
Democracia y gobiernos locales en Estados en desarrollo: ¿cuáles son los efectos de alterar la voluntad de los votantes en favor de los ganadores?

Áreas : Reforma del Estado e instituciones públicas
Investigador/es responsable/s : Miguel Jaramillo,
Tiempo de ejecución:marzo 2016


Electoral rules in Peru grant a majority of seats in the municipal councils to the winning party regardless of the percentage of votes obtained in democratic elections. This means that mayors with as little as 20% or less of the popular vote get the majority of seats in the municipal councils while the opposition parties, which together obtained most of the votes, are relegated to a minority position.

The paper analyzes what are the effects of such a rule on both political and municipal management variables at the district level by comparing indicators of municipalities ran by mayors that did not need said rule to obtain majority in the municipal council with those that would not have had a majority were it not for the rule.