Rural Development and Agriculture
GRADE researchers have a continuing interest in the state of agricultural and livestock production and the impacts of economic policy and reforms on the rural economy in Peru. Studies are carried out into forest economics, the impacts of public infrastructure on the rural economy, the main drivers of private investment, the dynamics of rural employment and migration, and rural financial systems.
Senior Researchers
Javier Escobal D`Angelo
PhD en Economic Development - Wageningen University
Javier holds a PhD in Economic Development from Wageningen University, in the Netherlands, and a Master’s degree from New York University, where he also carried out doctoral studies in Economics. He is currently a Senior Researcher at GRADE. He is also Co-Researcher in the Young Lives/Niños del Milenio longitudinal study, which follows more than 2000 children during the […]
Ricardo Fort Meyer
PhD en Economic Development - Wageningen University
Ricardo Fort is an economist with a Master in Applied Economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a PhD in Economic Development from Wageningen University in the Netherlands. He currently works as a Senior Researcher at the Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE), where he works on projects related to the economic development of […]
Manuel Glave Testino
PhD en Economics - University of Illinois en Champaign
Manuel Glave has a PhD in Economics from the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. He is a Senior Researcher at GRADE where he specialises in rural development, environmental economics and natural resources, and where he undertakes analysis of public policy relating to agriculture and the environment. He is a Senior Professor in the Department of […]
Eduardo Zegarra Méndez
PhD en Agricultural and Applied Economics - University of Wisconsin
Eduardo Zegarra is an economist from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and has a PhD in Agricultural and Applied Economics from the University of Wisconsin, specializing in rural development and natural resource management. His dissertation explores the workings and failures of the water market in Chile. He has researched and published on a wide […]
Adjunct Researchers
Elena Borasino Deustua
Master en - Wageningen University
Elena holds a master’s degree in International Development with mention in Development Economics from Wageningen University. Currently she is an Adjunct Researcher at GRADE.
Mauricio Espinoza Hermoza
PhD candidate en - Wageningen University & Reseach
Mauricio is an Adjunct Researcher at GRADE. He holds a master’s degree in Agriculture, Environment and Regional Economics from Pennsylvania State University and a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. He is currently a PhD candidate in Economic Development at Wageningen University & Reseach in the Netherlands. His areas of […]
External Affiliated Researchers
Carmen Ponce San Román
PhD en Economics - Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
Carmen Ponce is an External Affiliated Researcher at GRADE and is currently affiliated as Visiting Researcher at the Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean at York University (Toronto, Canada). She has a Ph.D. in Economics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and a MSc. In Economics from the University of Texas […]
Infraestructura rural mínima para prosperar
2019 Ricardo Fort
This paper aims to discuss the main elements of a proposal for minimum or indispensable coverage of rural infrastructure to contribute to the prosperity of rural households in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Auge agroexportador en el Perú: un análisis de sobrevivencia de productos y empresas
2019 Eduardo Zegarra
This study presents a survival analysis for products and firms in the agroexport boom of Peru in the last three decades. The main goal is to identify explanatory factors which can be useful for public policies. The findings support strategies of scaling up and diversifying export markets, with a promotion role for the State in […]
Using a co-occurrence index to capture crop tolerance to climate variability: a case study of Peruvian farmers
2018 Carmen Ponce, Carlos Alberto Arnillas
Peruvian small farmers in the Andes mountain region have historically faced wide climate variability (from year to year and within the crop growing season). Traditional knowledge and practices, including crop portfolio diversification and selection of tolerant crops, aim at safeguarding food security even in “bad” years when climate- or market-related risks materialize. In spite of this […]
Revisiting the determinants of non-farm income in the Peruvian Andes in a context of intraseasonal climate variability and spatially widespread family networks
2018 Carmen Ponce
Non-farm income sources are increasingly important in the developing world, representing up to 50 percent of average rural household income. Although there is a vast literature on the determinants of rural households’ strategies for income diversification, two factors associated with long-term transformations and common to many developing countries, have not yet been integrated into the […]
De La Parada al Mercado Mayorista de Santa Anita: efectos sobre los márgenes, competitividad y eficiencia de la cadena de producción y comercialización de la papa
Sepia XVII. Perú: el problema agrario en debate2018 Javier Escobal, Carmen Armas
Con el objetivo de enfrentar los problemas de inseguridad, insalubridad y tugurización del mercado mayorista de Lima La Parada, la administración de la Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima reubicó a los comerciantes en el Gran Mercado Mayorista de Lima, en Santa Anita, el que fue formalmente inaugurado en septiembre del 2012. El objetivo de este estudio […]
El potencial de generación de empleo de la agricultura peruana
1999Miguel Jaramillo,
El presente trabajo evalúa el potencial de contribución del sector agrícola en términos de generación de nuevos empleos en la próxima década.
