Rural Development and Agriculture
GRADE researchers have a continuing interest in the state of agricultural and livestock production and the impacts of economic policy and reforms on the rural economy in Peru. Studies are carried out into forest economics, the impacts of public infrastructure on the rural economy, the main drivers of private investment, the dynamics of rural employment and migration, and rural financial systems.
Senior Researchers
Javier Escobal D`Angelo
PhD en Economic Development - Wageningen University
Javier holds a PhD in Economic Development from Wageningen University, in the Netherlands, and a Master’s degree from New York University, where he also carried out doctoral studies in Economics. He is currently a Senior Researcher at GRADE. He is also Co-Researcher in the Young Lives/Niños del Milenio longitudinal study, which follows more than 2000 children during the […]
Ricardo Fort Meyer
PhD en Economic Development - Wageningen University
Ricardo Fort is an economist with a Master in Applied Economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a PhD in Economic Development from Wageningen University in the Netherlands. He currently works as a Senior Researcher at the Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE), where he works on projects related to the economic development of […]
Manuel Glave Testino
PhD en Economics - University of Illinois en Champaign
Manuel Glave has a PhD in Economics from the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. He is a Senior Researcher at GRADE where he specialises in rural development, environmental economics and natural resources, and where he undertakes analysis of public policy relating to agriculture and the environment. He is a Senior Professor in the Department of […]
Eduardo Zegarra Méndez
PhD en Agricultural and Applied Economics - University of Wisconsin
Eduardo Zegarra is an economist from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and has a PhD in Agricultural and Applied Economics from the University of Wisconsin, specializing in rural development and natural resource management. His dissertation explores the workings and failures of the water market in Chile. He has researched and published on a wide […]
Adjunct Researchers
Elena Borasino Deustua
Master en - Wageningen University
Elena holds a master’s degree in International Development with mention in Development Economics from Wageningen University. Currently she is an Adjunct Researcher at GRADE.
Mauricio Espinoza Hermoza
PhD candidate en - Wageningen University & Reseach
Mauricio is an Adjunct Researcher at GRADE. He holds a master’s degree in Agriculture, Environment and Regional Economics from Pennsylvania State University and a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. He is currently a PhD candidate in Economic Development at Wageningen University & Reseach in the Netherlands. His areas of […]
External Affiliated Researchers
Carmen Ponce San Román
PhD en Economics - Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
Carmen Ponce is an External Affiliated Researcher at GRADE and is currently affiliated as Visiting Researcher at the Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean at York University (Toronto, Canada). She has a Ph.D. in Economics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and a MSc. In Economics from the University of Texas […]
Inclusión social: diálogos entre la investigación y las políticas públicas
2014 Martín Benavides, Miguel Jaramillo, Santiago Cueto, Gabriela Guerrero, Juan Leon, Nestor Valdivia, Lorena Alcazar, Manuel Glave, Maria Balarin, Juan Jose Diaz, Juana Kuramoto, Gerardo Damonte
Esta publicación recoge el espíritu del seminario internacional "Cambios Institucionales para un Estado más Inclusivo" (julio de 2012), y apunta a lo más relevante y valioso de cada exposición, intervención y comentario.
JournalDevelopment Policy Review
Places for Place-Based Policy
2014 M. Rose Olfert, Mark Patridge, Julio Berdegué, Javier Escobal
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JournalInternational Journal of Social Research Methodology
PDAs in socio-economic surveys: instrument bias, surveyor bias or both?
2013 Javier Escobal, Sara Benites
Improving Environmental Management of Extractives through Environmental Impact Assessments
2013 Gerardo Damonte
The Brief focuses on three particularly noteworthy innovations implemented in Peru: mine closure plans; regulation and approval mechanisms; and citizen participation.
