The governance, administration and control of primary education
In this report a detailed description of the current state of educational governance, administration and control will be presented.
Post-structuralism, realism and the question of knowledge in educational sociology: a Derridian critique of social realism in education
This article engages with a current debate in the sociology of educational knowledge which seeks to dispel the alleged relativism of social constructivist influences in education.
The school governance study
This study analysed the policy and research literature relevant to school governing. It carried out 43 in-depth interviews with key stakeholders, undertook a large scale random on-line survey of over 5000 school governors and elicited the views of 42 headteachers.