The returns to health for peruvian urban adults: differentials across gender. The life cycle and the wage distribution
1999Martin Valdivia, ,
This report shows evidence about determinants of health status for urban adults and their effects on productivity.
Los activos de los pobres en el Perú
1998Javier Escobal, Maximo Torero,
Tanto la distribución del ingreso como los niveles de pobreza han registrado importantes modificaciones a lo largo de las últimas cuatro décadas en el Perú. .
Liberalización comercial e industria manufacturera en el Perú
Uno de los principales temores sobre la apertura del comercio exterior es que genere una pérdida masiva de empleos y una virtual desaparición de la industria competitiva con las importaciones.
JournalWorld Development
Participatory Democracy and Effective Policy: Is There a Link? Evidence from Rural Peru
2015Miguel Jaramillo, ,
We examine the relationship between participatory democratic institutions and effective agricultural policy in rural Peruvian municipalities, using a unique quantitative dataset of 100 Peruvian municipalities at two points in time, allowing us to examine (a) bottom-up, grassroots participatory governance institutions, and (b) Peru’s top-down participatory budgeting reform implemented in all Peruvian sub-national governments in the […]
JournalEnvironment and Development Economics
Extractive industries and local development in the Peruvian Highlands
2015, Javier Escobal,
During the last 20 years, the mining sector in Peru has been experiencing sustained growth. Using census, administrative, nationally and regionally representative data we compare districts in the Peruvian Highlands with a recent mining development with suitable counterfactuals. We find that the new mining activities attract migration inflows, and have some positive effects over educational […]
JournalDevelopment Policy Review
Places for Place-Based Policy
2014, , , Javier Escobal,
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
JournalInternational Journal of Social Research Methodology
PDAs in socio-economic surveys: instrument bias, surveyor bias or both?
2013Javier Escobal,
Políticas de inversión pública y su impacto sobre el desarrollo rural: estrategias y mecanismos de implementación en la última década
Perú: el problema agrario en debate. Sepia XV2014Ricardo Fort,
Infraestructura en la Amazonía peruana: una propuesta para proyectar cambios en la cobertura boscosa en la carretera Pucallpa-Cruzeiro do Sul
Amazonía peruana y desarrollo económico2014Manuel Glave,
Seguridad alimentaria y shocks negativos en el Perú rural
Dinámicas territoriales rurales; seguridad alimentaria; desafíos ambientales2012, ,
Compilación de las Mimeos presentadas en la Conferencia SEPIA XIV organizada por el Seminario Permanente de Investigación Agraria (SEPIA) en la ciudad de Piura del 23 al 26 Agosto del 2011.
La ciudad se acerca: un estudio de las dinámicas y estrategias de la comunidad campesina Uñas ante la expansión urbana de Huancayo
Dinámicas territoriales rurales; seguridad alimentaria; desafíos ambientales2012,
Compilación de las Mimeos presentadas en la Conferencia SEPIA XIV organizada por el Seminario Permanente de Investigación Agraria (SEPIA) en la ciudad de Piura del 23 al 26 Agosto del 2011.