Estrategias de intervención para el desarrollo rural en la Sierra sur del Perú: un estudio comparativo
2012 Javier Escobal, Carmen Ponce, Ramón Pajuelo, Mauricio Espinoza
Aportes para la construcción de un sistema de aprendizaje de las experiencias de desarrollo rural a partir de la comparación de dos proyectos para mejorar las condiciones de vida de la población rural pobre de la Sierra: Sierra Sur y Sierra Productiva
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Eduardo Zegarra explains the Agrarian Law, its benefits and the problems of its special labor regime
June 19, 2018 Rural development and agriculture
What is the Law for the Promotion of the Agrarian Sector or Agrarian Law? What worked and what did not? Eduardo Zegarra, senior researcher at GRADE, explained in Ideeleradio its benefits and problems for which, he thinks, it must be reformed: “The labor regime of the law can not remain as the special one. The fundamental labor […]
Eduardo Zegarra: the Agrarian Law did not mean a significant advance in the reduction of poverty
June 19, 2018 Rural development and agriculture
According to our senior researcher, Eduardo Zegarra, the Agrarian Law does not contribute significantly to the reduction of poverty in coastal areas of Peru. He said in La República: “There is no evidence that conditions in agro-export areas have improved more than in others that do not have the activity.” He also said that the special […]
Miguel Jaramillo shared in Ideeleradio conclusions of GRADE’s Territories and Development International Conference
June 13, 2018 Rural development and agriculture, Employment, productivity and innovation, State reform and public institutions
Miguel Jaramillo, executive director at GRADE, spoke with Glatzer Tuesta, host of No hay derecho (Not fair) of Ideeleradio, on the regulation of the labor market in Peru, and shared some conclusions of our Territories and Development International Conference, held last week. Miguel spoke about the need for policies for the rural sector to respond to a […]
Cusco: Ricardo Fort joined the World Potato Congress 2018
May 31, 2018 Rural development and agriculture
Our senior researcher, Ricardo Fort, joined yesterday the World Potato Congress 2018, in Cusco. Ricardo discussed strategies to improve small farmers participation in value chains. Good morning everyone! We’re beginning the day with a talk by Ricardo Fort of @GRADEPeru discussing barriers in Peru for small farmers to enter value chains incl. distance to markets, […]
Eduardo Zegarra: “The coast should not produce potatoes in the most expensive and irrigated lands in Peru, and maybe neither quinoa”
March 6, 2018 Rural development and agriculture
Was overproduction the trigger for the collapse of potato prices? Eduardo Zegarra, principal investigator of GRADE, said in the Agrarian News Agency that the problem was that some valleys of the coast produced excessively between December and February, leaving the central highlands almost without market and at the time when its producers entered with the tuber.
Javier Escobal será comentarista del libro “Miradas cruzadas: políticas públicas y desarrollo regional en el Perú”, publicado por el IEP y CIPCA
19/09/2013 6:00 pm IEP (Horacio Urteaga 694, Jesús María) Rural development and agriculture
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Investigadores de GRADE participarán en Seminario SEPIA XV en Chachapoyas
20/08/2013 → 22/08/2013 Campus de la Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza Rural development and agriculture
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MINAM, SEPIA, IEP y GRADE coorganizarán el Seminario Internacional “Sistemas de información para el monitoreo de la deforestación en la Amazonía peruana”
18/07/2013 6:00 pm Auditorio de GRADE (Av. Almirante Grau 915, Barranco) Rural development and agriculture, Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
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Javier Escobal participará de la Semana Internacional de la Agricultura 2013 en el marco de los 70 años del Minag
07/05/2013 → 09/05/2013 Rural development and agriculture
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Presentación de las conclusiones del “Seminario de Escalamiento de Innovaciones Rurales” coorganizada por el IEP, SEPIA y GRADE
05/03/2013 6:00 pm Auditorio de GRADE (Av. Almirante Grau 915, Barranco) Rural development and agriculture
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- Education and Learning
- Employment, Productivity and Innovation
- Rural Development and Agriculture
- Ethnicity, Gender and Citizenship
- Methodologies for Research and Evaluation of Policy and Programmes
- Poverty and Equity
- Natural Resources, Extractive Industries and Social Conflict
- State Reform and Public Institutions
- Health and Nutrition
- Urbanization and Sustainable Cities