Una mirada de largo plazo a la economía campesina en los Andes
Desarrollo rural y recursos naturales2012Carmen Ponce, Javier Escobal,
Se muestra la evolución de las economías en Pomacanchi y Yanamarca -denominadas originalmente por Daniel Cotlear como "tradicional" y "moderna")- en las últimas dos décadas y qué rol ha tenido la política pública, tanto aquella que es común a ambas zonas -como el cambio de los precios relativos- como aquella que es particular a cada territorio.
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Rural Development and Agriculture en la categoría Policy brief
The constitution of political actors: peasant communities, mining and mobilization in Bolivian and Peruvian Andes
2008Gerardo Damonte,
The processes through which Andean communities have constituted themselves as political actors in the last decade: how they have appropriated and created spaces for mobilization while gaining unexpected political agency in t
Outsiders?: The Changing Patterns of Exclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean
This report raises a number of fundamental questions about the multidimensional and interrelated nature of social exclusion and moves beyond the traditional emphasis on outcomes and groups to view exclusion as a process that results from societal traits that limit the functionings of the excluded. Using the tools of experimental economics, the report shows the […]
Investigación, políticas y desarrollo en el Perú
2007Eduardo Zegarra, Javier Escobal, Carmen Ponce, Juana Kuramoto, Manuel Glave, Lorena Alcazar, Miguel Jaramillo, , Juan Jose Diaz, , Maximo Torero, Santiago Cueto, Martín Benavides, Juan Leon, Martin Valdivia, Nestor Valdivia,
Este libro recoge las Mimeos presentadas en la conferencia Investigación, políticas y desarrollo, realidad en el marco del 25 aniversario del Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo.
Property rights after market liberalization reforms: land titling and investments in rural Peru
2007Ricardo Fort,
This study discusses the links between land access, property rights, and economic development, analyzing the results and limitations of a public intervention- Land Titling and Registration- that constitutes one of the main instruments for contemporary land policy in P
Reformas estructurales y bienestar: una mirada al Perú de los noventa
Se discute la experiencias de la última década y se da una mirada crítica a algunos aspectos de lo acontecido con las reformas económicas y sociales de primera generación durante los noventas.
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Rural Development and Agriculture en la categoría Mimeo
- Support for research and discussion on CENAGRO-based policiesMarch 2014
- Agricultural value chains in PeruMarch 2014 - July 2014
- Elaboration of indicators for public agriculture policy based on the 2012 Agriculture CensusOctober 2013 - December 2013
- Impacts of public rural investment in the development of regions and population well-being levels (2002-2012)October 2013 - February 2014
- Evaluation of the Agrarian Competitiveness Program – IADBMay 2013 - June 2013
- Learning about the complementarities of conditional cash transfer programs and productive support programs for rural households in poverty situationNovember 2012 - October 2014
- Experiments to understand readiness for technological innovation in rural areas McGill-GRADEJuly 2011 - November 2014
- Formulation of an effective support policy for the Agricultural Sector in South AmericaJune 2011 - December 2011
- Comparative Study of public interventions for rural development in the Peruvian AndesJune 2011 - May 2012
- Systematization and capitalization of the experience of COSUDE-Perú. Productive chains. Knowledge management for a responsible retirement.February 2011 - March 2011
Eduardo Zegarra in RPP Noticias: “The most serious issue is that a subsidy is being managed without a complete registry”
October 23, 2022 Rural development and agriculture
“The register is incomplete. Midagri states that only 35% of the country’s farmers are registered. We have a serious issue, because it is a mechanism that is supposed to reach all farmers. In addition, the Comptroller’s Office has reviewed the first version and has found inconsistencies: underage people, farmers who do not belong to it, […]
The agrarian crisis and Castillo’s goverment, by Eduardo Zegarra
September 19, 2022 Rural development and agriculture
“The announced second agrarian reform, initially thought of as a proposal for profound changes in the way of governing to guide comprehensive policies and budget resources towards the forgotten family farming, has become a slogan almost devoid of any concrete content”. Our Senior Researcher Eduardo Zegarra writes about the agrarian crisis and the challenges facing the new minister of agriculture Jenny Ocampo. […]
Eduardo Zegarra shares his opinion on the delay in the purchase of fertilizers. Via RPP News
September 14, 2022 Rural development and agriculture
“The big campaign starts in August until December. Approximately 70% of the so-called transitory crops are sown, which require a crucial first fertilization in the first three months. Unfortunately, we are about to lose this opportunity. that this will lead to a drop in production in several crops, which will generate inflationary pressure on food […]
Eduardo Zegarra shares his opinion in Exitosa about the delay of fertilizers and Fertibono
September 1, 2022 Rural development and agriculture
“The Fertibono is a monetary transfer for the balance of the amount that is not going to be spent on the purchase of urea. A fairly small amount where a fixed amount of money is going to be given to farmers in a register and it is not going to have more relationship with whether […]
Eduardo Zegarra on the stagnation of fertilizer purchases: “The first negative effect is on the producer”
August 25, 2022 Rural development and agriculture
“The first negative effect is on the producer with the sharp rise in costs and the drop in income (…) It is complex to predict the possible impact, but a lower supply generates inflationary pressure.” Our senior researcher Eduardo Zegarra shares his opinion on the impacts of the delay of the purchase of fertilizers on the economy of […]
Eduardo Zegarra joined a session on proposals for the economic crisis held by congressmen Flor Pablo and Carlos Anderson
20/04/2022 9:00 am - 11:00 am Facebook de Flor Pablo y Carlos Anderson Rural development and agriculture, Health and nutrition
“There is no government structure and institutions that allow coherent responses and strategies to be coordinated in the face of food insecurity. This crisis has worsened over the last two months, where the prices of imported food have skyrocketed again. […] Peru it has not developed a capacity to meet its basic food needs and […]
Eduardo Zegarra was a discussant of a Midis research on food security in pandemic
23/02/2022 4:00 pm Zoom y Facebook del Midis Rural development and agriculture
Our Senior Researcher Eduardo Zegarra was a discussant of the research findings from the study “Peru: An Evaluation of Food Security facing Emergencies (ESAE), 2021”, undertook by the General Direction of Monitoring and Evaluation at the Minister of Development and Social Inclusion of Peru. Watch the evento here.
GRADE in the virtual seminar SEPIA XIX Puerto Maldonado 2021
06/12/2021 → 10/12/2021 Zoom de SEPIA Rural development and agriculture, Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
Investigadores, asistentes de investigación y consultores de GRADE participarán en el seminario SEPIA XIX Puerto Maldonado 2021 Virtual, organizado por el Seminario Permanente de Investigación Agraria (Sepia). Tres temas articulan el evento bienal, que combinan a su vez diversas temáticas: 1) las dinámicas andino-amazónicas, la conectividad y las transiciones de los sistemas socio ecológicos; 2) las trayectorias […]
Ricardo Fort will be a speaker at the XXVII National Congress of Economists in Peru 2021
25/11/2021 → 27/11/2021 Web del CONEP Rural development and agriculture
Our Senior Researcher Ricardo Fort will be one of the speakers at the XXVII National Congress of Economists of Peru 2021: Peruvian Economy, challenges and prospects for 2050, organized by the Cusco College of Economists. Through five thematic axes, the event aims to generate in social leaders, citizens, public opinion and government agents a space […]
Ricardo Fort was a panelist at the launch of the new Satellital Atlas of National Agricultural Surface
20/08/2021 11:00 am YouTube del Midagri Rural development and agriculture
“Today we have a tool in Peru that allows us to better align the entire information system. It allows other perspectives in terms of opportunities for rural development, including land use planning in urban areas, which is essential for generating information and making better public policy decisions”. Ricardo Fort, Senior Researcher at GRADE, joined the launch of […]
- Education and Learning
- Employment, Productivity and Innovation
- Rural Development and Agriculture
- Ethnicity, Gender and Citizenship
- Methodologies for Research and Evaluation of Policy and Programmes
- Poverty and Equity
- Natural Resources, Extractive Industries and Social Conflict
- State Reform and Public Institutions
- Health and Nutrition
- Urbanization and Sustainable Cities